At Times Square I met one costumed person who went by- INTERNATIONAL SPIDER-MAN! RAH, SUPERHEROES! I don't even care that his web rope almost hit me, dude did NOT phone it in and he was fun.

And I avoided those CD people like a BOSS!
I had a close encounter with a tumblr otherkin tonight. Whoever it was, they were claiming to be the person in a set of Honey Lemon cosplay pictures. Since I know the person it REALLY was, this claim what wholeheartedly false.

The excuse? "Uh, I'm a shapeshifter?" No, really. That was their reply. They continued to play the otherkin card when other friends of the REAL person chimed in, then finally said they were sorry and meant no harm.

But continued to claim to be a shapeshifter. And a pillow (no, really). Even the person's "husband" (if that's what he is) continued the shapeshifter story. :facepalm:


Staff member
A: "Haha, the way we do X in country Y is superior to how you do it in the US!"
World: "Yeah! You are so right!"
B: "I'm American, and I prefer our way of doing X."
World: "Jingoist! Imperialist! Ugly American!"
A: "Haha, the way we do X in country Y is superior to how you do it in the US!"
World: "Yeah! You are so right!"
B: "I'm American, and I prefer our way of doing X."
World: "Jingoist! Imperialist! Ugly American!"
There's many an American that doesn't seem to grasp the difference between "I prefer our way of doing X" and "our wat of doing X is better/superior", though. Same reason why Americans are considered rude/arrogant/etc pretty much the world over. It's, in mant ways, a good trait - outspoken, clear-cut, frank, whatever - and many people can appreciate it as such, but in a lot of cultures, on a lot of issues, it can come off as arrogant, dismissive of other views, and so on. Style of communication and all that.


Staff member
Yeah, but even if you change the American's statement to "Our way is better", it's still the same thing the people are saying from other countries. At least it has been in my experience.
Yeah, but even if you change the American's statement to "Our way is better", it's still the same thing the people are saying from other countries. At least it has been in my experience.
Jingoism is not unique to America, but we *have* industrialized it.


Staff member
Dude, pussy comes from the merging of the old Norse word puss meaning vagina and the English word of the same spelling meaning cat.
There are many different possible etymologies of the word. There's no definitive. The ones you stated are just a few of the possibilities.
Yes but the ones that support my opinion are correct because they support my opinion.

Opinion is a funny word, not quite onion not quite pinion.


Staff member
I had a close encounter with a tumblr otherkin tonight. Whoever it was, they were claiming to be the person in a set of Honey Lemon cosplay pictures. Since I know the person it REALLY was, this claim what wholeheartedly false.

The excuse? "Uh, I'm a shapeshifter?" No, really. That was their reply. They continued to play the otherkin card when other friends of the REAL person chimed in, then finally said they were sorry and meant no harm.

But continued to claim to be a shapeshifter. And a pillow (no, really). Even the person's "husband" (if that's what he is) continued the shapeshifter story. :facepalm:
I suspect the "shapeshifter" is just an imaginary creation of the "husband". The "shapeshifter"'s blog name calls her a tulpa, which wikipedia says is a Buddhist term for thought made into a physical object. Based on that, it seems like the "husband" think's he's manged to make a real girl out of his body pillow, and that "she" can magically transform into the women he sees on the internet.
I keep returning to the kitchen. I'm hungry, something's off though; I don't want to eat what we have. This has been happening a lot.

It only just now dawned on me that we've accidentally stopped eating non-fish meat. No poultry, no red meat. It wasn't on purpose, we just kept switching this or that for healthier choices.

And now I'm here, craving actual meat. Why isn't the humus and salmon doing the trick for my body? Why do I want a hamburger so fucking bad?
Thank you! I have gotten everything on Twitter from "This guy is awesome" to "His face does not match his voice" to "This is shark jumping!"
My girlfriend listens to Howard Stern religiously, whereas I only hear it once in a while. She wanted me to hear the segment you were on, and when you mentioned your DA comic it all suddenly clicked. I told her about it, and she laughed and said "You know that weirdo?" But she genuinely thought it was fun and funny while you were on.

So there ya go. That's the genuine reaction from here.
I keep returning to the kitchen. I'm hungry, something's off though; I don't want to eat what we have. This has been happening a lot.

It only just now dawned on me that we've accidentally stopped eating non-fish meat. No poultry, no red meat. It wasn't on purpose, we just kept switching this or that for healthier choices.

And now I'm here, craving actual meat. Why isn't the humus and salmon doing the trick for my body? Why do I want a hamburger so fucking bad?
For the fat content. Whenever I have these kinds of cravings, string cheese or whole milk usually does the trick.
With the solid month of rain recently ending, My back yard is a little out of control. I was out in my back yard running the weed eater. I presume that I found Dr. Livingstone.