The I'm Drunk/Wasted/High thread part too drunk to count

It has been years since the last time I was drunk. There are people who make a mistake so big while drunk that they say "I will never drink again". The only difference between them and me is that I actually did it.
Hahaha Drunk Leigh will be singing this for the rest of his life.
[DOUBLEPOST=1373832464][/DOUBLEPOST]Apparently science and drinking make for good singing.
I am 3 pitchers of White into an evening. Blitzed as fuck, well sexed and the last one awake. I have done well this saturday. Tomorrow I move old furniture to the dump and await the last of my supplies to finish my basement office.

Too drunk to do anything productive, but still wide awake. The only downside to an evening such as this.
I am 3 pitchers of White into an evening. Blitzed as fuck, well sexed and the last one awake. I have done well this saturday. Tomorrow I move old furniture to the dump and await the last of my supplies to finish my basement office.

Too drunk to do anything productive, but still wide awake. The only downside to an evening such as this.

Saturday Night is just beginning for me and it's a friends birthday. LET THE FUN BEGIN.
Drunk enough to feel the power of the universe, not drunk enough to drink all of a mix of yuengling and adult chocolate milk. Even see cottage cheese? Imagine that but smelling vaguely of chocolate khalua and beer.
Guys I...uhm.,

Yeah its 1:45 am.

I have to work tomorow. Sunday mornning.

I went out with my canadian friend and his shanghainese wife. I always make the mistake of singing a chinese song because that always gets me waaaay waaay more (free) alcohol than I should be drinking.

oh well. 干杯!
Episode IV on the tv.Beer on the table. Home from a friends birthday dinner. Met someone who makes me want to try that whole dating thing again. Good night.
"I can't drink much. I have to be at work early tomorrow for patient examinations."
"かんぱい! かんぱい! かんぱい! かんぱい! かんぱい! かんぱい! かんぱい!"
"えええええと--- FINE."

Also, I found a one eyed tuxedo kitten on the way home and it totally loved me and I was debating taking it home until it started giving me kitty cat paw massages on my lap and I realized it was declawed and I figured that if that's the case, cutie's likely got an owner. At least that's what I tell the crazy cat lady in me.
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So if you ever have the chance to be biking home from a toga party still wearing the toga and you can look up at just the right moment to see a shooting star you should totally do that. It's really life affirming.
So if you ever have the chance to be biking home from a toga party still wearing the toga and you can look up at just the right moment to see a shooting star you should totally do that. It's really life affirming.
What a sweet image.
Imma drunk. Been sucking down Founder's Curmudgeon beer and finishing it off with Ommegang Three Philosopher's. Super yummy stuff.

What I want, more than anything, is either Goose Island bourbon barrel stout or to try the Founder's Kentucky Breakfast Stout.
Nice IPA's and a cards against humanity game. On the way the party a flicker flew parallel to me for a couple metres. I guess what I'm trying to say is you should ride your bike more. Especially when you've been drinking.
Coworker of mine referees to me as the filling station (phil-ing station)

A friend of hers comes in and they're talking for a bit and she says to her female friend something along the lines of "he'll Phil you up"

To which she replies "I'd let him"

Which was an immediate turn off because seriously, lady, I'm not saying she should be reaching for the stars or anything but don't make it obvious that you've just given up.

After work I went to a bar and kinda fell in love with a girl who sang Eminem on the kareoke with surprisingly good diction.

So that's what I'm doing with my life, I guess.
I am so drunk,that I can actually "WHOOOOOOOH!" correctly.Almost as good as Pitbull or Shawn Paul. Jesus Christ I am fucking plasterd.
My female friend,who forgot my birthday (which i dont mind) was so chargrined that her goal tonight was to get me completeldy hammered.
I say, Mission Accomplished. clap clap[DOUBLEPOST=1376877201,1376877104][/DOUBLEPOST]Also,I am quite embarrassed about being able to "WHOOOOOOH!" correctly. Just shows how drunk I am.