The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)


Staff member
Your... parents... banned saturday morning cartoons?!

I'm starting to understand you a little better, I think.
My dad's a good ol southern boy. None of that namby pamby shit. Get outside and get some sunshine, boy.


By which I mean come do a bunch of manual labor for me for no pay.


Staff member
Bump 'n Jump. I had high scores on that game like no other. Loved it in all it's 8-bit driving game glory.
I count top down "racing games" like Jump 'n Jump, Spy Hunter, etc in a separate class from perspective-oriented racing games like Pole Position, Out Run, etc. Really, if you ask me, they have more in common with scrolling shooters such as 1942 and Raiden than they do with Pole Position.

Also damn that cement truck.
I played this as a kid, with a NINTENDO POWERGLOVE!

Rad Racer was ok, but the powerglove was shit. It never, ever worked... ever.
Bump 'n Jump. I had high scores on that game like no other. Loved it in all it's 8-bit driving game glory.
Especially once you learned you could ride the invisible road off the side of the screen and get a perfect score every time, so long as you remembered to jump back onto the main road in order to finish.



Staff member

I really we hope we hear more from these kids.
I read that this was a band class. My son is in the stage band (i.e. like the one in the video + brass) at his middle school, and their Christmas concert was pretty impressive. This was 6-8th graders, some of whom had only a few months. Apparently their teacher used to tour with some big bands as a consultant. Anyway, they did an awesome rendition of I Wish by Stevie Wonder. I wish (ha) I had video of it.
It's a shame Kidd Video didn't go further, or get optioned for a movie (like some people). Most of the rest of the era of Glorified Toy Commercials was pretty silly, though. Visionaries, for instance.

Visionaries was a weird one to pick on there. It was a toy commercial yeah, but of all them it was a legitimately good cartoon in comparison to the rest of the toy peddling trash.


Staff member
Now they're playing with power!


You just...want her to give you a handjob wearing that or something, don't you?
I wouldn't kick her outta bed for eatin' crackers, nam-sain?

Also, aww! That was Ethan James' last Teens React cause he's turning 20. That's too bad. Also, that haircut is too bad.
Visionaries was a weird one to pick on there.
I thought it a particularly stellar example of that era of, "These are toys. You should scream at your parents until they buy you some." The series was enter"teen"ing enough, I just felt they were trying reeeeeally hard to match the success of He-Man et al, and not succeeding at it. I mean, in one episode they have to defeat an imp that hexes their smart guy into having a big pie fight, and defeat another imp (named "Shaggy") that can control your hair by chasing him with a giant safety razor? That's just silly.

Argh... guitar is backwards, upside down, and not plugged in. :fu:

Dick Dale plays left handed with a right handed guitar just flipped over, but this kid is no Dick Dale.


Staff member
My dad also plays left handed on a right handed guitar, and also is no Dick Dale - but really, who is?

But really, you want him to haul around a cable, presumably going to an amp/speaker, to all those different locations? It's a video, man :p are you also disappointed that every single musician lip syncs in their music videos as well?