the other half is the abomination some monster named shao tucker from an anime called fullmetal alchemist made by fusing his daughter and her dog.I get half of that. The Futurama half.
the other half is the abomination some monster named shao tucker from an anime called fullmetal alchemist made by fusing his daughter and her dog.I get half of that. The Futurama half.
Hey what's up guys, welcome back to Binging with Babish, where this week we'll be cooking a pokemon...
"Where do you think we are?"
I was trying to find a good way to include this very thing, since it was probably the first thing that came to mind.
Jandalf, the swedish wizard.View attachment 46896
This is the most profane image I've seen on the internet this week.
View attachment 46897
Ha ha then there will be the debate over whether it's pronounced "'ʤæn dɑlf" (JAN-dalf) or "ˈjɑn dɑlf" (YAHN-dalf).Jandalf, the swedish wizard.
I just watched somebody die and somehow I'm not upset about it.
Extortionist dies when dinamite explodes in his hands. This is how things are here.
Shouldn't that be @Terrik ?@GasBandit
Street dentist's cap - Download Free 3D model by Cuming Collection, Southwark Council (@cumingcollection)
This cap belonged to a street “dentist” or tooth puller. It is made of brown velvet and felt, and decorated with approximately 88 decayed human teeth, once belonging to his patients. The teeth have been drilled and attached with twine. Wearing a cap like this was supposed to imply the “magician”
Gas, I believe you have a gif involving shoveling that would be appropriate now.
It's a bu-car-ke!
Gas, I believe you have a gif involving shoveling that would be appropriate now.
The Sister of Battle head on the marine is icing.
Not to make light of your situation, but the first thing that came to my meme-poisoned mind was...There's an active shooter only about 2.5 KM away from me here at work. I'm far enough that I'm not in any danger, but still scary stuff.
View attachment 47977