Ok, so I'm 37 years old. I've purchased several cars and a house, held numerous jobs, and been responsible for the hiring and firing of other employees. I've been married, divorced, and married again. I've moved half-way across the country, twice. After all of that, the thing that's made me feel most like an adult - you know, that proverbial "you know you're an adult when" moment - was earlier this evening. Our dog knocked the ash tray over, and spilled ashes all over the floor, so I immediately got up and vacuumed. I mentioned this to my wife and she agreed. It's hilarious.
It's been very cold in Taiwan for the last week or so. At night, my wife has been snuggling up against me in her sleep because I generate a lot of warmth. However, this eventually leads to me moving away from her, also in my sleep, possibly because I unconsciously feel too warm or too crowded. And then she moves closer to me again for warmth, and then I move away...

Anyway, that's how I ended up falling out of bed for three nights in a row.


Staff member
Bright golden rays, for a time, push back that which veils the sky; I'm journeying to a place of pleasant scents. So I ask the listener, emphatically, can they inform a traveler of how to reach the paved road known as Sesame?
Bright golden rays, for a time, push back that which veils the sky; I'm journeying to a place of pleasant scents. So I ask the listener, emphatically, can they inform a traveler of how to reach the paved road known as Sesame?
This post brought to you by the number 3, and the letters A and M.
I just found out that my uncle had a daughter that he was never told about before his first marriage. It's such a bizarre story. The poor guy had no idea that she existed.

That is about as random as it gets, right?
Coworker "I can't go on in situ next week, I'm getting a visectomy."

Other coworker 'Hey you should have come to me, I know a guy."
Man, the latest Cracked videos were December of last year. I knew the lay-offs were big, but I didn't know they were THAT big.
I haven't visited in a while because of their shitty web design and ditto commenting section (the people are great, the coding is horrible). But even when I was a regular...Man, the videos could all just go die in a corner as far as I cared.
If they have more text and less video, I might have to go visit again someday soon.


Staff member
I liked the articles, sometimes (mostly the ones by John Cheese, Kathy Benjamin, and sometimes David Wong). After Hours was the only video series of theirs I halfway liked, and even then only sometimes.
Kati loved going there. For the articles (I still shove the Monkeysphere article in as many faces as possible), for the After Hours videos, for the photoshopping. But what really put her off were the LOUD OBNOXIOUS (and sometimes malicious) ADS. She still goes there for some stuff, but she keeps getting chased away due to the avalanche of overly aggressive advertising that tries to assert itself within minutes of loading any of the pages.



Staff member
I also liked the Monkeysphere article, mostly because it mentions one of the same things I always think of in political arguments: "The Government" as some kind of separate, almost non-human entity is such a weird concept to me.