Speak English Motherfucker!

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Speak English mothersmurfer!

sixpackshaker said:
It does not take much time to let the customer grab a menu and point to what he needs. I have served several people in my life that do not speak English. Yes, your 2 minute transaction now takes 3. But their money is just as green as mine.
Well yes, but that requires having hand held menus with detailed pictures on them printed up. And it also makes it more advantageous to not use peanut oil, cook the meat with onions, or do any other of the numerous things that potentially introduce someone's allergen into your product that can't be easily communicated via pictogram. Any of those steps can easily alter the taste of your product. Or you could always fire your cashiers and hire new ones who are bilingual, though that could lead to lawsuits from the people fired and turning away otherwise well qualified applicants.

Or you can, y'know, just refuse service to those who can't order (because if all the food names are in English and you don't speak it, you can't order). If a spanish speaker can learn the words "Cheese Steak with everything", they can order.

sixpackshaker said:
No, it has been established by the Civil Rights Bill that running a public service does not give you carte blanche to discriminate. Every Whites Only Diner in America had to start serving everyone. In a lot of ways this is the similar to that level of discrimination.
No, no it's not. You can't learn a new skin color. You can learn a new language. This place would likely turn away someone speaking Gaelic, Flemish, German, Italian, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Spain-Spanish, or French just as soon as they would someone speaking Mexican Spanish. The issue is not "we don't like Mexicans". The issue is "our menu is in English and all our servers speak English, we have a twenty minute wait as it is, we're not gonna serve someone who makes that wait longer".


Staff member
Speak English mothersmurfer!

MindDetective said:
GasBandit said:
So it seems. But I hold a firmer stance I think - I believe assimilation should be strongly pursued, not just left as an option. It's the first step to combating the festering multiculturalism that has metastasized throughout the nation, reinforcing (if not outright causing) many of the social problems we experience today.
You're sounding more like a Republican and less like a Libertarian here.
I don't agree with EVERY tenet of the libertarian party. For instance, I think their stance of strict pacifism and isolationism is also unworkable.


Gas, this is one point I agree with you on (and actually, I'd be willing to wager we agree on more things than we don't), so don't misconstrue it as an argument, but I'm curious to know specifically what social problems you consider to be caused by refusing to assimilate?
Speak English mothersmurfer!

Dorko said:
What are the qualifications to be a cashier at a Philly Stand?

Bathe every 3 days?

Grunt "you wunt cheez wit dat?"

You don't need to fire the server, hell the turn over rate in fast food is brutal.
A person that can serve more than one language is an asset to a restaurant. Especially in a town as cosmopolitan as Phily.

-- Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:18 pm --

Lally said:
Gas, this is one point I agree with you on (and actually, I'd be willing to wager we agree on more things than we don't), so don't misconstrue it as an argument, but I'm curious to know specifically what social problems you consider to be caused by refusing to assimilate?
If you don't assimilate into the larger culture you will be stuck out as a second class citizen. If two groups that border one another don't communicate, they tend to have high rates of violence between them. Not being part of the larger economy limits the future of that group in attaining Middle Class status. I.E. living the American Dream. I hope that people don't travel thousands of miles and face dangerous conditions to make it here just to lock themselves into a position of only holding menial jobs for themselves and their children.


Staff member
How much English does it take to order a cheesesteak anyway? "Whiz wit'", "Provolone wit-out", maybe "fries". A Spanish speaker would need to learn less than a dozen words to be able to get everything on the menu.
Speak English mothersmurfer!

sixpackshaker said:
What are the qualifications to be a cashier at a Philly Stand?

Bathe every 3 days?

Grunt "you wunt cheez wit dat?"

You don't need to fire the server, hell the turn over rate in fast food is brutal.
A person that can serve more than one language is an asset to a restaurant. Especially in a town as cosmopolitan as Phily.
This is a nationally famous, family owned cheese steak joint. I would imagine that their hiring standards are a touch hire than those of standard fast food places, and their turn over rate a fair piece lower.

Now, in discussing this with my father, he claims that this is no big deal. That immigrants always have tended to speak in their native tongue, their children were bilingual, and their grandkids english speakers. He also pointed out that similar controversies occurred over the failure to assimilate of German speakers a century or so ago. I think he is overly optimistic about the situation here, specifically because of the mindset that insisting someone learn english is infringing on their rights. I feel people like that are the majority, and in thrity years my kids will be taking required spanish classes because a huge percent of our population can't speak english. I hope I'm wrong.

Joe Johnson

Speak English mothersmurfer!

Everyone needs to learn two languages. There own, and Esperanto.

There, solved.
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