Ha ha psych, you thought? What a maroon

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I expect it to be a Bolt in name only though, probably on the ultium platform. We'll see if it keeps the sub 30k entry price point, which is really the whole reason the Bolt sold so well. Kind of an odd about face, though, after going on and on about how they lost money on every Bolt.
Chevy’s page about the new Bolt says bare bones model starts at $27,500. Of course the model shown on the page has most of the bells & whistles they say is $37,500. I figure around my area, where all the dealers are purposely keeping the low inventory model to help them charge more, the low end price will be $35,000. All the local dealers wonder why everyone heads out of town to find new cars. We can go 90 miles north or south and have full inventory selection and lower prices.


Staff member
Chevy’s page about the new Bolt says bare bones model starts at $27,500. Of course the model shown on the page has most of the bells & whistles they say is $37,500. I figure around my area, where all the dealers are purposely keeping the low inventory model to help them charge more, the low end price will be $35,000. All the local dealers wonder why everyone heads out of town to find new cars. We can go 90 miles north or south and have full inventory selection and lower prices.
That pretty much mirrored my experience, except I couldn't actually get the one I ordered because GM was so backlogged building Bolts. Somebody else bailed on their order when it was being delivered, and my sales guy gave me the chance to buy it, because it was close to (but not exactly) what I had ordered, and I went ahead and snapped it up. But despite it being extremely close to it, the check I cut was for $35k. I was expecting to pay more than list (because list of course never includes standard additions like TTL etc), and fortunately this wasn't much more than the "more" I was expecting.
Chevy’s page about the new Bolt says bare bones model starts at $27,500. Of course the model shown on the page has most of the bells & whistles they say is $37,500. I figure around my area, where all the dealers are purposely keeping the low inventory model to help them charge more, the low end price will be $35,000. All the local dealers wonder why everyone heads out of town to find new cars. We can go 90 miles north or south and have full inventory selection and lower prices.
I was fully prepared to drive to Houston to buy a car if I couldn't get a good deal on my newest one in the only dealership in town that carried it.
One of my hot female subordinates was recently in the hospital for knee surgery. Naturally, she took a few days off work for the operation. Apparently, however, there were some minor complications with the procedure, so she's going to need to stay in the hospital for a couple days more. So she messaged me to ask me if she can have a couple more days off, and I was all like, "Sure, no problem, take all the time you need to recover." But apparently she was worried about me not believing her or something, because she then sent me, completely unprompted, a couple of photos of her in her hospital bed. One of which is a picture of her bare legs (well, almost bare, one of her knees is bandaged and in a brace). Her hospital gown is lifted up very high to show her legs in their entirety.

So right now, I'm sort of like, okay now I have a photo of my female coworker's undressed lower body on my work computer. Do I delete this? Technically it could be considered a work-related image, so maybe it should be kept? But it makes me feel skeevy, and I don't really need it anyway, because I was going to approve her taking days off no matter what. But if I deliberately delete these photos then, is that sort of like acting extra guilty? After all, I don't delete any other stuff that's been sent to me over our messaging system. So maybe I should just ignore them and never think about them again, that would be the most natural thing to do right? But then one day someone from the IT department might see the pictures and then I'd have to explain them?

I have literally never had anyone send me any pictures of them in any state of undress before. Especially not in a work-related context. I don't know what to do in this situation, or if I'm supposed to do anything at all.
So. I thought I'd seen the end of my hot female subordinate's legs, but apparently not.

We have two performance reviews every year, one in January and one in July. We did this particular subordinate's performance review today. Since she's working remotely, we did it over video chat. There was me, the hot female subordinate, and our hot female supervisor in the remote meeting. Our supervisor did most of the talking, and the review mainly dealt with hot female subordinate's work performance, though near the end our supervisor asked her how her knee's doing.

And she basically said, "Oh yes, it's recovering very nicely, you can barely see the wound now!"

And then she grabbed her webcam and pointed it down at her knees, thus giving our supervisor and I an extended view of her shorts-clad legs. We were both like, "Okay... well, thanks for showing us and keeping us in the loop!"

On the bright side, yes, the wound did look like it was healing well.
So. I thought I'd seen the end of my hot female subordinate's legs, but apparently not.

We have two performance reviews every year, one in January and one in July. We did this particular subordinate's performance review today. Since she's working remotely, we did it over video chat. There was me, the hot female subordinate, and our hot female supervisor in the remote meeting. Our supervisor did most of the talking, and the review mainly dealt with hot female subordinate's work performance, though near the end our supervisor asked her how her knee's doing.

And she basically said, "Oh yes, it's recovering very nicely, you can barely see the wound now!"

And then she grabbed her webcam and pointed it down at her knees, thus giving our supervisor and I an extended view of her shorts-clad legs. We were both like, "Okay... well, thanks for showing us and keeping us in the loop!"

On the bright side, yes, the wound did look like it was healing well.
So, is this a cultural thing? I didn't say anything last story because I assumed it's just bhamv things, but now your supervisor seems also to think this is awkward. To most people I know, showing a leg or a knee would be like showing an elbow, not taboo
So, is this a cultural thing? I didn't say anything last story because I assumed it's just bhamv things, but now your supervisor seems also to think this is awkward. To most people I know, showing a leg or a knee would be like showing an elbow, not taboo
I mean, obviously this is partially cultural, but I disagree that a leg is the same as an arm.
Yeah, a knee isn't scandalous or anything, but he says "shorts-clad".
Showing, say, this much leg and panning down to show it off would not be the same as just a woman showing her biceps:
I mean, obviously this is partially cultural, but I disagree that a leg is the same as an arm.
Yeah, a knee isn't scandalous or anything, but he says "shorts-clad".
Showing, say, this much leg and panning down to show it off would not be the same as just a woman showing her biceps:
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Yeah, it would. If you think that image is sexualized it's because you're sexualizing it
I could probably get an onlyfans for it. Wouldn't have to censor the sex scenes any more, then!
There is no way in hell I am paying SPECIFICALLY YOU on Onlyfans. And not because I'd be worried about explaining it to Mr. Z. It's the principle of the thing.

ADDENDUM- Mr. Z : "So you're saying I'd be paying [Gasbandit] to watch [Gasbandit] to have sex with my wife.....How much?".


Staff member
Came into some money. This morning I paid off my credit cards, paid off my wife's credit cards, paid all our bills, and paid off her truck. I figure I cleared up about $500 in monthly payments. And I still have a decent chunk left over.

Why didn't I use this money for a house downpayment, you ask? Well, until I know what is going to happen with my student loans I just couldn't see getting a house.


Staff member
There is no way in hell I am paying SPECIFICALLY YOU on Onlyfans. And not because I'd be worried about explaining it to Mr. Z. It's the principle of the thing.

ADDENDUM- Mr. Z : "So you're saying I'd be paying [Gasbandit] to watch [Gasbandit] to have sex with my wife.....How much?".
Technically, given the cast roles, he'd have been paying Gasbandit to watch Gasbandit murder his wife.

There is no way in hell I am paying SPECIFICALLY YOU on Onlyfans.
Specifically Gas? So OnlyFans of other forumites is a thing you would be interested in? My pasty white, not in great shape body is ready. You may now swoon.
Yes, any time now.
*checks watch*
Look, not to be a bother but I can't help noticing that there is a distinct lack of swooning going on here.
Specifically Gas? So OnlyFans of other forumites is a thing you would be interested in? My pasty white, not in great shape body is ready. You may now swoon.
Yes, any time now.
*checks watch*
Look, not to be a bother but I can't help noticing that there is a distinct lack of swooning going on here.
I can fall into a semi-comatose state for you if you want?


Staff member
Went to my local game store today. It's a store I used to go to a lot when I was a kid and didn't know they'd opened a new location right by my house. They'd only been there about a year so it's not really a surprise I missed it. I realized I hadn't read anything for a while and had never read the full run of Invincible. Three books in the anthology. Book 1 was $100, book 2 & 3 were $65 each. Oof. Right next to them was Injustice: Gods Among Us. I'd read some of year one so I looked and they had years 1, 2, 4, & 5. No year 3. I inquired and they said they could not get year 3. So I bought the ones they had for a total of $123 and came home to look up the year 3 online.

Year 3 from Amazon. $19. It'll be here Sunday.

On a whim I looked up the Invincible anthologies. #1 is $54. #2 is $50. #3 is 43.

I HATE that it's so much cheaper to order from Amazon than my local game store.