I'm going to see it because the first one entertained me, as I'm thinking the second one will entertain me. In other words, I don't think it was shit, and just because you have a concensus here that you didn't like it doesn't change my personal opinion. The job of movies is to entertain me, if it has done so, it is a good movie.DarkAudit said:"I'm gonna go see it anyway. Who cares if it's poop."
smurf YOU. smurf all y'all. YOU are the reason Hollywood is drowning us in a pile of excrement. You idiots are encouraging this and more of the same. You are the people who curse Uwe Boll's name, yet still line up and let him defecate on you for 100 minutes.
YOU are the reason Land of the Lost and Bewitched turned into Just Another smurfing Will Ferrell Movie.
That's your prerogative. And not the same as some of the other posts that are of the "seeing it just to spite the forum" type.Bowielee said:I'm going to see it because the first one entertained me, as I'm thinking the second one will entertain me. In other words, I don't think it was shit, and just because you have a concensus here that you didn't like it doesn't change my personal opinion. The job of movies is to entertain me, if it has done so, it is a good movie.DarkAudit said:"I'm gonna go see it anyway. Who cares if it's poop."
smurf YOU. smurf all y'all. YOU are the reason Hollywood is drowning us in a pile of excrement. You idiots are encouraging this and more of the same. You are the people who curse Uwe Boll's name, yet still line up and let him defecate on you for 100 minutes.
YOU are the reason Land of the Lost and Bewitched turned into Just Another smurfing Will Ferrell Movie.
That makes a movie good to me. If I leave the theater and don't feel like my money has just been stolen, then yes, I do want more of the same because I LIKED it.
Obviously you didn't watch the movie. It's stated quite clearly that any technology that was there were remnants of when intelligence was still abound and the only machines left were operated by having been taught how to by the previous generation, though as each generation got dumber, each machine fell further and further into ruination. So yeah.Shawnacy said:The concept of Idiocracy is flawed in many ways. I'm interested to see how a society of people with idiot IQs managed to come up with the technology that supports them so they can continue to be idiots.
I think you're reading way too much into, the vitriol is that a movie about big fighting robots turned into a blurry mash of metal and teen angst drama. That's it, not whatever you're taking it as.Krisken said:What I'm finding amusing (and it's probably only me) is the level of vitriol people are showing for a movie they won't see. This isn't some slippery slope where the fate of the human race hangs in the balance.
I was referring to what was on TV/Movies during Idiocracy, if you remember. I'll pass on "OW MY BALLS XII" because people like to see shit explode vs good cinema.Krisken said:Stupid movies making money isn't the cause of stupidity. Idiocracy wasn't even saying that.
Nothing wrong with enjoying a bad movie, when it's supposed to be a bad movie. When it's supposed to be a huge blockbuster action extraveganza? Yeah, takes a different meaning on all together.Krisken said:I feel a little sad for those of you who can't enjoy a bad movie every so often. If only to laugh at the sheer ludicrousness of it.
Should be the title of this thread, seriously.fade said:"Popcorn movie" and "poor directing meets total lack of plot" are NOT synonymous.
Hey, I just went to that expecting a bare ass farting and that's what I got. Not everything has to be "Date Movie", okay?Chummer said:Idiocracy's version of cinema was great: A bare a** farting for 90 minutes.
God, Idiocracy is the most true movie ever.
No, no its really not, as much as we all want to be hip and cynical about the human race. Mike Judge went at the satire and potential comedy with a sledgehammer.Chummer said:God, Idiocracy is the most true movie ever.
I dunno Juski... this doesn't seem far from our future:ElJuski said:No, no its really not, as much as we all want to be hip and cynical about the human race. Mike Judge went at the satire and potential comedy with a sledgehammer.Chummer said:God, Idiocracy is the most true movie ever.
300 was trash, but we had that thread already. Tastes or or no tastes lining up, Ebert is unquestionably a great reviewer even if you don't agree with him 100% of the time(I don't!).Gruebeard said:On the side topic: I enjoy watching and reading Ebert's reviews, but his tastes simply do not match up enough with mine to warrant actually listen to his conclusion on any particular flick. Dude didn't like 300.
It will be. It's being directed by a fantastic director with an IQ above an 8th grader. It has actual real actors in it, too. And there is absolutely no toy marketing tie-in!sixpackshaker said:I just hope Public Enemies will be a good movie. There needs to be some big movie redemption this summer.
Yes, really. Look around osmetime. Look at all the shit thats ranked high on tv. Stupid ass reality shows. Crap with Paris Hilton.ElJuski said:No, no its really not, as much as we all want to be hip and cynical about the human race. Mike Judge went at the satire and potential comedy with a sledgehammer.Chummer said:God, Idiocracy is the most true movie ever.
MindDetective said:Hey, I just went to that expecting a bare a** farting and that's what I got. Not everything has to be "Date Movie", okay?Chummer said:Idiocracy's version of cinema was great: A bare a** farting for 90 minutes.
God, Idiocracy is the most true movie ever.
Never said I could spell worth a shit or not make typos.Shegokigo said:Also Juski, you can't deny that the dumb and inbred are breeding in much larger numbers than the intelligent and well educated.
Oh and Chummer, I love your post, but the multitude of grammical errors is kinda defeating your own point, unless you're using yourself as example. :tongue:
I definitely accept that people like different fucking movies, trust me. This thread was just trying to help people not get burned. The buzz and even the stupid moronic movie bloggers that sucked 300's pulsating cock like it was gonna spit out $100 bills were all saying that this one sucked after praising the first one. My boy Ebert from the first post gave the first one three stars! Even the not hoity-toity critics that loved Transformers 1 were trashing this one. That's what I was trying to get across.HoboNinja said:Charlie Dont Surf with their movie critic superiority complex can't accept that some people like different fucking movies then they are the idiots. By the way, 300 was fucking awesome!
Well, I don't have any statistics handy, but I can only imagine. We all deal with stupid people all the time. The bar can be set REAL low. I mean, take for instance, the boyfriend who "accidnetally" choke slammed a 2-year old too hard when they were rough housing (???). Now the local paper is talking about a dead 2 year old and a moronic boyfriend in custody. People can be hella dumb.Chummer said:Never said I could spell worth a shit or not make typos.Shegokigo said:Also Juski, you can't deny that the dumb and inbred are breeding in much larger numbers than the intelligent and well educated.
Oh and Chummer, I love your post, but the multitude of grammical errors is kinda defeating your own point, unless you're using yourself as example. :tongue:
god whatever charlie why you gotta keep up your schtick all the time godCharlie Dont Surf said:I definitely accept that people like different fucking movies, trust me. This thread was just trying to help people not get burned. The buzz and even the stupid moronic movie bloggers that sucked 300's pulsating cock like it was gonna spit out $100 bills were all saying that this one sucked after praising the first one. My boy Ebert from the first post gave the first one three stars! Even the not hoity-toity critics that loved Transformers 1 were trashing this one. That's what I was trying to get across.HoboNinja said:Charlie Dont Surf with their movie critic superiority complex can't accept that some people like different fucking movies then they are the idiots. By the way, 300 was fucking awesome!
Considering your usual style of posts, I thought you had gotten the point across very well with no real insults to be read.Charlie Dont Surf said:That's what I was trying to get across.
The film will make a mint, undeservedly so. Steven Spielberg should be embarrassed to have his name on shoddy storywork like this. Shame on you Steven. Kids will be lining up for this - and they'll be met with dog fucking, cussing, racial stereotypes and more. I seriously wonder if Spielberg was thinking of Mudflap & Skids as he watched the inauguration of Barack Obama - because he'd read the script at that point, he knew what his name was bringing, and yet he still had the gall to attend.
The filmmakers, studio and toymakers behind this film should be ashamed. To spend this type of money to bring this sort of hurtful and repugnant work to screen - it is an insult to every DREAM that so many have WORKed for, for years.
Terminator sucked ass.JCM said:Funnily how I went to the first Transformers movie expecting a good robot beat ´em up and got almost nothing but shaky shots, and I was forced into the cinema by a mate to watch "Teminator: Salvation", and it ended up being eeverything transformers could be.
sixpackshaker said:I need to go into Houston and take some of my African American friends to see this, just so they can yell "THAT'S RACIST" when the two crunk autobots start talking.
Chazwozel said:Terminator sucked ass.JCM said:Funnily how I went to the first Transformers movie expecting a good robot beat ´em up and got almost nothing but shaky shots, and I was forced into the cinema by a mate to watch "Teminator: Salvation", and it ended up being eeverything transformers could be.
Wait what? :bush: :rcain:JCM said:I agree, but it did work as a "good robot beat ´em up", as I said.
What the fuck is the internet!?
Wait, isn't that's what we've been saying all along?!"just turn your brain off" because it implies that you have to be stupid in order to enjoy the movie and that is being claimed as an asset.