Rant VIII: The Reckoning

A few months ago we had a talk about how we were great when it was just the two of us, but my anxiety and shyness made things difficult when others were around. And I realized she was right. I focused on it, I made a conscious effort to change, got some counseling, and suddenly I became the awesome boyfriend who gets along so well with everyone in her life.

And now, due to an issue that will just not go away, we are super-awkward when it's just the two of us. The love is still there, but there's tension too. And now I've gotten to the point where go feel sick just thinking about it.


Staff member
A few months ago we had a talk about how we were great when it was just the two of us, but my anxiety and shyness made things difficult when others were around. And I realized she was right. I focused on it, I made a conscious effort to change, got some counseling, and suddenly I became the awesome boyfriend who gets along so well with everyone in her life.

And now, due to an issue that will just not go away, we are super-awkward when it's just the two of us. The love is still there, but there's tension too. And now I've gotten to the point where go feel sick just thinking about it.
I'm sorry to hear that. :( Jake and I went through a similar problem recently. There was a strange distance that was hard to overcome. That said, I have no answers for you since everyone's situation is a little different. Well, nothing that you don't already know: communication, effort, etc. etc., all of which you seem to be doing well. There are good and bad times. I hope you get to better times soon.
Uuuuuugh, I think I need to start looking for a new job.

I've been working at Value Village for about 5 months now. You American lot would know it as Savers. Same company. It's not the best job, but definitely not the worst. The usual customer service bull. The staff discounts are nice, like 50% off books and clothes.

But in the last week, it's been hell. To paraphrase The Avengers, we are hopelessly - hilariously - understaffed. Yesterday, on top of worrying about Leigh all day and getting text updates from my girlfriend since I had no data left on my phone, I was stuck in fitting rooms by myself for the majority of the shift. I all but ignored customers and focused on sorting clothes on the racks to be rolled back onto the floor. Pretty pissed off the whole time and nearly up and quit. I didn't know until after the shift when one of my supervisors told me that a lot of students had gone back to school and one or two others unexpectedly quit.

Tonight...fared a little better. Kind of. I wasn't alone, at least, but the clothes just piled up and piled up. Especially as people cleaning up the floor brought cart loads of clothes back to be hung, sorted, and rolled.

On a good, if busy day, we'd have at most 2-3 racks that need to be rolled.

Tonight, we had a growing number from about half a dozen. By the end of the night, we had 16 racks sorted that needed to be rolled and another 4 carts filled with stuff that needed to be hung and such. Six bloody teen racks. Our manager told us to just leave it for tomorrow (her and another worker were coming in early to deal with it, as well as another supervisor who would come in on her day off to help).

Thing is, I actually like working there, though, most times. It's mostly a good crew, I'm getting consistently at least 30 hours a week, and they're mostly accomodating to the schedule that I'd ideally like (all morning shifts, like 9-5ish). But lately, it's just been an extra slog. They're apparently hiring four new people that start next week - two of which are transfers from other stores - and doing interviews soon. I hope to hell it quells some of this because I don't know how much longer I can take it.
...retail rant...
You'll probably have this surge for a couple of weeks, then it will level back out and pick up again near Christmas, then returns season, and drop back down. You enjoy the job, so just take the few bad days and make them into something fun for yourself. Kinda the way I handle the Christmas rush in receiving for my company, but that lasts for 3 months, and started this week.


Staff member
I went to a fantasy football draft tonight. But because I didn't get paid today like I thought I was, I was dead broke. They ordered pizza and because I didn't throw in any money, they just ate it in front of me. 4 large pizzas. 6 guys. I got none. ame home and made a grilled cheese.

Oh, and the dodge that had the radiator cap as the issue? Overheated again tonight. So back to the mechanics it goes.
I went to a fantasy football draft tonight. But because I didn't get paid today like I thought I was, I was dead broke. They ordered pizza and because I didn't throw in any money, they just ate it in front of me. 4 large pizzas. 6 guys. I got none. ame home and made a grilled cheese.

Oh, and the dodge that had the radiator cap as the issue? Overheated again tonight. So back to the mechanics it goes.
Man, you have shitty friends.

Your online friends are much cooler.
But the thing is, Nick, that most of the time, ALS was pretty much unheard of. It's one of those things that's out there that people are vaguely aware that it exists, sort of - like Wyoming or the Van Allen belt. The Ice Bucket Challenge has brought it front and center. Yeah, it's a funny, goofy viral thing, but it's also really easy for most people to do - there aren't a lot of people who can just up and do a marathon for charity, but most of us can take 10 minutes to fill a bucket with water and ice, and dump it on ourselves - and it DOES get attention. It DOES spread awareness. I know a lot more about ALS now because of the Ice Bucket Challenge then I did before.

And more significantly, this is raising funds and awareness without using telemarketers or professional fundraisers, who take 60+% of the money as their cut.

If you don't want to do it, then don't. That's up to you. But when people are trying to raise attention for a cause, and they raise attention, that's not a bad thing.

For the record, the place I work is doing the Ice Bucket Challenge on September 15th, and I will be participating.
A bit late to this, but I'd really prefer to see the type of awareness the ice bucket challenge is raising applied, instead, to put pressure on congress to fund science better. One of the dirty little details hidden in sequestration last year was that almost 10% of funding to the NIH--the primary source of research funding in the USA--was axed, after years of the budget pretty much remaining static.

I appreciate what it's trying to accomplish, but I think that societal awareness and energy could be better accomplished elsewhere.


I went to a fantasy football draft tonight. But because I didn't get paid today like I thought I was, I was dead broke. They ordered pizza and because I didn't throw in any money, they just ate it in front of me. 4 large pizzas. 6 guys. I got none. ame home and made a grilled cheese.

Oh, and the dodge that had the radiator cap as the issue? Overheated again tonight. So back to the mechanics it goes.

That's bullshit. Is this a long-time league? Because if so that's garbage. This actually makes me really angry; ffb leagues are months long and can always be squared up later. I'm really sorry that happened.
That's bullshit. Is this a long-time league? Because if so that's garbage. This actually makes me really angry; ffb leagues are months long and can always be squared up later. I'm really sorry that happened.
Seriously, who the fuck does that? Especially if it's more than just a casual acquaintance. Not saying that makes it right, but seriously... what the eff.
Paper clips aren't quite as delicious as pizza but yes do this
Binder clips are where it's at - the medium size. You can make much cooler constructions with binder clips than you can with paper clips. Like that dude on reddit that made a melon-sized ball. And @Dave, I'm really sorry man. That sort of being left out of things is one of my very least favorite feelings in the world - which is at least half of why I go out of my way to make sure everyone who's ever at my house gets fed, regardless of their monetary situation or how unexpectedly they drop by.
Binder clips are where it's at - the medium size. You can make much cooler constructions with binder clips than you can with paper clips. Like that dude on reddit that made a melon-sized ball. And @Dave, I'm really sorry man. That sort of being left out of things is one of my very least favorite feelings in the world - which is at least half of why I go out of my way to make sure everyone who's ever at my house gets fed, regardless of their monetary situation or how unexpectedly they drop by.
I like to imagine that, one day at 3 AM, Dave's just going to test this by showing up on your porch demanding pizza.
I like to imagine that, one day at 3 AM, Dave's just going to test this by showing up on your porch demanding pizza.
Well, he'd have to wait a bit for the dough to rise, but I since I do a lot of baking anyway, I always have flour and yeast on hand, and could scrounge up enough ingredients to come up with a pizza.

I really think we all should.
If you all did, though, I'd have to bake in shifts. I only have the one oven, and two baking sheets. And there wouldn't be anywhere close to enough room for people to sit.
I went to a fantasy football draft tonight. But because I didn't get paid today like I thought I was, I was dead broke. They ordered pizza and because I didn't throw in any money, they just ate it in front of me. 4 large pizzas. 6 guys. I got none. ame home and made a grilled cheese.

Oh, and the dodge that had the radiator cap as the issue? Overheated again tonight. So back to the mechanics it goes.
Jesus christ... your friends are assholes.
I went to a fantasy football draft tonight. But because I didn't get paid today like I thought I was, I was dead broke. They ordered pizza and because I didn't throw in any money, they just ate it in front of me. 4 large pizzas. 6 guys. I got none. ame home and made a grilled cheese.

Oh, and the dodge that had the radiator cap as the issue? Overheated again tonight. So back to the mechanics it goes.
What the fuck? Jesus. A couple weeks ago during game night I was a bit short when we ordered out, so my friends covered for me, and it was understood that I'd pay them back the next time, which I did - hell, I even went to pick up the order instead of getting it delivered. That was a dick move on their part, Dave.
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I went to a fantasy football draft tonight. But because I didn't get paid today like I thought I was, I was dead broke. They ordered pizza and because I didn't throw in any money, they just ate it in front of me. 4 large pizzas. 6 guys. I got none. ame home and made a grilled cheese.

Oh, and the dodge that had the radiator cap as the issue? Overheated again tonight. So back to the mechanics it goes.
Did you say you weren't paying because you were broke? Because if I was with a friend and they just didn't pay like that without reason I wouldn't share it with them. If you actually said it was because you didn't have money at that point then its a dick move to not at least offer to let you pay back once you get paid.
I went to a fantasy football draft tonight. But because I didn't get paid today like I thought I was, I was dead broke. They ordered pizza and because I didn't throw in any money, they just ate it in front of me. 4 large pizzas. 6 guys. I got none. ame home and made a grilled cheese.

Oh, and the dodge that had the radiator cap as the issue? Overheated again tonight. So back to the mechanics it goes.
Super brutal!
I went to a fantasy football draft tonight. But because I didn't get paid today like I thought I was, I was dead broke. They ordered pizza and because I didn't throw in any money, they just ate it in front of me. 4 large pizzas. 6 guys. I got none. ame home and made a grilled cheese.
Yeah, seriously, that's some bullshit. How dare they treat our forum Dad this way? :mad:
I don't know how I feel about anything anymore. I think I'm gonna take some time off and just go stay with my sick grandma and feel like a boy again for a week or so.

So I've probably shattered several relationships beyond repair and they are all squarely my stupid asses fault. Right now, if I didn't have to go into work tonight, I would crawl into a cave somewhere and subsist on lichens and insects for the next 10 years until everyone forgot who I was. But, duty calls.