I finished Darksiders.
I found the story to be fairly original and interesting, though for the last quarter of the game or so I actually started getting confused. I think I'm going to have to replay the game to understand exactly what went on.
Gameplay-wise, though, there was very little there that was truly original. This isn't a bad thing, of course, it's like Darksiders took a lot of good stuff from other games, and distilled it down to a formula that works. Still though, every time I got a new power or weapon, I could immediately think of at least one or two games I've seen it before in. I even physically facepalmed when I got the portal power, and the portals were blue and orange colored.
Oh, and the final battles were a bit anti-climactic, I think. They felt suitably epic, but they weren't hard at all. Some of the mooks gave me more trouble than the final bosses did.
Still felt like a great game though, and considering I bought the THQ pack for like a dollar, I definitely feel like I got value for my money. Flaws aside (and mild consolitis), I'd recommend this game to any fan of action games.