What offends you?

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Why does it offends you? Is it because of our upbringing? is it because the way we live our lives? or was it influence by the society we live in?

The reason I asked cause I just saw this article about a new baseball team call London Ripper


until it was mention, I didn't think it look like Jack the Ripper

Then I got to thinking, why are people being offended by this? is there any actual link? The article did talk about baseball and play on words, but do you think the same way? Of course there are other play on words which I have post in the past (articles) that some might find offensive (I can't remember them at the time)

I didn't find it offensive maybe I have thicker skin, but do you think the people of the world today have thinner skin than before? maybe we are being bombard with so much information, we can't process it all and just make it easier to be offended than really look what it means.


I don't think people have a thinner skin. Groups that have gotten slammed for centuries suddenly feel they have the right and ability to stand up for themselves and that makes it seem like people are offended and complain more. Really they are just tired of bending over and taking it. Add into that the day to day fact that people feel entitled to say and do whatever the hell they want you are obviously going to step on some people's toes. Common courtesy has all but disappeared and so we end up with a lot of upset people. Then we have people who are upset because other people are upset at them.

The political correctness. the backlash to political correctness. everyone is so into their own world view they don't stop and ask, "is this making me into an asshole?" and that goes for both sides of any issue. Is saying or doing something really worth being a complete douche? Is getting upset about something someone said or did worth being a whiny jackass? These are important questions.


I'm offended by people who think it's somebody else's problem that they're offended.
care to elaborate? When I was growing up, there are people who are offended just because I am happy all the time at school and proceed to try to make my life miserable. There are people who are offended the type of car I drive. Should it be my problem to resolve it so they are no longer offended?

People are offended that I am part Chinese. Do I need to be genetically altered to appease them? I am not understanding your statement.


I don't think people have a thinner skin. Groups that have gotten slammed for centuries suddenly feel they have the right and ability to stand up for themselves and that makes it seem like people are offended and complain more. Really they are just tired of bending over and taking it. Add into that the day to day fact that people feel entitled to say and do whatever the hell they want you are obviously going to step on some people's toes. Common courtesy has all but disappeared and so we end up with a lot of upset people. Then we have people who are upset because other people are upset at them.

The political correctness. the backlash to political correctness. everyone is so into their own world view they don't stop and ask, "is this making me into an asshole?" and that goes for both sides of any issue. Is saying or doing something really worth being a complete douche? Is getting upset about something someone said or did worth being a whiny jackass? These are important questions.
I like this. There are many times I do ask myself when I post certain things and people got offended cause I didn't think it was offensive. So I guess I might be one of the rare one who try not to be a douche, but at the same time, I am curious on why it offend people.


Staff member
until it was mention, I didn't think it look like Jack the Ripper
Seriously, you don't see the comparison?


London's most famous serial killer, who is almost universally portrayed as having a black tophat and a black overcoat, and you think that a man dressed like that, called a Ripper, holding a red-tinged bat, isn't going to draw the obvious comparison?


I'm not saying this is a reason to be offended, though I can't imagine why any team would want to associate themselves with a murderer.


Actually I didn't. I know of Jack the Ripper (who was never ID) but then I was watching Sherlock Holmes (different version it was on cable including the recent one) and I see a lot of people wearing dark cloak and top hat. Seems to be that London people wear that.


Staff member
care to elaborate? When I was growing up, there are people who are offended just because I am happy all the time at school and proceed to try to make my life miserable. There are people who are offended the type of car I drive. Should it be my problem to resolve it so they are no longer offended?

People are offended that I am part Chinese. Do I need to be genetically altered to appease them? I am not understanding your statement.
... that's... not what it means to be offended. You can't be offended that someone IS of mixed heritage. "Your very existence offends me" is something even a supervillain would only say if he was incredibly high.

Actions can offend. Statements can offend. I suppose if you drive a hummer, that might offend somebody... but what I'm saying is that even if they are offended, tough shit for them. There's no "right" to not be offended. If I want to take a religious symbol and put it in a mason jar full of piss and charge admission to look at it, it will offend millions of people, and... tough shit. If I specifically post a video online full of trite stereotypes and insulting dialogue, it will undoubtedly offend a number of people. Too bad for them.

My point is there are too many people who believe that being offended by something entitles them to some manner of reparation. It doesn't. Now, if say a company does something that offends so many people that they lose business and go into bankruptcy... then that's just nature taking its course.
Centipedes offend me.

I can handle spiders, wasps, ants, millipedes, and all other manner of creeping thing.

But centipedes are revolting.

I catch and release or squish them (lo! I am your angel of death! Behold, I can preserve your life, or take it upon my whim!) just like any other bug, but they give me the willies all the same.


cause I'm a broken Asian :) When I came back from Thailand, I spoke Thai and Cantonese. My stepdad didn't like that so forbid me to converse it with my sister. My mom and stepdad only spoke Mandarin. I was not allow to speak that either. I grew up learning English from ESL, Cantonese/Mandarin/English subtitles movies and Television. I guess my brain got wired incorrectly. The only way I was able to pass required English courses (and my BS degree on computer science. ) was to write at least x10 on the paper and have like 3-4 people proof read it.

Sadly, the way I type is how I speak ;) I guess that would offend people too.


Staff member
Actually I didn't. I know of Jack the Ripper (who was never ID) but then I was watching Sherlock Holmes (different version it was on cable including the recent one) and I see a lot of people wearing dark cloak and top hat. Seems to be that London people wear that.
It's not just the clothes. It's the name Jack as a mascot for the Rippers in London, who is wearing those clothes, holding a red bat and has a shadowy, evil glare. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to make the connection. I don't care if the ripper was never identified. The fictional character built-up around the murders certainly has a trend when it comes to the appearance, and even disregarding appearance, the name, demeanor and red-tinged bat are more than enough to draw obvious comparisons. Either every single person who worked on this team name and mascot is monumentally stupid and didn't even think to do a Google search, or they think the public is a bunch of morons who will buy their claims that "we didn't know, it was unintentional." (Which may well be true.)

Actually, I'm taking it back, this is reason to be offended. Not because some sports team chose Jack the Ripper for their mascot, but because someone thinks I'm stupid enough to believe them when they say that there's no connection between "Diamdond Jack" and Jack the Ripper. Yes, that is an offense to my intelligence, and I find it unpleasant.


Staff member
From the link -
Limbaugh said he found the logo and name funny.

“Why am I laughing,” he asked in his daily broadcast on Thursday. “Look, I admire creativity, and I admire crossing the line. I love offending people when it’s genuinely funny. I just do. Look, people are so wound up, so tightly wound just waiting to be offended. I love to give ‘em what they want. They want to be offended, fine and dandy with me.”
That's a great way to put it.

But I agree that pretending to not see Jack the Ripper in that logo is an insult to the intelligence of anyone to which you make that claim. But that still doesn't mean the offended are entitled to anything. :D


cause I'm a broken Asian :) When I came back from Thailand, I spoke Thai and Cantonese. My stepdad didn't like that so forbid me to converse it with my sister. My mom and stepdad only spoke Mandarin. I was not allow to speak that either. I grew up learning English from ESL, Cantonese/Mandarin/English subtitles movies and Television. I guess my brain got wired incorrectly. The only way I was able to pass required English courses (and my BS degree on computer science. ) was to write at least x10 on the paper and have like 3-4 people proof read it.

Sadly, the way I type is how I speak ;) I guess that would offend people too.

aww you poor baby. Shut up, stop blaming things on your past, get off your ass and improve.


aww you poor baby. Shut up, stop blaming things on your past, get off your ass and improve.
I am trying to improve :) I do take occasional English courses and do buy books on how to write/speak better, but for some reason it is not sinking in. You be surprise how many grammar book I have in my house.

I am sorry I offended you. I am trying to be better, maybe it is the lack of motivation or something. I guess I shall take my leave for a bit and come back when I am better.


Staff member
Really excessive PDA offends me very much. I think that hugging and kissing in public is very sweet, but I have to turn away quickly when it gets too tongue-y. Hell, when I was still living at my parents, I used to have these friends over to swim in our pool all the time.. Well, one time, they just started full-on making out in front of me, and when she would sit on the steps and talk to him, her legs were wide open and he was just kind of staring at her private area. Come on, really? You are a guest in my home.

It's one of those lines that can be very hard to define (not so much in that above situation), but once it's crossed, I can't be around that person til they're done with their little mating dance. Luckily, I have a neck that moves, so it's easy enough to solve my problem.

I'm also greatly offended by people who seem proud of their ignorance... like not knowing means that they automatically possess some sort of homespun wisdom that I'll never understand. Kind of shits on all the work I've put into improving myself as a person.
I get offended by people who won't offer others a token level of respect when they don't know anything about them, or the benefit of any doubt when they do.
Ok, I get sick and tired of this whole "people don't have the right not to be offended" bullshit defense people come up with when they want to simply hurt or demean others.

My government teacher in high school used to say that in america, you have the right to wave your fist around all you want, but the moment that fist hits someone, your rights end and that person's rights begin.

When you use hatespeach and hurtful language, that's in many cases even more damaging that physical attacks.

I can see the point of political correctness gone insane in people being endlessly cencored over the smallest slights, but there's also a VERY serious side to it as well.

To be completely dismissive and deny any responsibility for your own words and actions is, well, pretty ignorant.


Staff member
Ok, I get sick and tired of this whole "people don't have the right not to be offended" bullshit defense people come up with when they want to simply hurt or demean others.

My government teacher in high school used to say that in america, you have the right to wave your fist around all you want, but the moment that fist hits someone, your rights end and that person's rights begin.

When you use hatespeach and hurtful language, that's in many cases even more damaging that physical attacks.

I can see the point of political correctness gone insane in people being endlessly cencored over the smallest slights, but there's also a VERY serious side to it as well.

To be completely dismissive and deny any responsibility for your own words and actions is, well, pretty ignorant.
Absolutely not. You have no right to not be offended. And frankly, "hatespeech" is bullshit too. And you know what else is bullshit? You're bullshit. You. You're a pathetic, weak, brainless, helpless, hopeless, nutless, spineless, insipid excuse for a human being, which is already a pretty pathetic and detestable thing to be just from a starting point. You find me offensive, I find you offensive, and I'm going to do my damndest to offend you at every opportunity. And there's nothing you can do about it, you dickless shitburger.

Except, you know... remember that you don't have to listen to me. That my influence into your life goes away the instant you want it to, with the click of a mouse, or the close of a door, of the flip of a switch. There IS a limit to free speech (for instance, shouting fire in a crowded theater), but you know what? Even Westboro Baptist can carry signs that say "GOD HATES FAGS" and "THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS" and it is their right.

Your hurt feelings are nobody's concern but yours. And I'll close with the standard Halforums boilerplate - Man up, and therapy.
Gas Bandit, I really can't believe that you're really that either naive or stupid to actually believe that.

I do credit you with a modicum of intelligence.

I'm sick of people hiding behind the excuse that words mean nothing and that you can just walk away, etc...

A) that's not always the case

B) the burden of responsibility is not on the listener, but on the speaker. Sure, you can spout whatever you want, but that doesn't make it right, or in some cases, even legal.
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