Rant VIII: The Reckoning


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Heading back to the doctor today to get the leg looked at. If the swelling has gone down then that's...uh...swell. If not, I may have to have it surgically drained. If that happens a lot of stuff goes kaboom. This weekend goes thusly:
  • Friday - Improv show
  • Saturday - DJ Wedding dance
  • Sunday - Start driving to Chicago
  • Monday - Chicago show for IHG
  • Tuesday - Drive home from Chicago
If I have to go under the knife I don't know how any of these events go off. It'll be a disaster.
Break a leg!


Staff member
Well, I'm back from the doctor and while bad things happened (which shall be named "My Rant") I will not need surgery.

Now to My Rant. I told you all what abrading was and how much it sucked. Today when I went in it was to remove the compression wrap they'd put on me.

2015-06-11 14.07.33.jpg

What you are looking at there is medicated gauze, a cooling wrap, and (yes) a nylon stocking. I felt very pretty. When putting it on me I inquired as to whether or not I would need to bathe to get it off and they replied, "Oh, this stuff is made not to stick. It might pull a little, but nothing bad." Fucking liars.

I go in today and I'd bled/seeped through half of it. They put some water on it and then without further ado, ripped the fucker right off!! This includes the entire wound of scabbing. I thought the abrading hurt? That was nothing. Just think of a scab the entire length of you leg being ripped off at once, because that's exactly what it was.

Fuckers are off my Christmas card list, I'll tell you what.
Ok, so recently had my wedding & honeymoon, so what am I doing in the rant thread one might wonder.

Well, I'll tell you why. My wife, Dill, was fired from her job 2 days before our wedding. This included terminating her insurance. We did not find out about this until after we got back from the honeymoon, of course, because we had our mail stopped while we were gone.

Oh, did I mention that first day of our honeymoon at Disney, Dill slipped and sprained her ankle in Magic Kingdom? We went to the hospital in an ambulance because she couldn't walk. We didn't know at the time that she didn't have any insurance. Everyone at her job knew she was going to be gone during this time. She had set an email notification explicitly stating that she would be gone to wedding & honeymoon.

The reason for termination given was that she had missed too many days this year due to medical issues. This is bullshit of the HIGHEST order since she has been out for a good while on the orders of their worker's comp doctor. She has had some other issues, but we had already set up a date for her to go back into work. They stated that this was not good enough and that her coming back with "light duties" was unreasonable. This, despite the fact that she had been on light duties before and it was never a problem. She had hurt her back and so were required to see their doctor. We did and every time we went, we were completely honest with him and he kept recommending she be out.

We are in the process of filing a grievance. We went and picked up Dill's stuff and the HR lady escorting her around was absolutely terrified of her.

How they can justify firing someone who was out on worker's comp AND just prior to their wedding/honeymoon is beyond me. It just screams retaliatory to me, but maybe I am biased.


Staff member
Ok, so recently had my wedding & honeymoon, so what am I doing in the rant thread one might wonder.

Well, I'll tell you why. My wife, Dill, was fired from her job 2 days before our wedding. This included terminating her insurance. We did not find out about this until after we got back from the honeymoon, of course, because we had our mail stopped while we were gone.

Oh, did I mention that first day of our honeymoon at Disney, Dill slipped and sprained her ankle in Magic Kingdom? We went to the hospital in an ambulance because she couldn't walk. We didn't know at the time that she didn't have any insurance. Everyone at her job knew she was going to be gone during this time. She had set an email notification explicitly stating that she would be gone to wedding & honeymoon.

The reason for termination given was that she had missed too many days this year due to medical issues. This is bullshit of the HIGHEST order since she has been out for a good while on the orders of their worker's comp doctor. She has had some other issues, but we had already set up a date for her to go back into work. They stated that this was not good enough and that her coming back with "light duties" was unreasonable. This, despite the fact that she had been on light duties before and it was never a problem. She had hurt her back and so were required to see their doctor. We did and every time we went, we were completely honest with him and he kept recommending she be out.

We are in the process of filing a grievance. We went and picked up Dill's stuff and the HR lady escorting her around was absolutely terrified of her.

How they can justify firing someone who was out on worker's comp AND just prior to their wedding/honeymoon is beyond me. It just screams retaliatory to me, but maybe I am biased.
Same thing happened to my wife. She was sick and they sent her home so that she didn't get anyone else sick...they fired her for being absent during her probationary period.

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We interviewed 10 people today at work and while we had some great candidates, we had some complete hot messes. I can't even rant coherently yet....to quote one of them today "it goes beyond words". I nearly smacked one of them and I'm not sure that I would have felt bad about doing so.

I can't even really drink on this medication so I bought a new hoody.
Ok, so recently had my wedding & honeymoon, so what am I doing in the rant thread one might wonder.

Well, I'll tell you why. My wife, Dill, was fired from her job 2 days before our wedding. This included terminating her insurance. We did not find out about this until after we got back from the honeymoon, of course, because we had our mail stopped while we were gone.

Oh, did I mention that first day of our honeymoon at Disney, Dill slipped and sprained her ankle in Magic Kingdom? We went to the hospital in an ambulance because she couldn't walk. We didn't know at the time that she didn't have any insurance. Everyone at her job knew she was going to be gone during this time. She had set an email notification explicitly stating that she would be gone to wedding & honeymoon.

The reason for termination given was that she had missed too many days this year due to medical issues. This is bullshit of the HIGHEST order since she has been out for a good while on the orders of their worker's comp doctor. She has had some other issues, but we had already set up a date for her to go back into work. They stated that this was not good enough and that her coming back with "light duties" was unreasonable. This, despite the fact that she had been on light duties before and it was never a problem. She had hurt her back and so were required to see their doctor. We did and every time we went, we were completely honest with him and he kept recommending she be out.

We are in the process of filing a grievance. We went and picked up Dill's stuff and the HR lady escorting her around was absolutely terrified of her.

How they can justify firing someone who was out on worker's comp AND just prior to their wedding/honeymoon is beyond me. It just screams retaliatory to me, but maybe I am biased.
That shouldn't be allowed. I know in Canada that once the WCB is involved any and all orders to stay off work must be respected and the person's job held for them. I mean the whole reason that the WCB is involved in the first pace is that she was injured at work.

Does she still have WCB rep that she can call that's independent from the company?


Staff member
What's extreme is how we treat any that manage to sneak into the country.
It always makes me chuff indignantly how the US has the most lax immigration policy/treatment of illegals around, especially compared to Mexico and other Central American countries, but we get all the grief about how heartless and unfair we are about trying to enforce our own borders/immigration policy.
. . . I was providing an opening for someone to make a joke about Canadian politeness, something along the lines of not saying sorry when they step on our toes.

Or maybe that extreme measures in this case would be to send them back to that hellhole they came from. ;)


Staff member
Just got a call that my father went to the ER. Two coronary arteries 99% blocked. They cleared one, but are waiting on the other.

This also reminds me of what an untapped genius my father is. He dropped out in 8th grade, and had crappy parents. But he called exactly this diagnosis several years ago, even though a few doctors told him he was fine. He was at the point where he was pushing back against the diagnoses, and had a stress test scheduled for Friday. I guess they can cancel that now.

He seems to be doing okay for now. I hope this helps him out. My parents had me young, so my dad's not old. I'd hate to see something like this hold him down.


Staff member
Well I called and talked to the old man. He went in on his own and demanded they do something is the story he's telling. There was no big event other than feeling crappier than usual.[DOUBLEPOST=1435099478,1435099402][/DOUBLEPOST]He must've felt bad because my father hates doctors. He distrusts them I should say. So he must've really been hurting to go in.



Sorry a bit of a whiny post incoming.

Lately I have been super depressed and while I have always been depressed and have gone through rough patches it seems to be getting really bad. For as long as I can remember I don't have a day go by that I don't wish I was dead or didn't exist and I barely remember what it feels like to be happy. I can't feel the weight of anyone or anything and I can't even feel the weight of my life, it's like nothing even matters anymore. Despite my wishing to not exist my stance on not committing suicide has been strong but lately I feel like I am getting weaker and I am starting to get worried that my determination to live won't last much longer. My thoughts are starting to scare me and I don't like to spend time alone with my thoughts. I feel like I am drowning and I am scared. I am planning on seeing a therapist (for a bunch of other stuff as well) but I am scared and having a hard time getting myself to make the phone call and keep coming up with reasons not to but I know it's only making it worse by prolonging it. I have managed to mention it to a few online friends and it helped just to let someone know but I haven't been able to bring myself to tell anyone who is close to me and I am getting scared. :(
Sorry a bit of a whiny post incoming.

Lately I have been super depressed and while I have always been depressed and have gone through rough patches it seems to be getting really bad. For as long as I can remember I don't have a day go by that I don't wish I was dead or didn't exist and I barely remember what it feels like to be happy. I can't feel the weight of anyone or anything and I can't even feel the weight of my life, it's like nothing even matters anymore. Despite my wishing to not exist my stance on not committing suicide has been strong but lately I feel like I am getting weaker and I am starting to get worried that my determination to live won't last much longer. My thoughts are starting to scare me and I don't like to spend time alone with my thoughts. I feel like I am drowning and I am scared. I am planning on seeing a therapist (for a bunch of other stuff as well) but I am scared and having a hard time getting myself to make the phone call and keep coming up with reasons not to but I know it's only making it worse by prolonging it. I have managed to mention it to a few online friends and it helped just to let someone know but I haven't been able to bring myself to tell anyone who is close to me and I am getting scared. :(
I was here myself until my pops got the terminal cancer diagnosis, now i feel the need to fight on if only to see him off.

Not that i am trying to diminish your suffering in any way. Just comerserating.


Staff member
Life is hard. It is so difficult and frightening. And then to look for meaning and then find none should be heartbreaking--world-shattering, but then it's just another anticlimactic empty feeling to throw on the pile.

But meaning and contentment are out there and inside you. Call someone in your family and fight. I'm pulling for you. It doesn't always seem like it's worth it, I know. All the luck in the world to you. I'd hug you like crazy if I could. Get better.



I don't trust anyone in my family enough (plus they are super religious and will just try to pray the whole thing away) and my only real friend moved away and I don't feel I can dump more stuff on them when they have enough to handle already. So that leaves me to fight on my own (not counting what little support some online friends can give) and I am losing this fight it feels like.



I could call one but I don't feel I am at that stage yet, I still feel strong enough to fight for now but it's getting harder every day. I am hoping to muster the strength for a therapist and hopefully that will help. But if I get to much worse I may just try a crisis line.


Staff member
I don't know, might it be better to nip it in the bud? If you feel scared, even just a little scared, of where this is going it mught give you peace of mind. Sorry I keep bugging you, buy I want you to be ok.
I have to agree with Cajungal. I think now might be the time to talk to someone, even the crisis line. If you wait too long, you might not have the piece of mind to ask for help. This is what they're there for.
I could call one but I don't feel I am at that stage yet, I still feel strong enough to fight for now but it's getting harder every day. I am hoping to muster the strength for a therapist and hopefully that will help. But if I get to much worse I may just try a crisis line.
Crisis hotlines, even the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, are for when you just need to have someone listen. It doesn't have to mean you have reached a certain point in depression or suicidal thoughts. You don't even necessarily need to be in crisis. You just need someone. They will listen without judgment. Give it a try.
Well fuck. The surviving car just had four new tires put on and already one is wiped out. Went through a puddle to avoid an oncoming truck going under a railroad trestle. Puddle his a gigantic pothole. Big bang and tire is immediately flat. Popped the sidewall and needs replaced. And of course all the bills I didn't pay during vacation are also due. I'm at the shop now so that is taken care of. But help.

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