[Other] The not so funny pic thread (some NSFL or gore)


Staff member
Um what's the origin of the yellowy brown part on the front then?
Ok, 99% toilet paper. The gold "emroidery" is gold tape, she said in the post I linked.[DOUBLEPOST=1401071568,1401071491][/DOUBLEPOST]
Might be more of "God help her if she needs to use the bathroom." Looks like the hips up on the front, and somewhere around the bottom of the butt on the back are basically paper mache, and was formed around her, so way to take it off without destroying it.
Well, she made it on a dressmaker's dummy... so she had to have some way to get IN to it without destroying it...

I will say, as much as the show honey boo-boo might be trash, the family is using the money from the show to put in a college fund for her, so they at least seem like reasonably good people.


Staff member
This kid. See this kid?

This is the kid you watch closely and send to therapy. That is class A mass murderer material there. Solipsistic narcissism.


Staff member
This is the kid you watch closely and send to therapy. That is class A mass murderer material there. Solipsistic narcissism.
That's the kind of thing I'd expect to see on the Facebook of the two 12 year-old girls who recently stabbed their best friend because they thought it would please Slenderman.


Staff member
It's a noteworthy step to go beyond the already troubling "I'm not ok, you're not ok" to the defcon 5 alarm-raising "I'm not ok, you don't actually exist."


Staff member
It seems really trashy that the dad put more money for having a son than a daughter.
Clearly dad is not a pillar of virtue in this story, given that it is pretty much spelled out that stepmom was an employee of mom that dad cheated on mom with, then married after the divorce.
Clearly dad is not a pillar of virtue in this story, given that it is pretty much spelled out that stepmom was an employee of mom that dad cheated on mom with, then married after the divorce.
Not only that, but it seems it did it twice. (Sort of. I have no idea if the current mistress is an employee.)

The son doesn't come off as a great person, either. Frankly, this is an example of "be grateful this isn't your family" all-around.


Staff member
Is there more to this than the dirty dress? I feel like there's a story.

A bride crying alone in a dirty wedding dress on a subway? You bet your ass there's a story.

But it turns out she's upset because of a combination of too much to drink and her soccer team didn't win.