I can't afford it but I bought tickets anyway for this year's Just For Laughs Toronto. They've got a hell of a lineup this year: Patton Oswalt, Craig Ferguson, Hannibal Buress, Chris Hardwick, John Hodgman, Pete Holmes, Gilbert Gottfried, Brian Posehn, Duncan Trussel, Doug Benson....
I bought tickets for Patton Oswalt and used the credits to reserve for Pete Holmes and John Hodgman. Chances are pretty good I'll be buying an additional ticket to see Bill Burr next Friday when individual tickets go on sale.

I'm super excited! Only stand-up I've gone to was Gerry Dee at a Yuk Yuk's in Oakville. This is going to be bit bigger.


Staff member
Oh ho ho, I can already tell my purchase of this 5 pound bag of fruit tootsie rolls is going to end up being SUCH a mistake.
There is a guy on Instagram that is using what looks very similar to our :Leyla:. I saw it on a post from a non-halformite on Facebook.
It may just be coincedence, but he also has a thing for our bananas. I swear that banana in the bowler hat and mustache is the same one @BananaHands uses for his icon. (Well, that and someone wearing the banana suit, but I'm sure they got it at Target, too.)
What if Skeletor was trying to capture Castle Greyskull as a gift for Evil-Lyn and He-Man was just cock blocking him the whole time?!
Did Teela ever learn she was her mother? And what's up with Man-At-Arms? Were they married or did his porn-stache woo her in a one night stand of paradise by the draw bridge light?
In the 2003 they implied it was Man at Arms, but from what I've read they were gonna do a twist and make it his giant robot-armed brother Fisto. That arc would've gotten WAY too complicated if Cartoon Network were to let it stay longer.

Edit: And apparently Skeletor was supposed to be He-man's uncle...neat!


Staff member
According to the He-Man production bible (yes there is such a thing), Adam's mother, Evil-lyn, Beastman and Tri-Klops were actually earth astronauts that got caught in a rip in space and crash landed their shuttle on an unfamiliar world... The latter three were found and enslaved by Skeletor, the magics of his homeland warping them from normal humans into evil versions of their inner nature, while the former woman was found by Randor, king of Eternia. He made her his queen, and their son, Adam, later became He-Man. The Sorceress left her daughter, Teela, for Man-At-Arms to find, and telepathically commanded him to raise her as if she were his own.