Rant VIII: The Reckoning

Hah, I told him as much in PM, that there needs to be a Discount Tire location opening up in WV, because of their road hazard warranty.
I love discount tires because of that warranty! And most people around here wait till the warranty is almost up then pop their tires to get them replaces lol
I really wish there was something I could do about idiot teenagers who drive by and scream at me while I'm biking. I was startled so much, I nearly lost control. It was the passenger who screamed, I know that much. And it was a car full of his friends.

What I really wish I could do is kicking the living shit out of them. Or at the very least, smash a rearview mirror and tell the driver, "Next time, keep your asshole friend in check."

Not that I'd actually do that, of course, but cripes, it's tempting. At the very least, I would have loved if they'd hit a red light right after that, so I could pull up and have a "chat" with them.
I really wish there was something I could do about idiot teenagers who drive by and scream at me while I'm biking. I was startled so much, I nearly lost control. It was the passenger who screamed, I know that much. And it was a car full of his friends.

What I really wish I could do is kicking the living shit out of them. Or at the very least, smash a rearview mirror and tell the driver, "Next time, keep your asshole friend in check."

Not that I'd actually do that, of course, but cripes, it's tempting. At the very least, I would have loved if they'd hit a red light right after that, so I could pull up and have a "chat" with them.
I had a church bus squeeze me once on a two lane road. He did not even wait for the one car to clear the oncoming lane. He was about an inch off of my handlebar. I did feel a little bad about banging on the side of the bus, cussing and flipping the bird at a bunch of Sunday school kids. No, I take that back, I did not feel bad at all.
I want to carry a crowbar for times like that. When cycling, and pedestrying.
I want to carry a 50-cal anti-materiel rifle for such situations.

Man, imagine being in that car and glancing in the rearview mirror, and seeing Nick calmly setting up a Barrett M95.
Lightning destroyed my dsl router and my plex server. Dsl router is easily replaced by the phone company. Plex server not so much. My guess is it's gone for good.
I want to carry a 50-cal anti-materiel rifle for such situations.

Man, imagine being in that car and glancing in the rearview mirror, and seeing Nick calmly setting up a Barrett M95.
I've been playing too much Arkham Knight, but I'm suddenly picturing myself calling the Batmobile and seeing them freak out like the thugs that freak out seeing Batman chase them.
So an interesting, possible employment came up for me.

My brother-in-law is friends with a recruiter who has a job opening. It's a warehouse job, working with specialty wood (the kind you don't get at Home Depot; he mentioned bamboo at one point). I'd be working as a forklift operator and other things, like a planer (shaping the wood for customers). It's a small warehouse and I'd be working with three other guys. It's a jeans/t-shirt/steel toed boots kind of job. Definitely not the kind of job I've ever had before or imagined I'd be doing.

However, it's also $17 an hour starting. I did the math and that's roughly $30,000 a year, which is more than I've ever made anywhere. It's 8-4, Monday to Friday. And they're looking for someone to be part of the family for a long-term investment. Basically, a 15-20 year (or longer) kind of job.

It sounds like an amazing job, the kind that I could only hope for with my background.

But...I've also just now put serious thought into returning to school. Like, serious thought where I picture myself doing something. Except that's something I don't even know will pan out for me. This sounds like a stable, consistent, regular job. I could pay off my student loan. I could finally move out. Hell, I could help support the girlfriend and her son if we were to finally move in together.

Gahhhhhh. I don't know. I have an interview next Tuesday with the recruiter. I was completely open and upfront with him about my lack of experience and thoughts about going back to school. I was fully honest with him that the school thing is just a thought right now, not serious planning.
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Night school? I mean, having stable consistent hours is great for schooling on the side, plus you do need to make headway into getting back into your own place again for your own sake, if I recall correctly.
It sounds like the sort of job that will become boring in a few years.
But this might be offset by the independence you gain by living on your own.
Also possibly health insurance so you can get reduced price counseling/meds?

I fifteenth the notion that you should take the job.

Also, don't get caught in other people's expectations or wants. They may want someone to be "part of the family" for 15-20 years. Sure, that does mean you shouldn't skip out after 3 months.But it also doesn't mean you have to stay for 15+ years, either. It's perfectly acceptable to leave after 4 or 5 years if you want another challenge, get a better offer, need to move, whatever.

Standing on your own, having a job, having a steady schedule, are all great things. Having a (fairly) regular day job can give a LOT of freedom and energy to do other things - hobbies, family life, what have you. Being out of your parents' place again would no doubt do you good, too.
I'd try for the job, too, and don't mention the school part to the recruiter. Since it isn't set in stone, you don't want them to think you're not fully invested in this opportunity. Like others have said, if you find it doesn't work out, you don't have to stay. Agree with school being able to be completed through nights/online. A steady income and a place of your own would be much better for you right now.
I can tell you this much, as someone going to school at an older (read: not 18-20) age, if I were offered a job of that nature I'd jump at the chance. School's been such a meandering, pointless ride for me I don't even know why I bother.
Sounds expensive and soul-crushing, bro.
Well, thankfully my mom's part of the VA so I get my tuition waived. The main issue is what I really wanted to do with my life is basically a dead medium (animation), and I didn't have much interest in moving to 3D/Flash/etc. My art skills have completely eroded thanks to years of depression keeping me from getting back to it, so now I'm doing General Ed junk to move to a 4-year college, but with no real idea what I want to major in.
My back pain is excruciating today. I was going to cook soup but stand over the counter and chopping makes the stiffness even worse. I just want to pull out my spine and be done with it.