Your hate is misplaced. It isn't life that is tormenting you, it's people who are tormenting your life. And it is time to make those people pay.I hate life at this moment
Nah. There's maybe one person who's caused me some inconvenience but a significant amount of it is just... what it is.Your hate is misplaced. It isn't life that is tormenting you, it's people who are tormenting your life. And it is time to make those people pay.
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Apparently the federal government is going to claw back 2 weeks of my pay (and every other federal public servant) again. Oh, did I say every other public servant, I meant every other public servant but themselves, they get a raise.
If it works fine in safe mode or basic VGA drivers OR with 3D accel slider turned all the way down BUT dies/crashes on regular boot, it's probably hardware.Anyone know of a software way of checking whether it's a hardware problem? At least then I can stop looking![]()
If movies and TV are any indication, this is the point where you throw your computer through a window, go buy a manual typewriter from the pawn shop, and start pounding out The Great American Novel while some kind of dramatic music synchronized to your keystrokes plays in the background.Barely getting enjoyment out of anything I do anymore, even when I bother to have the motivation to do anything.
I'd hug you but you're probably all sweaty and gross.I leave work in about an hour and that's the last time you'll hear from me until they get the trees off of our power lines and we get electricity again. Oh, and did I mention it's going to be in the 90's today with no AC?
I might just stay late at work...
Also a little of this.I am physically, emotionally, mentally beaten. I just can't feel good or energetic or relaxed lately.
If misery loves company, take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. I am right there with you.I am physically, emotionally, mentally beaten. I just can't feel good or energetic or relaxed lately.
Haha, well make sure you don't hole yourself and go crazy. Although may madness lends itself to art.Also a little of this.
I am sorry Chad. If it's any consolation, I'll have the house to myself next week, and not much to do with it besides put in a ton of work on your painting.
There's too many of us to be this low! We should revel in our sense of community!If misery loves company, take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. I am right there with you.
That show was chock full of excellent rants.Parking. And driving. And shopping. And eating. And working. Somewhere, somehow, they're different now, none of 'em are the same, they all got chewed up and spit back out, and they don't taste like living anymore! Don't you see what it's like in this deranged Whirring Blender of a world?! Every day is an agonizing ordeal, like balancing a pot of scalding water on your head while people whip your legs and butt! Aaaah, you never forget your senior prom. You think I'm "sick"?! Well the only disease I've got is "Modern Life," a schnutbusting gauntlet of inefficiency and misery that's one long parade of let-downs, put-downs, trickle downs, shutouts, freeze outs, sell-outs, numnuts, nincompoops and nimrods, all making every day as much fun as waxing a flaming Pontiac with your tongue, where even if you do luck into the possibility of some fleeting pleasure, like, say, if some nymphomaniac telephone operator with the muscle control of Romanian mat-slappers agree to a little strip air hockey, it'll be over before it starts 'cuz some vowel-lacking, feta-reeking cab-jockey slams his checker up your hatchback and the cab is owned by some pinata spanker from a Santeria cult in Xoacalpa who starts shaking chicken bones at you and gives you a boil on your neck so big all it needs is Michael Jordan's autograph to make it complete, and even with all this, with all this, I still drag my sorry butt off the Sealy every morning and stick my face in the reaping machine for one more day, knowing when it's time to flash the cosmic card key at those Pearly Gates, I won't be in the coffin anyway 'cuz some underhanded undertaker sold my heart, pancreas and other assorted Good 'N' Plenty to that same Santeria cult so does anybody really wonder why anybody is hanging onto sanity by the atoms on the tips of their fingernails while life dirty-dances on their digits, and is it really any wonder that I seem deranged?!
TLDR: fuckin youth of today
I have no frame of reference for this. My family (extended and otherwise) consists of supportive people who care, love, etc., and every time I hear something like this, I seriously don't know how it is even possible for a person to be so callous to their progeny. I feel bad that this has to happen to people I Internet-hang-with and care about, and hope you (both) at least have others in your life that you can go to for that kind of familial support.I explained to him exactly what he did to my brother this morning. Didn't get heated or anything. He barely gave a shit.
I have my brother and he has me. Our mom is a wonderful person, but she lives in Calgary and is in a weird situation there with her family that makes our contact sporadic at best despite having a pretty good relationship. That's it. Our other brother got the fuck away from our family as soon as he could. He maintains minimal contact with us.I have no frame of reference for this. My family (extended and otherwise) consists of supportive people who care, love, etc., and every time I hear something like this, I seriously don't know how it is even possible for a person to be so callous to their progeny. I feel bad that this has to happen to people I Internet-hang-with and care about, and hope you (both) at least have others in your life that you can go to for that kind of familial support.