Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

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The flight thing seems more like a quick solution to keep movement simple. Recall last week, the headache that was dealing with moving my Flaming Sphere in 3-d. Imagine having to do that every turn when riding on a drake.

It's Shawn's call about teleportation, but I doubt he would let it work that way.
SeriousJay said:
A week can be so long without ma DnDs and RP stories.

*stares into Adia's soul*
Once upon a time, some oddball people did some stuff.
Grendmir settled their arguments.
Saryon banished the undead.
Kratash tripped a trap.
Errik got relationship advice from Bez.
Adia threatened to torture her horse.
Shawnacy said:
SeriousJay said:
A week can be so long without ma DnDs and RP stories.

*stares into Adia's soul*
Once upon a time, some oddball people did some stuff.
Grendmir settled their arguments.
Saryon banished the undead.
Kratash tripped a trap.
Errik got relationship advice from Bez.
Adia threatened to torture her horse.
Serin apparently didn't show up that week. :p
Gusto said:
Shawnacy said:
SeriousJay said:
A week can be so long without ma DnDs and RP stories.

*stares into Adia's soul*
Once upon a time, some oddball people did some stuff.
Grendmir settled their arguments.
Saryon banished the undead.
Kratash tripped a trap.
Errik got relationship advice from Bez.
Adia threatened to torture her horse.
Serin apparently didn't show up that week. :p
Six is too many to remember. Don't make fun of me! I'm surprised if I remember what door to use my key on when I come home from work.

And Serin blew stuff up.


Staff member

I'm the least memorable!

Speakin' o' which, Shawn, what's the verdict on teleportation? (Question on previous page.)


Staff member
Oh yeah, in case anyone's aware that I'm having internet issues (the kind that reduce you to 6 kb/sec), fear not! I have arranged to go to my aunt's house and steal her internet.

A bonus sad conversation:

Mom: You could go to your aunt's house and use her internet.
Me: I guess I could..
Mom: You might as well. What else do you have to do? You may as well get out of the house.
Me: I like how your argument for me getting out of the house is to go to someone else's house to play D&D over the internet.

Anyway, this means we get a SNEAK PEEK at what it'll be like for me to have no lag on Vent!
In regards to your queary, Doom.
In the DMG, it explains how flight and mounted flight works. When flying, it says that you don't spend any movement points/squares when you move straight up or straight down in the air.
This is actually incorrect. The correct wording on the up and down movement of flying is "There is no additional cost for moving up or down"
This means that moving a space up or down costs as much as moving a space forward. However, diagonal movement in a 3D environment still works the same as on a flat plane. That means that if you have a teleport of 3 you can teleport 3 up, 3 across, or 3 up AND 3 across.

Also, unless anyone has objections I'm going to start pre-rolling initiative for people for the combats in the game based on your current bonuses. I notice we lose a bit of time because I struggle at putting people in the proper order. I'll leave spaces open on the order list just in case special circumstances call for altered initiatives.
I'll only do this if there are no objections. As it's your character's fate in your hands you have the right to make all his rolls if you wish.

Shawnacy said:
Also, unless anyone has objections I'm going to start pre-rolling initiative for people for the combats in the game based on your current bonuses. I notice we lose a bit of time because I struggle at putting people in the proper order. I'll leave spaces open on the order list just in case special circumstances call for altered initiatives.
I'll only do this if there are no objections. As it's your character's fate in your hands you have the right to make all his rolls if you wish.
I use a simple Excel spreadsheet. Want me to send you a copy?
Edrondol said:
Shawnacy said:
Also, unless anyone has objections I'm going to start pre-rolling initiative for people for the combats in the game based on your current bonuses. I notice we lose a bit of time because I struggle at putting people in the proper order. I'll leave spaces open on the order list just in case special circumstances call for altered initiatives.
I'll only do this if there are no objections. As it's your character's fate in your hands you have the right to make all his rolls if you wish.
I use a simple Excel spreadsheet. Want me to send you a copy?
Sure. I'll give it a try.
Despite wanting to help you I'm not overly fond of having my initiative roll taken for me. What I could suggest is when you create encounters, open up notepad or something and put the pre-existing NPCs/Monsters on the table. When the players roll their initiative, if they are near the warlord, just add 2 and prop them into the column. Then make notepad really small and take a small portion of the screen so that you can glance at and tell the next person their turn.

The spreadsheet that I use (and will forward on once I get home) has all of the battle elements the GM will need. It allows him to enter the init roll and it calculates the number. For example: Character A has an init bonus of +4. He rolls a 10. GM enters the 10 and it automatically sets the init at 14. Do that for everyone including the monsters and then a quick data sort from highest to lowest puts them in the correct order.

Say that 2 creatures has an init segment of 13. The one with the highest die roll goes first. If they are the same then it goes to the highest REF save.

If someone changes order you can either just change their number and resort or simply insert a row and move that person into the correct order.

It's what I use for my Sunday game and it's worked GREAT!

If you want, you can even add a column for effects so you can track them, too.
Man I do all that stuff with a pencil and paper in my 3.5 game, which is RL and not on the internet.

Last night I had an encounter with 22 total combatants, some of whom came in later or left early, and several environmental hazards. I had a headache by the end of it but I was able to keep trck of it all after making a few mistakes early on.


Staff member
Shawnacy said:
In regards to your queary, Doom.
In the DMG, it explains how flight and mounted flight works. When flying, it says that you don't spend any movement points/squares when you move straight up or straight down in the air.
This is actually incorrect. The correct wording on the up and down movement of flying is "There is no additional cost for moving up or down"
This means that moving a space up or down costs as much as moving a space forward. However, diagonal movement in a 3D environment still works the same as on a flat plane. That means that if you have a teleport of 3 you can teleport 3 up, 3 across, or 3 up AND 3 across.

Also, unless anyone has objections I'm going to start pre-rolling initiative for people for the combats in the game based on your current bonuses. I notice we lose a bit of time because I struggle at putting people in the proper order. I'll leave spaces open on the order list just in case special circumstances call for altered initiatives.
I'll only do this if there are no objections. As it's your character's fate in your hands you have the right to make all his rolls if you wish.
Ah. I'm a dumbass to have missed that. My badz.

And I'm fine with you rolling our initiative. Your rolls aren't bound by the Gametable Curse, so I don't have a problem with it.
falineowlight said:
I've been really super busy with work, I'm sorry. :(
Babblewoman translated this so men can understand:

"I've got other priorities, RL > Fabio > U. Sucks 2 be you, wanker!"
She just started work.

I offered her to write through the battle scene, which she didn't want to write before, and do a Grendmir POV, but she broke down and says she'll write it.
I'm just fooling around, there should be no pressure for these type of things.... I just look forward to thursday nights so much :)


Staff member
I'm just hoping once I get to my new apartment and I'm lag-free that I'll be able to participate a little more and be more memorable. >_________> *looks at Shawn*

I keed I keed.

Anyway, my only battle strategy for this fight is shoot shit at 'em. Maybe knock one prone to send one crashing so the melees can get to it.

Actually, I should be lag-free tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes.

Knowing me I'll just be quiet and sit there anyway.
I apologize for the last minute cancellation of my game tonight, but I'm going to have to postpone. My throat is really soar and I don't think 4 hours of talking is a good idea. Im sure the best option is going to be to take some nyquil and pass out again.
Really sorry about this folks.
We're good to go for next week and onward as scheduled.


Staff member
Yay for reading this after I get to my Aunt's! (30 minutes away)

Bah. 2 games in a row cancelled, both times I find out after I drive out here.

Le sigh.
doomdragon6 said:
Yay for reading this after I get to my Aunt's! (30 minutes away)

Bah. 2 games in a row cancelled, both times I find out after I drive out here.

Le sigh.
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