Dave's House of Pain


Staff member
Jesus F-ing Christ!

What a game, Giants! 209 points?!? I don't think we've ever had a score that high! Nice job!
I was shocked. I only had 1 player not hit their estimate, and the Giants had a crazy fourth quarter. The Packers D crushing da Bears helped as well.
209 points... :Leyla:

I think the only time that something like that EVER could have happened in FF was when Young hit Rice for five TD's back in the day.
  • Russell Wilson, QB, SEA: subtract 1 TD passing, 24 yards passing; add 1 interception.
  • Golden Tate, WR, SEA: subtract 1 TD reception, 24 yards receiving.
  • Steve Hauschka, K, SEA: subtract 1 PAT kick.
  • Packers Defense/Special Teams: subtract 6 points allowed; add 1 interception.
After looking at the points for this week, it appears that the Screwup In Seattle only affected one team, and not for enough points to give GWOT the win.
Okay, so which one of you is Name Pending? (sidenote: we should get a list of people's forum names matched up with FF names)

You didn't just snap a 7 game win streak. That was the first time I had lost a game since week 13 of 2010. Kudos to you, good sir.
At least I won my public league. THAT is more of an accomplishment for me, personally, as I have struggled mightily in YPL's since my first time playing back in '01.


Staff member
We need more people! We have 6 right now that are in. I'd like to have 6 more if we can.