The New 3DS uses a microSD card. It comes with a 4gig, but I had already bought 32gig during Black Friday. I transferred the data to the PC, then transferred it to the micro. You can go direct system to system, but I don't want the 3DS's in limbo for that long. Right now I'm waiting for my files to finish copying to the micro. Then I'll screw off the back (you need a #0 phillips head screwdriver for this), replace the 4 gig with the 32 that has my data on it, and begin the transfer of 3DS data, eshop data, etc to the New 3DS.Wait, are you being held up by PC transfers or the 3ds transfer?
Does the new 3ds swap to micro?! :/
I'll confirm this. I got the 32 gigs for $10 each from Best Buy during Black Friday, and a few dollars more is still better than $20 or $30 elsewhere.Just as an FYI, the best price I've found on microSD is at Best Buy, at the brick and mortar store. If you're interested in a trip down memory lane, you can get a 32 for about 13-14 bucks there. BUT.. Here's the but... the cheap ones aren't in the memory card section. You have to go back to the "Samsung store" and find the rack there. They're UHC-1 so they're super fast. I imagine these are loss leader items to combat the iPhone's lack of expandable memory, but hey it works out for you.
So I finished Dying Light last night.
All in all? Can't play Dead Island or Riptide again. Dead Island 2 better be much fucking better because Dying Light set the bar high.
Looks greats, plays great, huge sandbox world with a solid storyline (for what it's worth). Side quests are interesting.
You start off weak as a kitten, engaging 3 zombies at LVL 1 is a BATTLE YOU WILL NOT TAKE WELL. At the end of the game? CHOP SUEY.
Love how volatiles have been put in, you don't want to fuck with them during the first half of the game.
Going out at night (there's a day cycle) is fucking scary, for most of the game. Volatiles are buffed up and ARE NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH.
Nice XP system.
Crafting is solid but I'd like them to put in a queue system.
Combat is great. REALLY great. The Mirror's edge shit is great too..
Grappling Hooks is awesome... but it kills the Mirror's Edge part of the game.
The ending is BLAH as fuck.
Fuck quick time events.
Huh. Could've sworn it was $10. Maybe they changed it or maybe I read it too quick. Weird.I'm tempted by that bundle, definitely. I have Tomb Raider and DX:HR already though, so I'm not sure if the remaining games are worth it.
Oh, also, I'm seeing I have to pay $15 or more for Tomb Raider and Sleeping Dogs. Not $10.
And unspecified game requires some serious, unspecified specs. So that's impressive.Brad Wardell just tweeted that DX12 gave him a 900% boost in framerate playing an unspecified game on an unspecified unreleased GPU.
This was the only correct thing that idiot said about how to go about reviewing a game.I played their games, I found them wanting, and I felt like I had a pretty good idea of where and why things had gone wrong.
I wish he'd stuck to doing silly videos with his dad and sister, because nowadays he gets way too into the analysis side of games and not realizing that a lot of us are playing games to enjoy them in some way. Even a game like Heavy Rain, where you're not really playing much and it's not even making you happy, there's something we want to get out of it. It's not for the sake of the developer's ambitions.
Here's an article by Anthony Burch, who used to write for Destructoid years ago where he was kind of a whiny bitch. Now, here he is, a writer for Gearbox, and still kind of a whiny bitch.
1. This isn't in any way the problem of the consumer.
2. Stop showing games years before they're ready then if you don't want bad things said and his final point is again COMPLETELY meaningless to the consumer. If something sucks and isn't fun, it isn't our problem that it wasn't cut because the devs HOPED it would turn out good.
3. More apologetic bullshit in defense of Peter Molyneiux
4. "Now that I'm a dev, I wish I had been easier on games when I was a critic." FUCKING WHY? BECAUSE SOME FEELINGS WOULD GET HURT? FUCK YOU.
5. "Game devs know when something sucks so stop being mean about it!" Fuck off again. It isn't the consumer's problem you guys decided not to spend time on something so it isn't as polished as something else. Oh, not many people get to the end of the game, that's why the ending wasn't good because we didn't spend time on it. Then stop getting your fucking ginch in a wad when people bitch about something in your game sucking.
I remember when Gearbox's fucking abysmal Aliens game came out and Jim Sterling was skewering it for being the wretched pile of scam it was that he mentioned in a podcast that Anthony Burch stopped speaking to him because of it. Fuck this guy.
At this point, considering what the day one DLC actually was, anyone still bitching about either doesn't know what they're talking about or has their mind stuck in Shitcock mode when it comes to this game, and either way isn't worth a listen there.It's a fair review, but I still find it incredibly fun. Too much complaining about strictly cosmetic DLC.
Mystic what?Guys! Square Enix has finally listened! They're finally listening to the fans and giving us what we want!
They're remastering the greatest Final Fantasy of all time.
That's right. I'm talking about the illustrious...
...the beloved...
...the memorable...
It was like Final Fantasy Lite. Japan developers thought America didn't understand or appreciate JRPG's at the time, so they made a dumbed down kiddie version in order to introduce North America to the idea.Mystic what?
It was also after they completely remade FF4 into an easier game for the American market.It was like Final Fantasy Lite. Japan developers thought America didn't understand or appreciate JRPG's at the time, so they made a dumbed down kiddie version in order to introduce North America to the idea.
This was, mind you, AFTER Final Fantasy I & II were out (II being IV in Japan).
It was really just them being racist fucks. It wasn't until they actually started seeing gameplay vids of Western players that they actually did a 180 on this: The Devil May Cry series was notorious for being way harder in the US than in Japan and Hideo Kojima usually puts the hardest difficulty of his games in the European version. Fuck, he even calls it European Extreme.We got Mystic Quest instead of V, basically, plus in other countries MQ is actually called Final Fantasy: USA or something like that. There was a pretty long stint where Japan assumed we couldn't handle anything with a challenge, dating all the way back to Mario 2/Lost Levels.