I've been debating posting my dreams here (because I dream often, and I dream crazy) but his one acutally made me go "What the...?" when I woke up, so I shall share!
When I first woke up, I remembered more of the beginning, but I don't anymore. Anyway, so I work for a government agency of some sort and there was a threat on our building. So I'm running around ALL OVER to try and find the culprit. And I do. They're on the freeway. So I hop in my car with my partner, who is Chris Hemsworth. We're flying down the freeway, I'm driving and all of a sudden it's backed up. Like crazy, no way we are moving anywhere backed up. I decide it would be a good idea to hoof it, so I get out of the car to start a footchase with said bad person, but I'm in heels. (And let it be known, I ROCKED it, running in heels that is.) Chris runs off the other direction, chasing someone else.
I specifically remember the heels being my metallic purple strappy ones, not sure why, but it was that pair. So, I'm chasing the person and it's a girl, we shoot through someone's living room and the girl from Evil Dead, the one in the cellar, she's hiding underneath these people's entertainment center and tries to grab my foot as I run by. I dodge and parkour flip over their coffee table. As we exit onto the back patio, we're in an airport and I am sprinting for all I'm worth. When the person eases up to try and turn, I dive on them and tackle them to the ground. Success! But only just, they fight with me and I wrestle away a small package from them. It has this silly little card wrapped in it with weird writing. Some other government person shows up then and takes the other person away. But I'm suspricious of this new person, I don't trust them at all! We travel back to headquarters to decipher the letter, where I am no help. Because I keep accusing this other person of being in cohorts with the person that we just caught.
Eventually though, we figure it out and go to the building specified on the card, which ends up being that house we ran through earlier.
We go there, and nothing really happens. The creepy girl from Evil Dead keeps trying to talk to me, which freaks me out, so I go hide in a closet. Chris Hemsworth finds me in the closet and we hug. I randomly remember, that in the dream, his t-shirt is really soft and black. Anyway, we hug and he's all 'We did it! We caught them, it's all over." And I'm all, 'Yay!'
I then leave to go wander around the neighborhood and I find my friend Jill (my real life friend) and her and I talk about what just happened, but I can't let slip that I caught the person, so I have to be all 'Yeah, wow, it's so crazy!" then she starts singing Katy Perry's new song 'Roar' to me. I smile and keep wandering. Then I wake up.
So....that was a thing. Normally my dreams are very scary or very violent, so I don't tell many people about them, but this one was just to WTF not to share.
When I first woke up, I remembered more of the beginning, but I don't anymore. Anyway, so I work for a government agency of some sort and there was a threat on our building. So I'm running around ALL OVER to try and find the culprit. And I do. They're on the freeway. So I hop in my car with my partner, who is Chris Hemsworth. We're flying down the freeway, I'm driving and all of a sudden it's backed up. Like crazy, no way we are moving anywhere backed up. I decide it would be a good idea to hoof it, so I get out of the car to start a footchase with said bad person, but I'm in heels. (And let it be known, I ROCKED it, running in heels that is.) Chris runs off the other direction, chasing someone else.
I specifically remember the heels being my metallic purple strappy ones, not sure why, but it was that pair. So, I'm chasing the person and it's a girl, we shoot through someone's living room and the girl from Evil Dead, the one in the cellar, she's hiding underneath these people's entertainment center and tries to grab my foot as I run by. I dodge and parkour flip over their coffee table. As we exit onto the back patio, we're in an airport and I am sprinting for all I'm worth. When the person eases up to try and turn, I dive on them and tackle them to the ground. Success! But only just, they fight with me and I wrestle away a small package from them. It has this silly little card wrapped in it with weird writing. Some other government person shows up then and takes the other person away. But I'm suspricious of this new person, I don't trust them at all! We travel back to headquarters to decipher the letter, where I am no help. Because I keep accusing this other person of being in cohorts with the person that we just caught.
Eventually though, we figure it out and go to the building specified on the card, which ends up being that house we ran through earlier.
We go there, and nothing really happens. The creepy girl from Evil Dead keeps trying to talk to me, which freaks me out, so I go hide in a closet. Chris Hemsworth finds me in the closet and we hug. I randomly remember, that in the dream, his t-shirt is really soft and black. Anyway, we hug and he's all 'We did it! We caught them, it's all over." And I'm all, 'Yay!'
I then leave to go wander around the neighborhood and I find my friend Jill (my real life friend) and her and I talk about what just happened, but I can't let slip that I caught the person, so I have to be all 'Yeah, wow, it's so crazy!" then she starts singing Katy Perry's new song 'Roar' to me. I smile and keep wandering. Then I wake up.
So....that was a thing. Normally my dreams are very scary or very violent, so I don't tell many people about them, but this one was just to WTF not to share.