According to the He-Man production bible (yes there is such a thing), Adam's mother, Evil-lyn, Beastman and Tri-Klops were actually earth astronauts that got caught in a rip in space and crash landed their shuttle on an unfamiliar world... The latter three were found and enslaved by Skeletor, the magics of his homeland warping them from normal humans into evil versions of their inner nature, while the former woman was found by Randor, king of Eternia. He made her his queen, and their son, Adam, later became He-Man. The Sorceress left her daughter, Teela, for Man-At-Arms to find, and telepathically commanded him to raise her as if she were his own.
I just looked that up, and I am quite happy to learn Beastman's name was...Biff Beastman. Just when you think you've heard the most hilariously dumb name for a He-man character, BAM- you be surprised.


Staff member
Soundhound is trying to make a voice search app to kill Siri and "Ok Google," which they are calling simply "Hound."

It's in closed beta at the moment, but might be one to keep an eye on.


Staff member
I just realized the meter for Fresh Prince of Bellaire is the same as the meter for Last Kiss by Pearl Jam. You can totally sing the lyrics of Fresh Prince to the tune of Last Kiss.
There was a tornado a few miles northwest of us about half an hour ago. Far enough away to not be a threat, but close enough that we could see it from our back porch, as could everyone on I-25. My daughter freaked right the fuck out.

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Staff member
Normally, I'm a grammar and usage lover. But I can't get behind all the "corrections" of the phrase "begs the question". Yeah okay, it has this debate-based meaning, but unlike a lot of my grammar triggers, the colloquial meaning is in alignment with the definitions of the words. Perhaps even better than the technically correct definition.


Staff member
Normally, I'm a grammar and usage lover. But I can't get behind all the "corrections" of the phrase "begs the question". Yeah okay, it has this debate-based meaning, but unlike a lot of my grammar triggers, the colloquial meaning is in alignment with the definitions of the words. Perhaps even better than the technically correct definition.
That bugged me too. The official meaning of begging the question seemed to make less sense to me than how it is generally used.
My latest guess is Ut pravis mihi uera nuntiantur.
I've come up with "Ferunt ut faciunt dolus" ("It is said that they practice trickery") but I've had a hard time verifying if it is legit. I don't know enough about Latin grammar to know if you can -unt twice in a row.

You can, though a Roman wouldn't.
One of the reasons "Latin" is hard to get right is that there's at least 4 different "Latin"s out there. Ancient Roman, Modern Roman, Medieval, and Church. They have slightly different grammar and even vocabulary. Plus, modern day Latin - the Vatican still puts out a yearly list of "new" words in Latin, so they can keep up with the times and can refer to modern things in encyclicals and stuff.
Kati's the one who studied Latin, not me. I'm just talented at language.
I tried to find a better neuter "it is said" or "it is known" or "it is generally agreed (upon)" but I can't trust the online translation tools without getting more educated about Latin grammar.

Got the edits for the new novel back from my publisher. Last time I can go over the book before its release.

*cracks knuckles*

Let's do this.
How much influence does your publisher/editor have on your work? Do they merely point on calarity/continuity issues or do they have actual creative input like some publishers do?
How much influence does your publisher/editor have on your work? Do they merely point on calarity/continuity issues or do they have actual creative input like some publishers do?
Two books and four short stories so far and they've only made small grammatical changes. The one thing I really need to work on is change my spelling from Canadian to American. Because that's the majority of the edits I see.[DOUBLEPOST=1433608283,1433607689][/DOUBLEPOST]Holy crap, do I really have two books and four short stories published through them!?
Two books and four short stories so far and they've only made small grammatical changes. The one thing I really need to work on is change my spelling from Canadian to American. Because that's the majority of the edits I see.[DOUBLEPOST=1433608283,1433607689][/DOUBLEPOST]Holy crap, do I really have two books and four short stories published through them!?
I'm just glad I've got first edition of your first and soon second novel. In 50 years time you'll make me rich. :D