[Other] The not so funny pic thread (some NSFL or gore)

The dispersal of the water vapor from the waterfall seems to indicate that the atmospheric environment extends beyond and below the confines of the ring.
Agreed, but the fact that it doesn't bend back towards the exterior of the ring suggests that there is a much more massive object below the frame in order to keep pulling it down like that.
...I realize I'm bordering on Clement/Niven-level pickiness, here. I don't deduct points for doing this "artists-license" stuff, but boy, do I give extra points for people who try to remember to add that stuff in.
Nothing clears a room faster than talk of "feminine hygiene."
It's never really bothered me. This has led to amusing situations where people try to erect a "privacy bubble" by bringing up an uncomfortable topic in the hopes that peripheral listeners will move away, but instead all it does is bring me over because I'm genuinely interested in joining the conversation.

Agreed, but the fact that it doesn't bend back towards the exterior of the ring suggests that there is a much more massive object below the frame in order to keep pulling it down like that.
...I realize I'm bordering on Clement/Niven-level pickiness, here. I don't deduct points for doing this "artists-license" stuff, but boy, do I give extra points for people who try to remember to add that stuff in.

It's never really bothered me. This has led to amusing situations where people try to erect a "privacy bubble" by bringing up an uncomfortable topic in the hopes that peripheral listeners will move away, but instead all it does is bring me over because I'm genuinely interested in joining the conversation.



Staff member
If I'm drawing something and I'm faced with the choice between accurate and visually interesting, the latter wins.
Agreed, but the fact that it doesn't bend back towards the exterior of the ring suggests that there is a much more massive object below the frame in order to keep pulling it down like that.
...I realize I'm bordering on Clement/Niven-level pickiness, here. I don't deduct points for doing this "artists-license" stuff, but boy, do I give extra points for people who try to remember to add that stuff in.
It's a turtle down there. A really, really large turtle. He's carrying Tubeworld on his back.


Staff member
I'm not sure if that was in response to me, or the photo discussion, but if it was mine... :Leyla:
Po-tay-to po-tah-to[DOUBLEPOST=1399499546,1399499317][/DOUBLEPOST]Personally if I were advertising pads, I'd have the woman go off like a rocket, land on her back, and start spinning from the force of it until some technicians in level 4 CDC suits manage to bolt on my industrial strength pads. I'd have it be a surprise too. Like she's having stereotypical girl talk over coffee when the table starts rumbling lowly. Her eyes get wide, then PEW! Up she goes.
Personally if I were advertising pads, I'd have the woman go off like a rocket, land on her back, and start spinning from the force of it until some technicians in level 4 CDC suits manage to bolt on my industrial strength pads. I'd have it be a surprise too. Like she's having stereotypical girl talk over coffee when the table starts rumbling lowly. Her eyes get wide, then PEW! Up she goes.
I think you misunderstood. It was a commercial for maxi-pads, not mexi-food.

Po-tay-to po-tah-to[DOUBLEPOST=1399499546,1399499317][/DOUBLEPOST]Personally if I were advertising pads, I'd have the woman go off like a rocket, land on her back, and start spinning from the force of it until some technicians in level 4 CDC suits manage to bolt on my industrial strength pads. I'd have it be a surprise too. Like she's having stereotypical girl talk over coffee when the table starts rumbling lowly. Her eyes get wide, then PEW! Up she goes.
On the other hand, it could be more like this. There was an actual villain in Savage Dragon called Heavy Flo.


Staff member
On the other hand, it could be more like this. There was an actual villain in Savage Dragon called Heavy Flo.
Wow.[DOUBLEPOST=1399564616,1399564431][/DOUBLEPOST]Trying to figure out what brappa lortch sounds like in real life.[DOUBLEPOST=1399564750][/DOUBLEPOST]Maybe that's the Power of the Uterus from the other thread.