What are you playing?

i meant SC IV as in Soul Calibur IV. I'd have my ass kicked at SF IV but who cares, i might buy the game and train. for the lulz

oh and to answer Gusto: Bastion Adept with an assault rifle in ME 1 is so overpowered it's not even that funny after a while

i mean owning hardcore difficulty without ever dying kind of overpowered

Occasional Poster

I tried a full biotic in 1, but I died a LOT more, so quit playing that one. Have not tried ME2 that way yet.

I'm more of a run & gun style player anyway, so that probably had a lot to do with the deaths.
Right. I played a Vanguard (Combat/Biotic mix) for about half the game before I decided I hated the way my Shepard looked enough to start the game over, as a full-on Soldier. I found that given the option between a shotgun and force powers, I preferred the shotgun (and, ultimately, pistols).

My thoughts are that since I play Soldier mainly for the armor and pistols, I might be able to get away with playing a Biotic now that I'm more familiar with the game. I'm gonna give it a shot.[/QUOTE]

In Mass Effect 2 you can use pistols, sub-machine guns, heavy weapons and eventually another weapon of your choice even though you're playing an engineer or an adept (if I recall correctly). This makes it a lot easier than playing the same classes in Mass Effect 1 where you only had pistols.

My first run through Mass Effect 2 was with a soldier and I am currently playing on Insanity difficulty with an engineer. Loads of fun! :)
I've done Adept runthroughs in both ME1 and ME2.

In ME1, Adepts are extremely powerful. If you've got a good biotic amp,you can cycle through all your biotic powers, and by the time you're done with the last one, the first one's just about ready to reset. Sure, you might not have as much firepower as with the other classes, but that's what squad mates are for. Plus if you put points into your pistol skill and achieve Master Marksman, you'll actually out-damage assault rifles.

In ME2, biotic powers have been significantly nerfed, and cooldowns have been changed to a global cooldown, so if you're playing an Adept, you'll probably be spamming Singularity most of the time. It won't lift enemies into the air if they have armor or shields active, but it'll still stun them, which is better than nothing. Adepts are still good, but not quite as all-dominating as they were in the first game.

Plus, hey, in the second game you get Shockwave, which is oh so much fun. :D
Playing Fallout 1 again and thanks to GoG.com, this one actually works properly (middle finger to the garbage as shit Fallout collection set that had 1, 2 and Tactics on it that barely ran at all).

GOG.com, fucking awesome.
Taking a break from my shiny new DSi XL and Scriblenauts to play some Lego Batman on the PSP. I hate to disparage my lovely PSP, but after being on the DSi for a few weeks: Holy fucking load times, Batman!
I've still been delving into FF12 (yes, I mean 12, not 13). Now that I'm getting to the point where I've got my liscences pretty well specced out, I have the party I want set up with the Gambits that I want. The only issue I have is that with effective gambits set up, you really don't do much of anything other than move your party around.
WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2010

I haven't really been into wrestling games for years. Nothing ever really compared with No Mercy for the N64. But holy crap, this is awesome. The amount of detail and moves they've put into different areas, like ladder matches and especially the Royal Rumble are great. Plus, though I think it might have been in previous installments, I love that you can import your own music into the game. Combine that with some creat create-a-wrestler options and it's a hell of a lot of fun. Seeing Chase Hunter walk to the ring to "Push" by Moist, like I always pictured him is...almost surreal.

Definitely buying this bad boy once it drops in price a little more.
I bought Indigo Prophecy on a whim yesterday, thinking it was going to be just simple quick action stuff ala the Heavy Rain demo. I did not expect this overly-complex and speedy Simon Says contraption for almost everything I do. I was getting frustrated enough last night that I almost regret buying it, even if meddling with what everyone does is interesting.
IP started great then halfway into the game they were rushed to release the game to appease the BIG CHEESES. That game had a lot of potential.

MMM... Carla.


I think I'm almost finally done with Pokemon Rumble. I caughty every pokemon, but I still have 2 battle royales left that I haven't beaten yet. I'm also replaying Zack & Wiki, but unfortunately I still remember a lot of the puzzles, so it's quite easy so far.
I decided to get SWAT 4 from the D2D sale. I was worried I'd be bored since Julie and I watched all the Spoony videos, but it's actually a lot of fun. In fact, it's the first good PC purchase I've made this year. Indigo Prophecy has been anti-fun despite its great ideas, and Batman: Arkham Asylum won't run well enough on my PC to really play.

In fact, those two plus Saints Row 2 amount to $50 wasted money this year. I hate doing that. I've been so good at not doing that for years, and then I got jumpy with my spending money. And oddly enough, the games I got the PS3 for (God of War III, FFXIII) aren't even my favorites next to my beloved Sega games, Bayonetta and Valkyria Chronicles.

We did just buy some classics I've never played though: Okami, Silent Hill 2, and Shadow of the Collossus, so I can inject some quality into my gaming to try and forget the money I've blown.
I started playing Bully: Scholarship Edition due to last week's Rockstar sale on Steam.

So far I wish I had a controller, because tis game is a laaaaazy ass port to PC. Pretty fun though.
I started playing Bully: Scholarship Edition due to last week's Rockstar sale on Steam.

So far I wish I had a controller, because tis game is a laaaaazy ass port to PC. Pretty fun though.
I highly recommend that everyone get an Xbox 360 controller for their PC. It makes ports so much better to deal with. Most of the multiplatform ports even have native xbox control schemes, such as Bully.

Escushion, you should have gotten the PS3 version of Batman, I do not regret paying the extra bucks for the console version, plus, it has the Joker content.


What's better is you can get one of the off-brand 360 controllers with a Usb port. they work just as well.
I finally got around to playing Hitman 2, after buying it in the Deus Ex plus Hitman Sale on Steam last time. The first Hitman game kept crashing on me so I went directly to the sequel.

Only played the first two missions so far, but... well... would I get lynched if I said I like it better so far than Deus Ex?
What's better is you can get one of the off-brand 360 controllers with a Usb port. they work just as well.
For Indigo Prophecy.

My graphics card just can't handle Batman. I told Julie he was supposed to move as sluggishly as he was, and then we downloaded the demo on PS3--she started laughing at me.


Staff member
I'm still playing Far Cry 2, and I kinda like it. It's very frustrating, but fun at the same time.

- Nice graphics at most times of day.
- Big world that begs for exploration
- Some weapons are fun to use

- Stealth is completely and utterly broken. There is no way to kill an enemy without alerting everyone in a huge radius. Every killed enemy lets out a death scream, no matter how they're taken out.
- Enemies instantly know where shots came from, no matter what the terrain is like.
- Almost everyone shoots on sight. The only exceptions are in the no-fire zone and a few story related NPCs. This means that...
- Checkpoints are frigging pain in the ass. Scattered throughout the roads are enemy encampments that you have to clear out every time you pass through. every single time, even if you just cleared it out 10 minutes ago. Going around them is often impossible, and usually only possible on foot. If you try and drive through at top speed, they'll chase you down.
- Random attacks by suicidal drivers. As you're travelling cars will come out of nowhere to ram into your vehicle at top speed. Then the driver will hop out and try and shoot you.

Overall it's a broken, but still fun game. I'm only about a quarter of the way through, though, so it might get better or worse later.
What's better is you can get one of the off-brand 360 controllers with a Usb port. they work just as well.
For Indigo Prophecy.

My graphics card just can't handle Batman. I told Julie he was supposed to move as sluggishly as he was, and then we downloaded the demo on PS3--she started laughing at me.[/QUOTE]

Have you tried disabling PhysX? That might help.
WWE Smackdown vs. RAW 2010

A customer was in last night selling some games. Blockbuster was going to give him $16 credit for SDvs.R 2010. I've been wanting to buy it, but not for the $40 used. So, I offiered him $20 cash. He took it.

Hee. I've already made a new created wrestler (Kid Canuck) and very likely will soon have a roster large enough to put the game's roster to shame. God, I love the customization in this. I customized an entrance for Chase Hunter, where he rolls into the ring, then leaps to his feet from the roll. Soon as his feet hit the mat? BOOM! Pyro in the four corners. So. Effing. Awesome.


I finally got around to playing Hitman 2, after buying it in the Deus Ex plus Hitman Sale on Steam last time. The first Hitman game kept crashing on me so I went directly to the sequel.

Only played the first two missions so far, but... well... would I get lynched if I said I like it better so far than Deus Ex?
Possibly. If you said you liked Hitman 1 better, though, the answer would be yes.

---------- Post added at 07:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:02 PM ----------

I'm playing World of Goo right now. It is awesome.
I busted out X-men Origins: Wolverine, Uncaged Edition. I'm still surprised that I have more fun with the game than I did watching the movie.
Playing the Liberty City Tales expansions to GTA4 on PC.

Love the Lost and the Damned so far, not loving just how poorly it runs. I know I've read everywhere that GTA4 is one of the most poorly optimized PC games ever built, but man, I was expecting more than 40+ frames at best, low 10 teens at worst during shootouts with dozens of Angels.

Cobra Star

Hm, let's see:

World of Warcraft
Left 4 Dead 2
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Lunar: Silver Star Harmony (psp)

currently on the plate.
Okami is so much fun. I don't know how people did the drawing on the PS2, but I love it with the Wiimote, even if the horizontal slash is a bit picky at times. The battle system is cool, though insignificant compared to all the world-messing stuff, the sidequests, the exploring... It's almost like a Zelda game, though I'm liking it way more than Twilight Princess. I also love the simple approach to the story. And the gorgeous visuals. And the simple humor. Damn, what a great game.
I've actually been playing a lot of Warhammer Online. It's a lot like WoW, but focused more on Realm Vs. Realm than PvE combat. It's pretty fun, if a bit unbalanced, but I think the Warhammer lore and setting really makes it stand out from it. Plus it's got an endless free trial (up to level 11, but no time limit like WoW's) so you can try it before you buy it.

Let me know if you guys are interested in getting a sub. They have a refer-a-friend program that offers some nice incentives for getting people to play.
I sooo want to refer a friend on WoW to get the 2 seat flying mount, but all my friends either already play or already quit. =/

Cobra Star

Just finished up Batman: AA. Definitely lived up to the hype.

Gonna pick up Dragon Age tomorrow. Yeah yeah, I know I'm behind on the times but WoW and L4D2 take up alot of my free time.


Staff member
I'm playing Sam & Max S3E2: The Tomb of Sammun-Mak. Awesome so far. I'm loving the non-linear storyline/gameplay. Very interesting design decision, and it really shows how far Telltale Games has come since they started.