Video Game News and Miscellany

The funny thing is, much like Angry Birds, Candy Crush Saga has zero innovation. They just found the right make-up to put on the package.
The funny thing is, much like Angry Birds, Candy Crush Saga has zero innovation. They just found the right make-up to put on the package.
I'd say in Angry Bird's case that it was at least the right game at the right time. People wanted something to play on their iPhone and it was one of the better options right around the time the iPhone started taking off.


Staff member
I'd say in Angry Bird's case that it was at least the right game at the right time. People wanted something to play on their iPhone and it was one of the better options right around the time the iPhone started taking off.
Probably so. But it's still just "Crush the Castle" with a cartoon art overhaul. Much like Candy Crush is Bejeweled.
One of the reason these games are so addictive is that they give instant, positive feedback, and then slowly make you work a little harder for that feedback, all the while making you feel that the goal is within reach.
Addictive? Yes. Successful? No.

The point stands that the only reason Candy Crush and Angry Birds were successful was because of their marketing vs the games they ripped off. They did not bring anything new to the genre they came from except more appealing make-up.


Staff member
And plants vs zombies is a unique take on the tower defense game..
Actually, if you look at it mechanically, Plants vs Zombies was actually a bit of a regression in the tower defense genre. There was very little "strategy" to it compared to the Apex of the TD genre, Desktop Tower Defense.

But again, cutesy cartoon easy fun the filthy casuals can enjoy, right?
I realize I'm the only person on this board that cares about Blood Bowl, but I don't care. :p

Blood Bowl 2 is scheduled to be released at the end of this year, made by Cyanide Studios. Anyone that's played Blood Bowl knows that it's a super fun game, and also that Cyanide is a super shitty developer. It's a buggy, badly coded, terrible UI driven game that is fun in spite of all of the shortcomings you have to work around. Because cyanide is such shit, everyone's biggest hope was simply that BB2 would be the base blood bowl board game that was feature complete. The current version is missing a lot of star players, has 23 of the 25 races, and is missing lots of other content such as play cards that can be induced in the board game for special rules. All players wanted was that stuff added in, and we didn't care about anything else.

What is Blood Bowl 2 launching with?
Improved graphics: eh, ok, not a huge draw. The new graphics are pretty, but unnecessary
Upgradeable stadiums: Does absolutely nothing and is purely cosmetic, I hope they didn't put a lot of development time into this.
8 playable races: .... WHAT THE FUCK?


Whelp, so much for adding features. Let's just take away 15 team races.
In related news, King has successfully blocked Stoic Games' trademark filing for "The Banner Saga". Not Saga, but The Banner Saga. Apparently King has decided they should own the word saga in media too.

I guess they're going to just prey on small indie devs.
Square Enix will crush them, considering they own a series of games called SaGa and have been releasing them for years... and that is just assuming this doesn't get thrown out of court, considering Banner Saga actually uses the word in it's historic context and not a purely descriptive one.
They're going to bleed out their own success on frivolous bullshit.

Got GameInformer today and saw a couple items of interest:

Evolve - Game by the makers of Left 4 Dead, 1-5 player matches pit four humans against a slowly-transforming monster on an alien world. Hunters have different classes with different skills, while monsters change as the game goes on, becoming stronger as they survive into larger stages of metamorphosis. Reading the several-page article, it sounds pretty damn cool. Unfortunately, it's only PC and non-Wii U next-gen, so I likely won't get to play it.

Alien: Isolation - Survival-horror where you play as a person trying to stay alive while a xenomorph hunts you. Seems to take a page from Amnesia in lack of combat and high intensity. You even have to hold your breath so the xenomorph doesn't hear you, and the AI is sense-based. I'm intrigued by an Alien game that's trying to be scary instead of a shooter.


Staff member
Square Enix will crush them, considering they own a series of games called SaGa and have been releasing them for years... and that is just assuming this doesn't get thrown out of court, considering Banner Saga actually uses the word in it's historic context and not a purely descriptive one.
We can only hope that some sort of sanity takes effect before Stoic suffers too much harm from having to put up with the court costs and who knows what other fall-out from having to defend against such abuse of the system.
Sounds pretty similar to that whole Bethesda/Mojang Scrolls bullshit from a few years back. Of course now Minecraft is as indestructible as ever and ESO is lined up to be the big blunder of 2014.
So here's an update on the whole Candy Crush thing... apparently Kings doesn't even have the copyrights yet, but are going after everyone to show that they have a case for ownership, mostly because about a billion people have made copycat games. The irony of a copy cat having copy cats is apparently lost on them. In any case, their entire excuse isn't that they want Banner Saga to change it's name (they know it's not a copy cat and would probably give permission), but that if they don't go after it then the copy cats can point to that case as a reason why the copyright shouldn't be given.

So they acknowledge they are being dicks but don't believe they should be held accountable for it, because they are fighting off other dicks.
They are a fucking disease and I hope they cross someone who can crush them into a sweet sugary powder. Fuck that disgusting game.
I realize I'm the only person on this board that cares about Blood Bowl, but I don't care. :p

Blood Bowl 2 is scheduled to be released at the end of this year, made by Cyanide Studios. Anyone that's played Blood Bowl knows that it's a super fun game, and also that Cyanide is a super shitty developer. It's a buggy, badly coded, terrible UI driven game that is fun in spite of all of the shortcomings you have to work around. Because cyanide is such shit, everyone's biggest hope was simply that BB2 would be the base blood bowl board game that was feature complete. The current version is missing a lot of star players, has 23 of the 25 races, and is missing lots of other content such as play cards that can be induced in the board game for special rules. All players wanted was that stuff added in, and we didn't care about anything else.

What is Blood Bowl 2 launching with?
Improved graphics: eh, ok, not a huge draw. The new graphics are pretty, but unnecessary
Upgradeable stadiums: Does absolutely nothing and is purely cosmetic, I hope they didn't put a lot of development time into this.
8 playable races: .... WHAT THE FUCK?


Whelp, so much for adding features. Let's just take away 15 team races.
I just went back to playing the board game, sorry :p Easier, better. Not on line multiplayer, but eh :p
I was gonna skip The Banner Saga because I never seem to play the PC games I buy even when I can run them, but I might get it just to spite those Candy Crush fuckers.
And in other news, King is announcing a new R&D initiative to invent time travel technology, so they can travel back to 1998 and sue Sega for Panzer Dragoon Saga.
And in other news, King is announcing a new R&D initiative to invent time travel technology, so they can travel back to 1998 and sue Sega for Panzer Dragoon Saga.
Not to mention that the name "Sega" is awfully close to saga... it could confuse consumers and hurt their brand.

John Cleese, Bill Nighy, Kate Beckinsale, Alfred Molina, Michael Gambon, Lynda Carter, Malcolm McDowell, Peter Stormare, Kevin Michael Richardson, Jennifer Hale and Jim Ward.

The voice cast for Elder Scrolls Online. It's a pretty impressive cast. I still don't know anyone who is really excited for this game. It is shaping up to humble The Old Republic in MMO failure



Staff member

John Cleese, Bill Nighy, Kate Beckinsale, Alfred Molina, Michael Gambon, Lynda Carter, Malcolm McDowell, Peter Stormare, Kevin Michael Richardson, Jennifer Hale and Jim Ward.

The voice cast for Elder Scrolls Online. It's a pretty impressive cast. I still don't know anyone who is really excited for this game. It is shaping up to humble The Old Republic in MMO failure

Yep, as the Architect said in the Matrix... "It was a work of art, flawless, sublime. A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure."
$60 + $15 subscription model in 2014? They be bold.

Considering people who have played in the beta find it downright unimpressive.

IMHO, even if I get in the beta (and they better get me in for any sort of hope for my cash) I find it laughable to pay $60 for an MMO.

John Cleese, Bill Nighy, Kate Beckinsale, Alfred Molina, Michael Gambon, Lynda Carter, Malcolm McDowell, Peter Stormare, Kevin Michael Richardson, Jennifer Hale and Jim Ward.

The voice cast for Elder Scrolls Online. It's a pretty impressive cast. I still don't know anyone who is really excited for this game. It is shaping up to humble The Old Republic in MMO failure

Hey Bethesda? I would've suggested diverting some of your voice acting budget to your team working on gameplay. Cause people aren't saying the voices aren't famous enough, people are saying the gameplay is unattractive.

Actually, y'know what, scrap ESO entirely and divert that budget to Elder Scrolls 6 and Fallout 4.

AC in Middle Earth? just shits all over the source material.

I completely call BS on that nemesis thing too. That sounds like PR bullshit. They're talking it up like Mass Effect's conversation system was talked up when it was being developed and all that ended up being was BS too. just shits all over the source material.

I completely call BS on that nemesis thing too. That sounds like PR bullshit. They're talking it up like Mass Effect's conversation system was talked up when it was being developed and all that ended up being was BS too.
Yeah, I highly doubt the nemesis system will be all it's cracked up to be.

However, that video still does a pretty good job of selling the game. I didn't know anything about this game before today, but now I'm interested.

AC in Middle Earth?
Movement and identification is like AC, but the way the world interacts with your character is so much more. Seeing it in action here, it's as great as what I read about. I was hoping for a release date, but it's probably still early for that.[DOUBLEPOST=1390536710,1390536583][/DOUBLEPOST] just shits all over the source material.

I completely call BS on that nemesis thing too. That sounds like PR bullshit. They're talking it up like Mass Effect's conversation system was talked up when it was being developed and all that ended up being was BS too.
From the articles I read, I doubt that, because the nemesis system is supposed to be the whole point of the game. I don't think they're going to ditch their core system just to do branching convos.