Speak English Motherfucker!

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Speak English mothersmurfer!

Offensive language displayed to the public is a separate issue, and you know it (and we could argue the merits of that).

In fact, that's going to be the brunt of the argument of the supporters of such an ordinance. The owner opened up the store to the public and is subject to public regulation.
Just messing. I approve whole-heartedly of asking clientele to speak the local language (though, as stated before, there are some big differences between Belgium and the US in that regard...For one, we actually have official languages :-p).


To add to the fun, as an immigrant, you can actually take the citizen test in your language of choice. You can also have a translator on hand if you prefer.
elph said:
To add to the fun, as an immigrant, you can actually take the citizen test in your language of choice. You can also have a translator on hand if you prefer.
That's just ridiculous.
Speak English mothersmurfer!

Learning the local language just makes sense. It gives you a feeling of belonging in your new country. When I moved to Quebec, I took French immersion and, although my southern accent makes me sound like I'm speaking some sort of weird gumbo French, I managed to get by.

My French still sucks though. :)
North_Ranger said:
Finland's officially bilingual (trilingual if you count some of the northern counties where Sami languages can also be used) - and still I keep wondering what the frak for some Swedish-speakers refuse to learn Finnish, even though they are barely a 5% minority.
Huh. I was under the impression that Swedish and Finnish are pretty much mutually ineligible. I've never been anywhere in that area though, so I don't actually know anything. That's just what I thought I heard.

Bubble181 said:
Fade: so you think I should be allowed to post a sign "No negroes, darkies, or spics" on my store, too? Fun :-P
Learning to speak another language is much easier than changing your race.

Just say'n.

-- Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:05 pm --

Meraede said:
Learning the local language just makes sense. It gives you a feeling of belonging in your new country. When I moved to Quebec, I took French immersion and, although my southern accent makes me sound like I'm speaking some sort of weird gumbo French, I managed to get by.

My French still sucks though. :)
Well, to be fair, Quebecois French is a sort of weird gumbo French to begin with.
Charlie Dont Surf said:
Is Cuban really a different language? Or just a combination of a thick accent and dialect?
It's still spanish, but they have this annoying sing-songy accent and make everything diminutive. And they make it diminutive with an ugly suffix, too. Normal, decent, spanish speakers diminutize with "-ito" at the end, they use "-ico". The humanity.

-- less than a minute ago --

disclaimer: I have political Cuban relatives.


Speak English mothersmurfer!

Meh...I know Russian (High Muscovite), some Norwegian and some Gaelic, the last two due to family influences.

My family came to this country in the 1980's from Ireland though, so the language barrier wasn't there.

Also: My Barcelonian classmate speaks Spanish of course, but he speaks in Castillian, "pure Spanish' as he calls it. I have a feeling the difference in dialect makes understanding Mexican Spanish and such a bit difficult.
nah, it's not difficult to understand at all if they don't use obscure slang

Although... my grandma, Madrilenian, has lost her accent but still insists we all speak with "orthographical errors" cause we don't pronounce a "z" or a "c" different, which they do in Spain.


Staff member
Is this the same cheesesteak place where they'll send you to the back of the line if you don't say the ingredients in the right order or pause to look at the menu? Seems pretty reasonable to me that if they'd expect "whiz wit" and reject "I'd like one with cheese whiz and can I get onions on that?", even in English, that they'd reject someone trying to order Spanish.
figmentPez said:
Is this the same cheesesteak place where they'll send you to the back of the line if you don't say the ingredients in the right order or pause to look at the menu? Seems pretty reasonable to me that if they'd expect "whiz wit" and reject "I'd like one with cheese whiz and can I get onions on that?", even in English, that they'd reject someone trying to order Spanish.
No Cheesesteak for you!
My sister recently went to New Brunswick. Whil there she ran into this fench-canadian couple who helped her out when she had some car troubles. Everything was going dandy until my sister said: "Thank you for helping me and speaking to me in English. My french is kind of poor."

Then the wife just started blasting her, talking about how the french were forced to learn english and how the rst of country didn't respect them. She told my sister she was ignorant and that she shouldn't be in that part of New Brunswick with out knowing french and that the englishman expects the french to catere to their language.

My sister was stunned. This lady cursed her out and everything.

I should mention that sissy did six years of french immersion...its just hard to retain when its not being used every day.
Speak English mothersmurfer!

Shego will be lurking in the shadows ready to shank you in a dark alley
She welcome to try! ^.^
But she'll find that her kill/death ratio will suffer... very badly.

Charlie Dont Surf said:
Is Cuban really a different language? Or just a combination of a thick accent and dialect?
...and talking VERY loudly!

Learning the local language just makes sense. It gives you a feeling of belonging in your new country. When I moved to Quebec, I took French immersion and, although my southern accent makes me sound like I'm speaking some sort of weird gumbo French, I managed to get by.

My French still sucks though
It depends where you live, not so much in the Montreal area but it's a good idea nonetheless. :)

The French tend to be pretty redneck about their language in this province. So any stories about how stupid French Canadians can be, never surprises me.
Speak English mothersmurfer!

Terrik said:
At least they aren't mutually unintelligible like freaking Chinese dialects.
This man speaks the truth. I once heard two drunk men arguing in Cantonese. It sounded like a moose drowning.


Staff member
Rob King said:
[quote="North_Ranger":2m00xe7o]Finland's officially bilingual (trilingual if you count some of the northern counties where Sami languages can also be used) - and still I keep wondering what the frak for some Swedish-speakers refuse to learn Finnish, even though they are barely a 5% minority.
Huh. I was under the impression that Swedish and Finnish are pretty much mutually ineligible. I've never been anywhere in that area though, so I don't actually know anything. That's just what I thought I heard.[/quote:2m00xe7o]


North_Ranger said:
[quote="Rob King":3bm00ja4][quote="North_Ranger":3bm00ja4]Finland's officially bilingual (trilingual if you count some of the northern counties where Sami languages can also be used) - and still I keep wondering what the frak for some Swedish-speakers refuse to learn Finnish, even though they are barely a 5% minority.
Huh. I was under the impression that Swedish and Finnish are pretty much mutually ineligible. I've never been anywhere in that area though, so I don't actually know anything. That's just what I thought I heard.[/quote:3bm00ja4]


BURN THE BLASPHEMER![/quote:3bm00ja4]

So ... does that mean "You are incorrect, good sir."?


Staff member
Rob King said:
[quote="North_Ranger":xmtjr5ll][quote="Rob King":xmtjr5ll][quote="North_Ranger":xmtjr5ll]Finland's officially bilingual (trilingual if you count some of the northern counties where Sami languages can also be used) - and still I keep wondering what the frak for some Swedish-speakers refuse to learn Finnish, even though they are barely a 5% minority.
Huh. I was under the impression that Swedish and Finnish are pretty much mutually ineligible. I've never been anywhere in that area though, so I don't actually know anything. That's just what I thought I heard.[/quote:xmtjr5ll]


BURN THE BLASPHEMER![/quote:xmtjr5ll]

So ... does that mean "You are incorrect, good sir."?[/quote:xmtjr5ll]

Something to that effect, yes.


Consider that your final mercy before I light the pyre.
North_Ranger said:
Something to that effect, yes.


Consider that your final mercy before I light the pyre.
Well. I have no idea what I just watched. But thanks for straightening me out on the Swedish/Finnish thing.


Staff member
Speak English mothersmurfer!

fade said:
This is a private business, right? What happened to personal freedom, even if it concerns something that makes us uncomfortable? I'm a little unsettled by this Fair Practices thing.
Your pitiful freedom is no match for our political correctness.


Speak English mothersmurfer!

HowDroll said:
I wish my store would post a sign like that. I have * getting in my face at least several times a day if we don't have someone who speaks Spanish (although it's happened with quite a few Polish-speakers too, Chaz :D ) at their beck and call. I'll usually tell them that someone will get to them when they get to them, and 50-60% of the time, they end up getting impatient and talking to me in broken but perfectly passable English anyway. As long as this country makes it easy for them to remain ignorant of its dominant language, they're never going to learn to speak English. "Press 1 for English" my a**.
I want to do the same here, but a bit different, since the native language is spanish.

Every single Brazilian I've dealt with doesn't even make an effort to talk in spanish. Even the French and the Germans try to talk in spanish.


My English is not the best, but I have to agree with the store owner. It is easier for the staff to take order in a single language than trying to learn a bunch of them (usually not part of the job) also less chance of screwing the order up.
I work with people who barely speak English, but at least they try. Back in CA I couldn't say the same and it drove me up a fucking wall trying to help people at work (Sears and then again when I worked at a bar).

Right now my problem is with people who mumble their orders to me then get indignant when I have to make them repeat it.


Staff member
Chibibar said:
My English is not the best, but I have to agree with the store owner. It is easier for the staff to take order in a single language than trying to learn a bunch of them (usually not part of the job) also less chance of screwing the order up.
The important thing is not perfection, but the intent to try and learn the language and customs of the people around you, so as not to come off like a selfish prick. It's common decency, and I think the work should be on the foreigner's side of things, and the natives should be receptive and conducive to the people that try.
CynicismKills said:
I work with people who barely speak English, but at least they try. Back in CA I couldn't say the same and it drove me up a fucking wall trying to help people at work (Sears and then again when I worked at a bar).

Right now my problem is with people who mumble their orders to me then get indignant when I have to make them repeat it.
Exactly. I've had people who come up to me and speak Spanish, then act pissy and stomp away when they find out I don't speak it (then again, I'm a mutt, so I've gotten everything from Spanish to Russian). I have no problem with wanting to retain your culture and language, but it's incredibly self-centered and idiotic to expect the country to conform to your standards.

When I studied abroad in Japan, I used my Japanese as best I could (granted, I had taken it for a few years beforehand), even if it was uncomfortable. When (if, heh) I go to Egypt next year, I will attempt to learn at least basic Arabic to make life easier for both myself and them. I kind of expect the same courtesy to at least try to speak the native tongue.


Speak English mothersmurfer!

Quick fun story:

For a a while I was a bartender at the jersey shore during the summer. This is the time when the guidos come down to play.

This particular summer, I had my first middle name on my nametag, more or less for the hell of it. That name's Diarmuid. Keep in mind my natural hair color is light reddish brown, and I'm nearly chalk white in terms of fairness, so I look as Irish as I am, ancestry wise. Here's a conversation with one young man, and the typical 'ugly American' that foreigners dislike

"Yo lookit da fuckin' mick over here. Hey paddy, you fuckin' speak english?"

"....Of course sir, I'm American.:

"Then why ya gotta name like ya's a fuckin potato head off da boat huh huh huh?

"Didn't have much of a choice when my parents named me sir.."

"Fuck you, gimme a beer"


"The fuck do you mean ID, you fuckin' blind?"

"We card anyone who looks under 35, No ID, no drink"

"You think I'm fuckin' stupid?"

"Of course not"

"Fuck you I don't need this"

And off he went.
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