The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)

The world feels like it kinda sucks these days, so here's a video of a man doing silly dancing with a bunch of people around the world.

Ooh, a new one!

But man, I don't know if it's because of sponsorship or what, but his destinations are fairly limited this time around. 50%+ USA and several other countries multiple times.


Staff member
I liked this one a lot more than I thought I would. I barely could muster the enthusiasm to click play on it in my RSS, but I'm glad I did... it was very entertaining to watch IRISH PEOPLE CRITIQUE FRENCH BOOZE

I watched the Irish people drink American Craft Beers and got annoyed. They chose Founders but gave them the IPA?!? Gah!


Staff member
I can't say I've ever been that mad over anything.[DOUBLEPOST=1479097530,1479097447][/DOUBLEPOST]I was waiting for the end where he says, "Oh! Here it fuckin' is!"
Bee Movie, but sped up every time someone says "bee." This is amazing.

There are so many variations on this theme. Gets slower, gets faster, gets higher, gets lower, entire movie compressed into three minutes...I don't know why Bee Movie is receiving so much love for these shenanigans (new fad?), but there you go.



Staff member
My least favorite are the kinds where "It's the X movie but every time they say X the entire X movie is substituted."