And of course, my neighbors up the hill are hanging out with their buddy, the cop, tonight. They were discussing how much fun these protests have been to watch, how awesome it is to see people getting gassed, beaten, disfigured, and killed by cops, and how much they wished they could get in on some of this juicy action. Sometimes I really fucking hate living here. Every weekend this jackass comes over and gets shit-faced drunk at my neighbors' place, while their kids play together in the backyard pool and their wives get fucked up. I wouldn't give a rat's ass about all of the drinking, being such a heavy toker myself, but they then drive home with a car full of kids and wife, they're always incredibly loud, and nine times out of ten, it devolves into a drunken shouting match between our neighbors when the cop leaves, because my neighbor suspects his wife of fucking around on him with the cop.