Video Game News and Miscellany

3D Ecco the Dolphin releases on 3DS tomorrow.

I'm way too excited about a game the music of which used to depress me when I was a kid. While the music was making me feel lonely, the game's difficulty would be destroying my self-esteem. I hope to at least rectify the latter by actually beating this re-release eventually.
That buff Donkey Kong guy was maybe the most embarrassing thing I've ever witnessed and I've watched a guy tripping on gasoline piss and shit himself in the middle of a bank ATM lobby.

Also, those 2.95 hours they didn't show in that awkward compilation, mind numbingly boring.
Also, they were waaaaaaaaaaaaay too excited about Scrooge McDu-I mean Cranky Kong's cane gameplay. Granted if we hadn't gotten that DuckTales reboot it might not be as noticeable, but man they just used it in the same way this year.
How they built it up by talking about Nintendo innovation before hand made it all the funnier when it was just a straight gank from a 20 year old game.
Well, tumblr and /v/ are blowing up about it (don't know that it's got an official article anywhere yet), so. Some woman I've never heard of is suddenly a designer and community moderator for Keiji Inafune's Mighty Number 9, the touted spiritual successor to the Mega Man franchise since Capcom's put him out to pasture.

The main issue is she tweeted never having played a single MM game, and then mentioning in her intro blog that she loves MMX. The other two issues are her apparent need to shoehorn a female protagonist into the game, as well as the claim by Inafune to hire nothing but talented veterans to basically not be true. Personally I didn't back the project, because I don't really trust Inafune all that much anyway, but I guess we'll see how this hurts Comcept (his new dev studio) in terms of Kickstarter refunds and overall backlash.
That's the funny thing, I'm not even sure it's gotten much attention on reddit yet. At least, not on /games or /gaming (the latter is just a nostalgia/screenshot circlejerk anyway).
I just read up on the controversy. She's just the fuckin' community manager. She has as much input in the design process as I would if I sent an email to Inafune.
Yeah it's really getting overblown I think. Problem is all this backlash could turn her into another Sarkeesian and make this into a real issue instead of an imaginary one.
In the "Glorious PC Gaming Master Race" category, new studies have shown that, today, 41% of people in Flanders owns a tablet. Also, most-used articles for gaming?
1. PC
2. Laptop
3. Smartphone
4. Tablet
5. Dedicated gaming console.

Y'know, numbers are all fine and good, but XBox, PS3, Wii(U) together don't even get as high as laptop over here. I'm suddenly getting more respect for my fellow Belgians. This gets completely torpedoed when the same study also shows that, for people between 15 and 19, the number one source of news is...Facebook. Gah!

Anyway, jsut random game related stuff :)
Why do you have more respect for PC/Laptop users than Console users?

I'm not surprised by those numbers though. Farmville, Candy Crush, and all those other Facebook games and their like have a far lower investment in time and money than other forms of gaming (no specialized hardware or even software to buy since they are "free to play"), so that gives them a lot of numbers from very casual gamers.
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Bravely Default, Square-Enix's new RPG for 3DS, will have a system where if you keep your 3DS closed with the game running, it will award you with Sleep Points, which can be used to unleash big attacks, revive party members, etc. So the game is rewarding you for not playing.

BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! There will also be an option in the 3DS eshop where you can purchase, with real money, potions that restore your Sleep Points instantly.

Wow, Squenix. I didn't think you could surprise me, but you did.
Bravely Default, Square-Enix's new RPG for 3DS, will have a system where if you keep your 3DS closed with the game running, it will award you with Sleep Points, which can be used to unleash big attacks, revive party members, etc. So the game is rewarding you for not playing.

BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! There will also be an option in the 3DS eshop where you can purchase, with real money, potions that restore your Sleep Points instantly.

Wow, Squenix. I didn't think you could surprise me, but you did.
This is basically how one of the Badge XP types worked in The World Ends With You, at least in the US. Since you'd never run into anybody playing the game, you'd have to leave the game in passerby mode overnight and hope you got enough "alien" encounters to give you the XP you needed to evolve some badges. This wasn't an issue in Japan because it's much easier to find people playing the game when virtually everyone takes public transportation.
Well leaving it in sleep mode would be easy enough, doing it while you let it charge or whatever.

Not terribly surprised about the microtransaction, as that's all over their mobile games.
This is basically how one of the Badge XP types worked in The World Ends With You, at least in the US. Since you'd never run into anybody playing the game, you'd have to leave the game in passerby mode overnight and hope you got enough "alien" encounters to give you the XP you needed to evolve some badges. This wasn't an issue in Japan because it's much easier to find people playing the game when virtually everyone takes public transportation.
Definitely one of the side-benefits of taking the subway to work everyday. :p
So, tomorrow Metal Gear Rising goes on presale for 20 bucks for the PC version. By all accounts so far it's an incredible port that runs smoothly and looks fantastic.

This is the world we live in. The world where Capcom (DMC) and Konami (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, which looks fucking incredible and now MGR) are putting out the best PC ports and where Infinity Ward and Ubisoft and EA are shitting the bed with half-assed buggy messes or unoptimized garbage or DRM ridden trash.
So, tomorrow Metal Gear Rising goes on presale for 20 bucks for the PC version. By all accounts so far it's an incredible port that runs smoothly and looks fantastic.

This is the world we live in. The world where Capcom (DMC) and Konami (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, which looks fucking incredible and now MGR) are putting out the best PC ports and where Infinity Ward and Ubisoft and EA are shitting the bed with half-assed buggy messes or unoptimized garbage or DRM ridden trash.
So, YouTube has been going kablooey recently.

TotalBuscuit seems to be one of the people on the forefront of this whole copyright/monotization stuff.

That whole situation is bullshit. The worst part is it's all these third party companies that don't actually have any of these rights that are doing it. Most of the big publishers (sans Nintendo naturally) have all come out against how this system is working.

The biggest pile of shit is seeing musicians who's own music is being claimed by companies they have nothing to do with.
Angry Joe also has a really good video with a detailed breakdown of what's happening. Yeah, when the publishers are speaking out against it (IE the people who would be getting the monotization), you know it's definitely not working properly. Companies like Bethesda and Double Fine are pissed. If this keeps up, people will stop making videos that they can't make money on and there goes an entirely free advertizing venue that good publishers have been increasingly leaning on to support their releases.


Staff member
I've noticed some content makers have started moving off youtube, such as gamegrumps and Nathan Barnatt (AKA Kieth Apicary) starting to put their new content on instead of youtube.
I've noticed some content makers have started moving off youtube, such as gamegrumps and Nathan Barnatt (AKA Kieth Apicary) starting to put their new content on instead of youtube.
It's about time Youtube became acutely aware of just where there money comes from. They are going to have to work out some kind of deal with the big companies or just start ignoring them wholesale, because the content creators are kind and the big guys have already made it abundantly clear that they'd rather just make their own service to show their products.