Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

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Tell them to go over to their neighbor's. :rofl:

So a game with just Kratash, Errik, Saryon, and Serin. Sounds like a dangerous pairing.
Woo, game tonight!

I can see the lack of our other martial classes becoming a bit of a problem, but it should be an interesting game in any case....

and it will be nice to have only party members who are on the same page alignment-wise...


Staff member
So how're we dealin' with this one?

"As you exit the tower, you momentarily forget that it's suspended quite high in the air. Adia and Grendmir fall and hit their heads. They are unconscious. You decide to come back for them later."

Or, "As you descend underground, one of you manages to set off a trap. Adia and Grendmir, who are in the front of the party, take a burst of sleeping gas. They slump to the floor in a deep sleep. Despite your best efforts, you are unable to wake them up. You believe that they will wake up in a few hours and be able to join you later."

Also, last session made 2 encounters (Shadow Thingy + Ambush), correct? Thus meaning we've gained an action point and I can FINALLY use my power gem to use an encounter power a second time. (Don't let me forget this, please.)
here's an idea: adia and grendmir go back the vrak to show her the false documents, and the rest of the party goes to the tunnel. we decide to take a quick look in (or maybe kratash does and you all follow him grudgingly :p) and there is a cave in at the tunnel entrance. we are then forced to look for an alternate way out, and when we find it, we return to the light to find our stalwart companions [strike:12w9m0nq]celebrating[/strike:12w9m0nq] mourning our deaths.

or something similar. just an idea.
Here's my take... As you descend the floating tower, sparks of magic envolop Adia and Grendmir and they disappear. They have been TAKEN from their companions. The rest of the party tries to get them back from the evil doers. Shawnacy can do tonight's DM work using a Liam Neeson voice.
Here's my idea:

I have no idea.

I'm not even entirely certain of everything that went down last week after I left.


Staff member
Yep, sorry I was late. I try to time errands and getting to my aunt's house right and no matter what I get there at 6. Well anyway, I'll be in my apartment in Tuscaloosa next week so it shouldn't be an issue anymore.
Exp: 387 exp (2684 Total)
Spear of Poison (or something)

Apparently the 4 Ceremonial Daggers we have are worth some money too.

And introducing the newest installment of The Company of Discord (who actually got along tonight. Hmmm..), recordings!

Here is Session 10:

Edit- Gonna take a little over an hour to upload, so I'll post it when I'm in the apartment. I figure Julie or Daryll might wanna listen.

PS: I hate my voice so much.

doomdragon6 said:
Yep, sorry I was late. I try to time errands and getting to my aunt's house right and no matter what I get there at 6. Well anyway, I'll be in my apartment in Tuscaloosa next week so it shouldn't be an issue anymore.
Exp: 387 exp (2684 Total)
Spear of Poison (or something)

Apparently the 4 Ceremonial Daggers we have are worth some money too.

And introducing the newest installment of The Company of Discord (who actually got along tonight. Hmmm..), recordings!

Here is Session 10:

Edit- Gonna take a little over an hour to upload, so I'll post it when I'm in the apartment. I figure Julie or Daryll might wanna listen.

PS: I hate my voice so much.
What are you using to record in Vent?


Staff member
I'll post it when I don't have a upload/download limit like I do on satellite 'net. (In other words, within the next 2 days.)

And to Dave:

Right click on the D&D Vent channel, click View -> Record / Playback, and hit "Record."

It records everything anyone says, unless (I guess) someone has their voice being recorded disabled.

Then, before closing, save the recording. Then I export it as a .wav, and to make the file smaller, I use Audacity to convert it to an .mp3, but it's not truly necessary.


Staff member
I was looking at my level 5 Dailies to start planning for that, when I noticed Palest Flames, which, among other things, makes the target vulnerable 10 to cold damage. If I got the Frost Dagger like I was thinking about, and took the feat Astral Fire (any fire attack makes the target vulnerable 5 cold), I could do some serious damage.

My frost dagger would make any attack I did cold damage, and after Astral Fire or Palest Flames, I could be adding extra 5s and 10s all over the place.

Plus a Frost Dagger just suits Serin anyway. :D

Ahh, but then I wouldn't be able to take Thunder Leap, which sounds pretty kickass.. And I'd be taking that feat when I could get something else useful.. Hmm..


Shawn, quick question: The Level 1 Sorcerer Daily "Ice Javelins" says the target can be 1, 2, or 3 targets. Now, I know this means that I can't attack the same target 3 times, but I wanted to get your opinion on possibly house-ruling this power (though I know you're not big on that.)

My current power attacks one target and does 6d6, for a potential of 6 to 36 damage.

If I were allowed to use all three Ice Javelins on one target, (which are 1d10 each), the potential is 3 to 30, with 5 ongoing cold damage. Obviously, these wouldn't stack.

Seeing as I wouldn't really be gaining any kind of massively huge advantage (and if anything, I'm crippling myself by only using it on one target), would you possibly consider ruling that I could use more than one javelin on the same target?

If not, that's cool-- I don't even know if I'd make the switch anyway-- just seeing what you thought.

Blah. Hurry up, Thursday!
Chapter 4 (part 2): "The Harder They Fall."
Venturing towards the floating tower the party came across a Dragonborn warrior of the Zehir cult who tried to contend with Kratash over the title of "Worst Liar". A fight erupted as Dragonborn snipers attacked from their hiding positions and a mounted wardrake flew into the fray. When their enemies were downed, the party began to question the two cultist survivors. Kratash and Grendmir's preaching of honorable Dragonborn code caused their cultist to question his ways. Meanwhile, the beautiful and stunning Adia threatened her captive with violent torture and proceeded to prove she meant business by slicing off his scales. The moral questioning dilemma ended when the Dragonborn cultist refused to move another step and Adia obliged him by wrapping a fixed chain around his neck and kicking him off the top of the floating tower. Within the tower the party came across a magical circle (supposedly to keep away the ghostly residents of the valley) surrounding a desk and bookshelves filled with ancient Draconic tomes of their lore and heritage. On the table lay a patent of nobility listing Bejik as one of Vrak's bloodline. However, within a locked chest that was obviously not Kratash proof, the group found a similar patent that lacked Bejik's name. Figuring out the first was a decent forgery, the party made plans to find Vrak and inform her of Bejik's treachery. But as they returned to the area where they first met Vrak they found the stature she emerged from unresponsive, and a trio of mindless spirits attempted to drive them mad. With no luck finding Vrak, the party made their way to the excavation; a 30 foot shaft leading below. Grendmir and Adia lead the party, and inadvertantly set off a poisonous gas trap that knocked the two of them unconcious. The rest, unable to awaken their comrades, set off further down the lantern lit hallway until it opened into a large, underground courtyard. As they entered the courtyard, a black fog enveloped the area putting everyone into complete darkness. A sinister and reptilian voice echoed through "Welcome Losssst Children". When the lights returned, the party found themselves surrounded by Vrak, a Psuedodragon, and the Dragonborn/snakelike abomination Bejik himself, mounted atop one of his trained wardrakes. During the battle, Kratash managed to present Vrak with the two patents, and when Vrak read them she turned and glared at Bejik. Errik conjured a massive fireball that rolled across the debris ridden courtyard and toward the direction of Bejik. Bejik found himself impaled upon Vrak's phantom sword and seared upon the fireball til destroyed. The Pseudodragon vanished and disappeared, and as the wardrak attempted to escape into the air, the playful wardrake from before crashed iit's way through the roof of the chamber and brought the fleeing drake down, snapping it's neck between it's teeth. As the playful drake bounded over to "papa" Kratash for celebratory licks, Vrak nodded at Bejik's corpse and faded into the floor. Awakening their comrades and then returning to the surface, Kratash freed their last Dragonborn Cultist prisoner and gave him sound advice about his future. The Cultist asked for one of the ancient daggers the party had found, saying that selling it would help him start a new life. The party climbed back down the mountain, and returned to the village of Elkridge where they were thanked and given access to any of the town's limited resources.
From it's text I think it's pretty clear it's not meant to be used on a single target for it's full potential.
I admit it seems kinda weak for a daily power, but it depends how you use it. It's real advantage is doing the ongoing cold damage which could potentially equal far more overall damage than your 6d6 attack is capable of. That 5 ongoing damage is going to affect the target at least once before the creature even gets an attempt to save. So that means that if you hit with one spear you have done a minimum of 6 damage guaranteed.
falineowlight said:
Gurpel said:
[sarcasm]and it will be nice to have only party members who are on the same page alignment-wise...[/sarcasm]
a**. :facepalm:
in case you didnt notice.

that said, i'm not sure you're winning any points with ilmater or bahamut pulling scales off prisoners you take. :tongue:


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Hey Julie. Welcome back to the 'net!

I'll be posting the recording tonight.


Our last game actually went pretty smoothly. Adia and Kratash truly are conflicting forces.


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I don't guess it would be possible to play this week's game Wednesday, would it? Something's come up that will most likely make me unavailable to play Thursday, and I hate missing stuff. =\

Just seeing what you guys thought-- if it doesn't work out then I'll probably have to skip.

Edit: Here's the Session 10 Recording:
Hey guys. My power just came back on an hour or two ago. It went out around 9 last night, I'm not sure what happened, but i think a substation went out somehow. it really sucked having to light candles and wait. to compound matters, in the middle of the night, one of our trees blew over and broke our picnic table/possible the barbecue.

the weirdest thing though, and the reason i'm telling you this, is that i realised when i went to download doom's recording, is that my internet is now 100kbps faster. whoah. no idea why, though.
okay the recording tells me 2 things

-i need a new mic.
-i need to hold my talk key for the entire duration of my sentence

EDIT: apparently jay did not talk until 22 minute in.

"I wonder if an entire family could shapechange into the body parts of a boy and form a boy like voltron"

funniest part so far.


Staff member
Any thoughts on playing Wednesday this week? Yes? No? Maybe so? I don't expect a yes but if it's an option, just throwing it out there.
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