Some neat words for things I didn't know. I *&%#ing love the word grawlix.

By the way, @Emrys, did you know a group of ferrets are called a business?
I did, cheri. Also, there is debate in the ferret community over whether is should be "business" or "busyness" (to reflect how crazy they can be when awake) because we obviously don't have enough contention in the ferret community.

I like how the crows "murder" but the ravens are just "unkind".
I did, cheri. Also, there is debate in the ferret community over whether is should be "business" or "busyness" (to reflect how crazy they can be when awake) because we obviously don't have enough contention in the ferret community.

I like how the crows "murder" but the ravens are just "unkind".
Shouldn't a group of ferrets be called an "army"? ;)
My wife needs to learn to not give a shit about things, but she says I don't give enough shit about things and need to give more shits, whereas I say that I give a shit about shit that matters and by not giving a shit about the things that don't, that shit just slides off my back, so naturally she gets tons of shit for her attitude about giving shits and that shit weighs her down, while I end up standing in a pile of somebody elses shit that I couldn't give a shit about.
an actual conversation between us,


Staff member
Well, I don't know much about El Paso yet,but the hotel we are staying at is rather amazing. Two bedrooms with a living section in between that has a full kitchen, including utensils, dishwasher, and microwave. It's like a tiny apartment. We want to stay longer but we have to go back to work on Wednesday.

Today we will be going on Fort Bliss to check stuff out. It would be a lot more fun if we didn't have to drive 17+ hours back tomorrow.

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Staff member
Well, I don't know much about El Paso yet,but the hotel we are staying at is rather amazing. Two bedrooms with a living section in between that has a full kitchen, including utensils, dishwasher, and microwave. It's like a tiny apartment. We want to stay longer but we have to go back to work on Wednesday.

Today we will be going on Fort Bliss to check stuff out. It would be a lot more fun if we didn't have to drive 17+ hours back tomorrow.

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I wish I could remember anything noteworthy to tell you to check out while you're there, but I was 13 and hated the place. My mother was in the JAG office there at Fort Bliss, though at this point I doubt there's still anybody there who'd remember her. I doubt you'll have the time or inclination to look at any of the places teenage GasBandit considered his stomping grounds. They're all way over on the west side anyway.
Well, I don't know much about El Paso yet,but the hotel we are staying at is rather amazing. Two bedrooms with a living section in between that has a full kitchen, including utensils, dishwasher, and microwave. It's like a tiny apartment. We want to stay longer but we have to go back to work on Wednesday.

Today we will be going on Fort Bliss to check stuff out. It would be a lot more fun if we didn't have to drive 17+ hours back tomorrow.

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You could go catch Carlsbad Caverns?

Also, I assume if you are going up through NM and not through OKC? I used to live in the OKC area and can recommend a number of restaurants right off 35.
I'm watching Mr. Z eat a bag of Doritos Roulette right now, and it is entertaining as hell. Keep in mind, this is a man who likes spicy foods. It's all *crunch crunch crunch* occasionally punctuated by moments of "AAAAAHHHH!! *HACKHACKCOUGH*OH SHIT, WHY DID THEY DO THIS?! MY EYES BURN!!".

Thanks, Doritos! :D


Staff member
For anyone who likes to hear about internet stuff, there's a major upheaval going on right now over at Imgur, my begrudging image hosting service of choice. Over the years it's grown from mere image hosting to a full blown social media site... and today they changed their community policies to prohibit NSFW images. Posted NSFW images and comments linking to them are vanishing.

Now, bear in mind that previously, all someone had to do if they found a NSFW image was comment "NSFW" and the image would get masked behind a warning, and an extra click would be required to view it. So, for many, this is a heavy handed solution to something that was already adequately dealt with.

But at any rate, as I said, the userbase has gone batshit over this, and started posting all the NSFW content they can as fast as they can, in order to force whoever is policing it to get overwhelmed. Bans are being handed out, but so far it has been completely ineffective. Those not quite brave enough to risk their account are still posting images of solidarity (such as those below), and now Imgur's community rules have been updated AGAIN to prohibit images "encouraging the posting of NSFW images."

I'm actually going through the added steps to upload these pictures here, because I expect Imgur staff will get around to deleting them eventually. No mystery which side of the issue I fall on, is it :p





(The above picture references that the revised community rules about NSFW posts also apply to swimsuits, cleavage, basically anything showing skin if you get right down to it).
Man, I remember when the dude who built Imgur was posting about it on reddit. It was strange enough to see it turn into a social site all its own, but now to have the same censorship bullshit as every other non-4chan site is nuts.
Someone/something must have scared him.
What would happen if you started an image-hosting site specifically for NSFW images? Like, in order to even gain access to the site, you would have to agree that you are ready and willing to view NSFW content. Then the only trouble would be child porn.



Staff member
Man, I remember when the dude who built Imgur was posting about it on reddit. It was strange enough to see it turn into a social site all its own, but now to have the same censorship bullshit as every other non-4chan site is nuts.
My guess is the root is money. There are some advertisers that won't touch your website if you don't police that sort of thing. if they squelch the boobies then they court more ad revenue.

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My guess is the root is money. There are some advertisers that won't touch your website if you don't police that sort of thing. if they squelch the boobies then they court more ad revenue.

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That's a good point. I've also heard reddit's interim CEO wants to push towards making reddit more hugbox-y, so perhaps there's a connection there, too, considering imgur is almost exclusively used to post image content to the site.
A user wanted to know if he could load software that our agency pays for on his personal ipad. Because he needs something portable that can run all the software our agency needs, not like this laptop...