Sochi Winter Olympics General Thread.

I didn't realize there was a difference, color me informed! (long URL is long)

Looks like the changed the format this year too, specifically due to the power of the US and Canadian women's hockey teams:
There is virtually no parity in women's hockey right now, but other countries are starting to close the gap, specifically with goaltending.

Even so, to demonstrate how uneven the playing field (ice) is, behold:
2010 Olympics:
  • USA 12, China 1
  • USA 13, Russia 0
  • USA 6, Finland 0
  • USA 9, Sweden 1
USA Goals For: 40
USA Goals Against: 2
  • Canada 18, Slovakia 0
  • Canada 10, Switzerland 1
  • Canada 13, Sweden 1
  • Canada 5, Finland 0
  • Canada 2, USA 0
Canada Goals For: 48
Canada Goals Against: 2–_Women's_tournament

2006 Olympics:
  • USA 6, Switzerland 0
  • USA 5, Germany 0
  • USA 7, Finland 3
  • USA 2, Sweden 3
  • USA 4, Finland 0
USA Goals For: 24
USA Goals Against: 6
  • Canada 16, Italy 0
  • Canada 12, Russia 0
  • Canada 8, Sweden 1
  • Canada 6, Finland 0
  • Canada 4, Sweden 1
Canada Goals For: 46
Canada Goals Against: 2

Gold and Silver medalists for every Women's World Championship to date:
  • 1990:Canada, USA
  • 1992: Canada, USA
  • 1994: Canada, USA
  • 1997: Canada, USA
  • 1999: Canada, USA
  • 2000: Canada, USA
  • 2001: Canada, USA
  • 2004: Canada, USA
  • 2005: USA, Canada
  • 2007: Canada, USA
  • 2008: USA, Canada
  • 2009: USA, Canada
  • 2011: USA, Canada
  • 2012: Canada, USA
  • 2013: USA, Canada's_Championships

As for why the no hitting, partially that is because women's hockey has not had professional success, and a female player who is injured is simply not going to receive the medical care, insurance, or post-hockey career options a male player has, EVEN IN the USA and Canada, where women's hockey has at least some real traction. In other countries, forget about it.

Hell, the Finnish women's goalie is retiring, at 24, despite having excellent stats, because she knows if she keeps playing she is financially ruined for the rest of her life, and there is nowhere more advanced for her to go as a female player.

Here is an article from TSN on bodychecking in Women's hockey:

What's more, if they allowed hitting, the USA and Canada would likely dominate even more. Many countries just can't ice women big enough to keep up with that physicality.
Here are the largest palyers from USA, Canada, and Japan (The loveable underdog this Olympics), to illustrate:
  • KNIGHT, 5'11" 172lbs
  • STECKLEIN, 6'0" 170lb
  • SCHLEPER, 5'10" 170lbs
  • FRY, 5'9" 170lbs
  • BOZEK, 5'8" 176lbs
(Team Average= 5'8, 155lbs)
  • APPS, 5'11" 176lbs
  • SPOONER, 5'10" 176lbs
  • OUELLETTE, 5'11" 170lbs
  • WAKEFIELD, 5'9" 170lbs
  • WATCHORN, 5'10" 168lbs
(Team Average= 5'8", 156lbs)

Japan :
  • UKITA, 5'6"157lbs
  • YAMANE, 5'6" 154lbs
  • TAKEUCHI, 5'5" 139lbs
  • KUBA, 5'6" 139lbs
  • SHISHIUCHI 5'5" 137lbs
(Team Average= 5'4", 130lbs)
To be fair, the other countries need to have a desire to compete in the sport for the parity gap to close. The Swedish team this year had to shame their Olympic committee into providing them with sticks.

Very accurate, and very painful.

As for the Ice Hockey stuff, I know a lot of people watch (male) Ice Hockey for the body checking and the brawls, much like car crashes and bike crashes in motor sports...But just like those, it shouldn't be about that. Frankly, if you want to bring the sports on more even footing, make body checking illegal for men, too. If they must fight, go to the wrestling team. Wasn't Ice Hockey supposedly "like normal hockey, but faster and with more finesse"? Because every match I've ever seen has been "like regular hockey, but with more body armor and more slamming into one another and the walls".

Mind that I don't insist on changing your sport, I don't care one whit, having watched 2 IH matches in my life (plus a bunch of bits in general sports overviews - and about 2 dozen regular hockey matches, for comparison)
Watch the Women's Gold game live at Not sure where you USA people have to go. The quality is actually really good. A bit more than halfway through the 1st period right now.

Wow, they actually are showing it live on broadcast TV. So little of the Olympics makes it to broadcast TV that I've simply started assuming that if I want to watch it, it won't be shown.
Watch the Women's Gold game live at Not sure where you USA people have to go. The quality is actually really good. A bit more than halfway through the 1st period right now.

Ohhhh Canada YOU SUCK!

USA! USA! USA![DOUBLEPOST=1392921617,1392921561][/DOUBLEPOST]
Wow, they actually are showing it live on broadcast TV. So little of the Olympics makes it to broadcast TV that I've simply started assuming that if I want to watch it, it won't be shown.
You know you can watch everything live streamed via correct?
Looks like Canada is making this a game!
Although I admit I'm flipping between this and the women's figure skating finals.
If you pay for cable/satellite.
Yep. I don't have cable or satellite, so I get only what they put on their broadcast network, which is very little.

But I'm at work and can't watch now anyway so I'm just refreshing espn's homepage, holding the 2-2 changes to a 3-2 in overtime.

Women's Hockey, Canada wins in overtime over the USA. Thank you to Poulin!

USA threw that game away in the third period by playing too defensively
See what happens when you throw "Disagrees" around all willy-nilly? Bad karma! :p

Sorry to see the US lose after a big lead. That was pretty tight at the end. Ah, well, at least there's silver.
Well it was the US's game to lose. They had a 2-0 lead with only three minutes left and they just bombed? Methinks someone let their lead get a little to their head.
At least the game was close enough that there probably won't be any talk of removing it as an Olympic sport this year because of single country dominance.

Silver in hockey is such a bummer spot. At least you win the bronze.
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As much as I enjoyed the outcome of the Womens gold medal game, but fuck that referee.

Now as to Womens Curling!
