[TV] The What Anime Are You Watching Thread!


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Banished Former Hero Lives as he Pleases - Skip
It tries to be a by-the-numbers overpowered protagonist building a harem story... but the MC is too Bishounen for me to believe he has any attraction to women.
Anyway, if this sounds appealing to you, do yourself a favor and watch Reborn to Study the Blade instead - it is literally the same thing only 100x less tedious.
netflix as a company infuriates me with their refusal to allow home video "that will cut into their subscribership". So many shows just evaporate into nothingness when their rights expire after 5-6 years.
This was an excuse to show more Reina, wasn't it?
Also, thanks for introducing me to Bookworm. I have a feeling I need to tell the wife about it.
Ascendance of a Bookworm (2019)
Purchased the season 1&2 collection in Spring of 2022 back when RightStuff was still independent(ish), finally started watching it a couple weeks ago with the wife. She has regaled me with tales of how her parents would literally take away her books when she was younger because she would rather read than do schoolwork, so I felt it would resonate with her. We currently have an arrangement where we alternate weeks forcing the other person to watch something new erm, "sharing" things we like, and the week after I decided to start this series, she chose to continue watching it, so I'm thinking I guessed right. We've gotten through about the first dozen episodes. The blurb is basically, "Book-obsessed young woman is isekai'd into another world where books are rare, and is reincarnated as a gifted/cursed little girl who then sets out to recreate her dream of living surrounded by books." This blurb, while technically accurate, is WRONG. Yes, the main character "Myne" spends time doing the sort of Mary Sue stuff you would expect a highly educated member of a technologically advanced society to do when plunked down into a town that is nowhere near as advanced as the one in the world she came from. But even though these things are central to the plot and enable her to pursue her blurb-stated reason for existing, it does not appear (to me) to be the central "message" the series is trying to convey. No, this story is (practically) a parable repeatedly emphasizing the importance of (social) responsibility/duty, perseverance/adaptability, karma v. kismet, acceptance, and even gets in some attacks on Classism. I am certainly enjoying the world building, and we will see what the other disk and a half have to say about things, and whether seasons 3 (& 4) are worth acquiring or, as Gas suggests, are to be avoided to prevent the memory of the first couple of acts from being tainted.



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The New Gate - Rating: Skip
Pains me to say it, as I was a huge fan of the Manga, but speaking objectively, this series is pretty much only for... well, people who were a huge fan of the Manga. Other than the pacing being a little off, I don't have much to complain about, but I can definitely tell this will fail to land with most people because it tries to be too many things, most of those concepts having been better explored individually in more specific hooks for other shows. It's an isekai, it's a "trapped in a game," it's an unapologetic power fantasy, it's a harem, and it has little to no self awareness. Might be good for someone just starting out who had never seen Sword Art or Log Horizon or Mushoku Tensei or Overlord or.... yeah.
Unfortunately, the last couple episodes have seen a major falloff of art/animation quality. Word is the studio suffered a mass resignation due to working conditions and the show is being outsourced on the cheap at the last minute... so a lot of it looks... well... really bad.


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I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability

I am 100% certain the manga this anime is based off was the mainstream day job of a pedo-hentai artist.