Rant VIII: The Reckoning

I've been nominated by three different people for this ALS ice bucket challenge thing. It's a great cause and it's raised a lot of money and awareness, but is it wrong that I don't want to do it? Because I really don't want to do it.


Staff member
I've been nominated by three different people for this ALS ice bucket challenge thing. It's a great cause and it's raised a lot of money and awareness, but is it wrong that I don't want to do it? Because I really don't want to do it.
I got nominated.

I'll be making a fun video for it..


Staff member
I haven't been nominated and I'm not sure I'd do it. I don't have the money to donate anyway right now, and I have a friend with the disease.
If you really don't want to do it, don't. Just please don't try to be one of those smug jerks who say they're a better person for not doing it.
If you really don't want to do it, don't. Just please don't try to be one of those smug jerks who say they're a better person for not doing it.
I'm not. It's a great cause and I'm glad it's getting all this awareness and funding. What bugs me is that this disease is getting all this sudden national awareness and millions of dollars in funding while there are scores of other diseases out there. It feels like the only reason this one is getting so much attention is it's a new, funny viral meme for everyone to do. It's like Harlem Shake, only for a good cause.

And I feel like a total asshole writing that.
But your sentiment is understood. ALS usually gets 1 day a year, Labor Day, here in the States that people may hear about it, I think it's been good to get more of the word out for a longer period of time.
I'm not. It's a great cause and I'm glad it's getting all this awareness and funding. What bugs me is that this disease is getting all this sudden national awareness and millions of dollars in funding while there are scores of other diseases out there. It feels like the only reason this one is getting so much attention is it's a new, funny viral meme for everyone to do. It's like Harlem Shake, only for a good cause.

And I feel like a total asshole writing that.
That is the only reason it's getting attention, and it's working.

The reason this is so important despite all the other diseases is because a tiny percentage of the population get ALS, so there isn't much money to be made from finding a cure/treatment. This puts it well (abridged version):

Now, all that said, you don't have to donate and you don't have to dump ice water on your head. No one has to do anything. It's like any other dare, just with a guilt frosting*. We also don't have to be hipsters about not doing it because it's popular either. It can be ignored without analysis, it can be participated in without shame. It only has to matter to a person as much as they choose.

*like your prom night.
I think at this point, those working on ALS have more money than they ever have had before. I bet there's a shortage of actual researchers now to take advantage of it.

Also, I've also been nominated, but I hope I do figure out how to do it as funnily as Fiddy.

To be fair, he did a real one too.



Staff member
I've been nominated by three different people for this ALS ice bucket challenge thing. It's a great cause and it's raised a lot of money and awareness, but is it wrong that I don't want to do it? Because I really don't want to do it.
I know people who've donated without making a video and people who've made a video to spread awareness because they could not donate and people who've done nothing at all. Do what you want, and know that whatever you do doesn't say anything about how good or bad a person you are. It's just a choice.
I'm not. It's a great cause and I'm glad it's getting all this awareness and funding. What bugs me is that this disease is getting all this sudden national awareness and millions of dollars in funding while there are scores of other diseases out there. It feels like the only reason this one is getting so much attention is it's a new, funny viral meme for everyone to do. It's like Harlem Shake, only for a good cause.

And I feel like a total asshole writing that.
But the thing is, Nick, that most of the time, ALS was pretty much unheard of. It's one of those things that's out there that people are vaguely aware that it exists, sort of - like Wyoming or the Van Allen belt. The Ice Bucket Challenge has brought it front and center. Yeah, it's a funny, goofy viral thing, but it's also really easy for most people to do - there aren't a lot of people who can just up and do a marathon for charity, but most of us can take 10 minutes to fill a bucket with water and ice, and dump it on ourselves - and it DOES get attention. It DOES spread awareness. I know a lot more about ALS now because of the Ice Bucket Challenge then I did before.

And more significantly, this is raising funds and awareness without using telemarketers or professional fundraisers, who take 60+% of the money as their cut.

If you don't want to do it, then don't. That's up to you. But when people are trying to raise attention for a cause, and they raise attention, that's not a bad thing.

For the record, the place I work is doing the Ice Bucket Challenge on September 15th, and I will be participating.
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Well, he didn't say voices but it is easy to assume that. I hope it is merely situational, @Chad Sexington
I keep hearing a dog's collar and paws clicking on the kitchen floor. I don't own a dog -can't have dogs in this building- but the sound is unmistakable, until I moved out, I was always around dogs. I hear the sound every couple hours or so since last night.[DOUBLEPOST=1409113717,1409113631][/DOUBLEPOST]
Tinnitus is one thing. Voices would be another.

No voices. Though I could use the company sometimes.
I hate waking up.

I hate going to sleep knowing I will just be awake and depressed and increasingly loathe to draw breath.

I hate how empty my bed is, so I sleep on the couch a lot.

I think about drowning a lot. It must be quite awful.

I am empty. There's nothing left.
I hate waking up.

I hate going to sleep knowing I will just be awake and depressed and increasingly loathe to draw breath.

I hate how empty my bed is, so I sleep on the couch a lot.

I think about drowning a lot. It must be quite awful.

I am empty. There's nothing left.
I get the sinking feeling there are many of us feeling this on here.


Staff member
I've been having auditory hallucinations for two days.


do not like this
Have you been to a doctor?[DOUBLEPOST=1409145856,1409145751][/DOUBLEPOST]
I hate waking up.

I hate going to sleep knowing I will just be awake and depressed and increasingly loathe to draw breath.

I hate how empty my bed is, so I sleep on the couch a lot.

I think about drowning a lot. It must be quite awful.

I am empty. There's nothing left.
Have you been to counseling? If not, you need to. No hugs, no brofist. Just get help, man. You're worth it.

You, too, @Bones.
Have you been to a doctor?[DOUBLEPOST=1409145856,1409145751][/DOUBLEPOST]

Have you been to counseling? If not, you need to. No hugs, no brofist. Just get help, man. You're worth it.

You, too, @Bones.
been going for years, as far as my doctors are concerned I am fine. I was more empathizing with chad, than anything else.
So glad I'm doing first two years at a credible community college. I pay less than 5k a year in total.
This is for grad school. While my husband's GI Bill will cover quite a bit of it it is still a lot of money. Though I am glad I'm not going into nursing at this particular school since the cost per credit hour for that masters degree is even more.
This is for grad school. While my husband's GI Bill will cover quite a bit of it it is still a lot of money. Though I am glad I'm not going into nursing at this particular school since the cost per credit hour for that masters degree is even more.
Yeah, don't worry. I'll in a similar boat in 3 years.