DarkAudit, a former active member, has been trying to raise funds to get his car fixed. I don't know why he stopped frequenting around here, but maybe some here have some money to spare?

How did you know it was DA? I never knew his name.


Staff member
Also between running Secret Santa and the people who signed up for the Emergency Contact list, I know more real names, phone numbers, and addresses of you guys than I'm really comfortable with tbh.


Staff member
I didn't even know this was a thing.
It's pretty old, and honestly probably way out of date, but there was a time (somewhere around 8-10 years ago I think?) when people wanted to have their contact information on file (but locked away) in case they were needed to be contacted in an emergency, or to do wellness checks on members with tendencies toward mental health issues, that sort of thing. I'm the keeper of that data, locked away securely. I've only had to use it a couple times.

That said, if anybody WANTS to be on that list, they can just let me know in PM.
Also between running Secret Santa and the people who signed up for the Emergency Contact list, I know more real names, phone numbers, and addresses of you guys than I'm really comfortable with tbh.
You knew what you were in for when you signed up for the gig.

It's pretty old, and honestly probably way out of date, but there was a time (somewhere around 8-10 years ago I think?) when people wanted to have their contact information on file (but locked away) in case they were needed to be contacted in an emergency, or to do wellness checks on members with tendencies toward mental health issues, that sort of thing. I'm the keeper of that data, locked away securely. I've only had to use it a couple times.

That said, if anybody WANTS to be on that list, they can just let me know in PM.
I'm fairly certain we've only used it once, but it was an important once
Was it used for that? I remember there being a mad scramble trying to find contact info, and I think it was Frank who managed to get a wellness check or whatever it would be called in Canada. I assume that was the impetus for the emergency contact file.


Staff member
I'm fairly certain we've only used it once, but it was an important once
Was it used for that? I remember there being a mad scramble trying to find contact info, and I think it was Frank who managed to get a wellness check or whatever it would be called in Canada. I assume that was the impetus for the emergency contact file.
I don't want to go into how many times I've had to use it, for whom, and in what situation. But yeah that was the event that made us decide to have it.

Anyway not looking to name names and reopen wounds. Point is, some people have given me their contact info for various reasons, DA was one of them, and I can corroborate Nick's post as legit.
I nearly hung up on a bigot. The customer asked me to remove the "fairy channel."

He meant Out TV, a channel for LGBTQ content. It was on a free preview.
Not sure if this is a rant or a whine, but an observation. There's a shuttle service going all the way from one town in Richland, to another town in Hammonton where I take the train to and from Philly. And whenever I call the service to wait five minutes , I get either Caroline who comes through EVERY time, or Bill who SAYS calls the drivers, but more than half the time I get there on a Bill day the shuttle has gone all ready. And after YESTERDAY I know why, where as Caroline would actually make sure the driver gets the message, BILL however just leaves a voice message....and that's it. Because old Bill thinks its god damn 1990 when people actually CHECKED messages instead of automatically assuming their telemarketing calls!
Work related news.
2 things.
1 - Today was our "annual"-ish pride service. Went great, lots of good feedback on message, music, and in general.
2 - The organist, a talented, classically trained musician, played the first movement of Dancing Mad from FFVI as the postlude after I mentioned it in passing only a week ago. And it was awesome. I've never had an organist both talented and open-minded enough to pull this off.
Isn't that also the main rail line from Halifax to, you know, the rest of the world?
Yes our only rail line connecting our shipping port with North America. Since money is at risk here and not people, everying should be up and running by Wednesday at the latest.


Staff member
To ChatGPT: Write a 45 word poem that looks like it's in French but is actually gibberish

The poem:

Au clair de la lune,
Les chalumeaux sifflent,
Dansent les étoiles,
Chocolat croissant,
Parapluie escargot,
Frissonner les papillons,
Bonjour trampoline,
Citron labyrinthe,
Camembert moustache,
Zigzag pastèque,
Pamplemousse galaxie,
Harmonie vinaigrette,
Bibliothèque popcorn,
Tambourine éléphant,
Hibou merveilleux,
Arc-en-ciel chatoyant,
Château cacahuète,
Sourire cacophonie.

In the moonlight,
The torches whistle,
the stars dance,
chocolate croissant,
Snail Umbrella,
shiver the butterflies,
Hello trampoline,
labyrinth lemon,
mustache pie chart,
Watermelon Zigzag,
galaxy grapefruit,
Vinaigrette Harmony,
popcorn library,
elephant tambourine,
marvelous owl,
shimmering rainbow,
Peanut Castle,
Smile cacophony.
To ChatGPT: Write a 45 word poem that looks like it's in French but is actually gibberish

The poem:

Au clair de la lune,
Les chalumeaux sifflent,
Dansent les étoiles,
Chocolat croissant,
Parapluie escargot,
Frissonner les papillons,
Bonjour trampoline,
Citron labyrinthe,
Camembert moustache,
Zigzag pastèque,
Pamplemousse galaxie,
Harmonie vinaigrette,
Bibliothèque popcorn,
Tambourine éléphant,
Hibou merveilleux,
Arc-en-ciel chatoyant,
Château cacahuète,
Sourire cacophonie.

In the moonlight,
The torches whistle,
the stars dance,
chocolate croissant,
Snail Umbrella,
shiver the butterflies,
Hello trampoline,
labyrinth lemon,
mustache pie chart,
Watermelon Zigzag,
galaxy grapefruit,
Vinaigrette Harmony,
popcorn library,
elephant tambourine,
marvelous owl,
shimmering rainbow,
Peanut Castle,
Smile cacophony.
Very dadaist


Staff member
Well, I guess I have the reassurance that when I bought a Bolt, I bought the best one.

View attachment 44968

Ironic given how many "best EV for the money" articles have come out about the Bolt EUV in the last few months. But as it's a compact crossover, and not a BIG STONKIN TRUKK, I suppose it was to be expected - American car companies don't make cars any more.
Ha ha psych, you thought? What a maroon


I expect it to be a Bolt in name only though, probably on the ultium platform. We'll see if it keeps the sub 30k entry price point, which is really the whole reason the Bolt sold so well. Kind of an odd about face, though, after going on and on about how they lost money on every Bolt.