One of my hot female subordinates was recently in the hospital for knee surgery. Naturally, she took a few days off work for the operation. Apparently, however, there were some minor complications with the procedure, so she's going to need to stay in the hospital for a couple days more. So she messaged me to ask me if she can have a couple more days off, and I was all like, "Sure, no problem, take all the time you need to recover." But apparently she was worried about me not believing her or something, because she then sent me, completely unprompted, a couple of photos of her in her hospital bed. One of which is a picture of her bare legs (well, almost bare, one of her knees is bandaged and in a brace). Her hospital gown is lifted up very high to show her legs in their entirety.

So right now, I'm sort of like, okay now I have a photo of my female coworker's undressed lower body on my work computer. Do I delete this? Technically it could be considered a work-related image, so maybe it should be kept? But it makes me feel skeevy, and I don't really need it anyway, because I was going to approve her taking days off no matter what. But if I deliberately delete these photos then, is that sort of like acting extra guilty? After all, I don't delete any other stuff that's been sent to me over our messaging system. So maybe I should just ignore them and never think about them again, that would be the most natural thing to do right? But then one day someone from the IT department might see the pictures and then I'd have to explain them?

I have literally never had anyone send me any pictures of them in any state of undress before. Especially not in a work-related context. I don't know what to do in this situation, or if I'm supposed to do anything at all.
I have literally never had anyone send me any pictures of them in any state of undress before.
I'm sure Tin can be persuaded to help a bit with this.

More seriously, though, when in doubt, ask HR. Because you might know the exact situation, but if she suddenly pulls some sort of "my boss pressured me into sending half nude pictures or he wouldn't approve my time off" or whatever (not that I think this likely) it could be problematic.
I do have the remainder of our messages to show that I absolutely did not solicit any pictures from her, so I'm probably safe on that score.

Also we don't really have an HR department, not in the way a western company would. We have an HR person who handles stuff like the administrative procedures associated with hiring and firing and payroll, but she doesn't really deal with matters like this.

I think she's just covering her ass as best she can. This isn't the first time she's produced proof or documentation, completely unprompted, to justify her requests for time off or other accommodations. It may have something to do with the work culture in her home country or her previous company, I dunno, but here we really don't need you to send photographic evidence that you've been hospitalized to approve your sick leave.
Maybe kick the can up the chain & send your boss an email explaining this and asking him whether to delete the photo. That way of someone comes back to you later saying you should/shouldn't have deleted it you can point to the email & you're covered.
Are you going to be arrested for posting on the Internet hereafter?
As of today (June 30), it is now illegal in MI to hold/use a cell phone while driving. Previously it was merely illegal to text, but that law was created prior to the popularity of Facebook, Snapchat, etc. There are exceptions for emergency calling & navigation, and "a single touch" is still okay for "answer call" or "start trip" and the like. But I'm still expecting today to be feeding day for any cop who hasn't made quota this month.



Staff member
My work made a change today to our emergency line. It used to be that when there were issues we would dial 3000. Now, though, we dial 402-555-0400 (number changed just in case)

Remind you of anything?

So, I biked about 40 km today. 20 km to my yoga rock and back. I'm completely exhausted. While swimming in the lake at the rock, I think I got bit by a fish. There's a distinct bite mark on my leg now. I've already sprayed it with some hydrogen peroxide.

But yeah, about 40 km of biking today, plus hiking to my yoga rock, plus about 20 minutes of yoga at said rock, plus about 10 minutes of swimming (more to cool down than anything else).

Oh, and I helped my girlfriend groom a dog and a cat a little bit today.

Sooooo yeah, I'm completely exhausted.


Staff member
Ah, it's been ages since I saw that. Great movie, but yeah, the reference was lost on me.
Shawn's (step)dad got bit, and any time anybody suggest he get it looked at or do something he incredulously, dismissively insists "I *ran it under a cold tap.* No need to make a fuss."
I was on callbacks today at work. One customer answered, but then didn't say anything (or she said hello before our connection completed). After a few seconds, I finally said "Hello?"

She responded, "IDENTIFY YOURSELF."

Gotta say, that's a new one.

The rest of the conversation was pleasant enough once I introduced myself, but a customer loudly demanding I "IDENTIFY" is one for the books.