[Other] The not so funny pic thread (some NSFL or gore)

It still makes me chuckle how silly big a fortress monastery ship is supposed to be. Do a thousand guys and their support staff really need a 20 km long ship?


Staff member
I don't know what's more bleck... that Kim Kardashian has an iphone game, or that people were actually upset when it went down.

I, uh, can't see those images...and it's only been 1 minute since you posted them, so I know they probably haven't been taken down yet.



Staff member
I, uh, can't see those images...and it's only been 1 minute since you posted them, so I know they probably haven't been taken down yet.

You and Stienman, something's wrong with you guys.

To prove it isn't some wacky cheezburger bullshit hotlink protection, I just VNC'd into a server that I've NEVER come to this website on before (I mean really, web-browsing on a server is stupidly suicidal) just to load this page of this thread and view those images successfully. Are you guys using an adblocker that's got some overzealous rules in it or something? I'm using ABP and it still lets em through though...
Probably has more to do with the third-party hosting than anything else.
Either that, or our eyes automatically filter out KK images.



Staff member
Whitehat seems the likely culprit to me. It sounds overzealous about blocking perceived threats to privacy and security, and you know cheezburger is a cookie-trackin' datamining affiliate advertisin' whirling dervish.
I find this picture to be slightly uplifting and motivational.

It only takes one villager to rebuild the empire.
I've lost everyone except for 4 galleons in a multiplayer game. No villagers, no buildings, absolutely no hope whatsoever of winning.
But I'll tell you what, those 4 galleons knew they were done for, so they went around absolutely destroying the shipping lanes until they were finally cornered and sunk.



Staff member
The Bulletproof Jeep.

This Jeep Cherokee was used to transport Minerva Bautista, head of the Secretaria de Seguridad of Michoacan, Mexico, when an assassination attempt was made on her life. The vehicle was hit with over 350 bullets from AK-47, AR-15, 40mm RPG, and .50 Barret and Minerva only survived the attack due to how well armored the Jeep was.
Uh... someone wanna check up on You Know Who?
Lord Voldemort is dead. Did you read the books or watch the movies?[DOUBLEPOST=1406790810,1406790612][/DOUBLEPOST]All joking aside, I found information about the pictures.
On 24 April, 2010, this Jeep Grand Cherokee was used to transport Minerva Bautista, head of the Secretaria de Seguridad of Michoacan, Mexico. The office of the Secretaria de Seguridad is the equivalent of our State Department of Public Safety. She survived the assassination attempt due to the level 5 armored vehicle she was traveling in. It received 350 impacts from AK-47, AR-15, 40mm RPG, and .50 Barret. Doesn’t mention the name of the armored company that built the Jeep Cherokee, however government officials are praising how well the vehicle stood up during the attack.
The .50 Barrett is an anti-materiel rifle, isn't it? As in it's designed to penetrate armor?

Now I'm even more impressed.


Staff member
Augh. Dear lord. I'm sorry but now I've seen it, you have to see it too. Unless you're smart enough not to click on the spoiler.
