Video Game News and Miscellany

In Star Citizen, like in Eve, if your ship isn't insured, if it goes up, it's gone. All the backer ships up until a point last month were given lifetime insurance. They no longer offer that.
In Star Citizen, like in Eve, if your ship isn't insured, if it goes up, it's gone. All the backer ships up until a point last month were given lifetime insurance. They no longer offer that.
So basicaly, if you're a backer you get free ships?
In Star Citizen, like in Eve, if your ship isn't insured, if it goes up, it's gone. All the backer ships up until a point last month were given lifetime insurance. They no longer offer that.
Like Eve, they make good trailers. We'll see if they deliver.
While I'm optimistic, I feel they will deliver well enough. The genre has SUCKED hard since Y2K and I remember the good ol' days of Privateer, Frontier and Wing Commander... the genre needs this. And they have shown a lot of good will, a lot of custom content but 2 things annoy me......

1. No actual gameplay video. It's been a year. They have 30+ million dollars now, so show me 5 minute video of someone actually playing the game. I don't care how alpha as fuck it is. Trailers are trailers. Showing me in-game cinematic means SHIT TO ME.

2. I REALLY REAAAAAAAAAAAAALY hate the insurance bullshit. You don't back me, so you don't get free ships? A lifetime warranty? Does that mean, they get to PVP/PVE without consequence to their actions but because I didn't drop $25 early enough for them I'm at a disadvantage for the lifetime of my gaming with them? <---- THIS actually makes me NOT even want to bother with the game.[DOUBLEPOST=1386342188,1386341755][/DOUBLEPOST]Also

Guess I need to play Episode 5-6.....

I think the obvious is you can but select people don't NEED TO.

Example :

I pay $$$ to get insurance.
My ship goes boom.
Insurance covers it.
Pay more insurance.

Backer's ship goes boom.
Backer respawns with said ship.

That's a fail. At least to me.

This means, you'll have a WHOLE lot of people going crazy because of no consequences while others who don't have that privilege need to watch to constantly watch their backs.
I think the obvious is you can but select people don't NEED TO.

Example :

I pay $$$ to get insurance.
My ship goes boom.
Insurance covers it.
Pay more insurance.

Backer's ship goes boom.
Backer respawns with said ship.

That's a fail. At least to me.

This means, you'll have a WHOLE lot of people going crazy because of no consequences while others who don't have that privilege need to watch to constantly watch their backs.
I have no idea if this game is anything like EVE, but if it is, having infinite lifetime insurance on a ship wouldn't matter if the fittings and equipment on that ship aren't also covered. And to further the EVE comparison, pvp if you're part of a large corporation doesn't really matter if you lose your ship, because the corp provides your ships for you so that you aren't out of pocket in replacing them.

I'm assuming that these special backer ships just look unique and aren't super good, making it more a vanity thing.
I have no idea if this game is anything like EVE, but if it is, having infinite lifetime insurance on a ship wouldn't matter if the fittings and equipment on that ship aren't also covered. And to further the EVE comparison, pvp if you're part of a large corporation doesn't really matter if you lose your ship, because the corp provides your ships for you so that you aren't out of pocket in replacing them.

I'm assuming that these special backer ships just look unique and aren't super good, making it more a vanity thing.
Weapons and cargo are not covered.
Sega 3D Classics did another update for outside Japan, now with Altered Beast and Sonic the Hedgehog.

I have high nostalgic value for both these games, being among the first I ever played, but Altered Beast isn't really that great single player and I have Sonic 1, along with a ton of other Sonic games, on the Gamecube compilation. Sonic is only interesting me because they added the Spin Dash, but I'm not certain.

Next week will have Ecco the Dolphin. Definitely grabbing that--I never finished it on the Genesis. That game could get fucking hard.

Morse code spells out 11 - 12 - 2013

So, it's probably using everywhere but the US time code, making it December 11th, 2013. That goes along with the countdown.

If anyone's wondering, this has been confirmed to be a hoax. Bethesda tweeted "PSA: If you don’t hear it through an official channel like this, assume all rumors and speculation are false." And then the site was updated to a rickroll. Right now it's changed to a sad violin video, and a picture from Fallout 3 of a door that opens and reveals a message that says "fuck you".

I never really took it seriously, so I'm not really mad, but right now the nerdrage in Reddit's r/fallout subreddit is burning with the fire of a thousand suns.
A while back, a website called thesurvivor2099 started up, which seemed to be an ARG hyping up a new Fallout game. With all of its puzzles, it grabbed the attention of Fallout fans. It finally revealed its true purpose.

It was all an elaborate build-up to a Rick Roll.
A while back, a website called thesurvivor2099 started up, which seemed to be an ARG hyping up a new Fallout game. With all of its puzzles, it grabbed the attention of Fallout fans. It finally revealed its true purpose.

It was all an elaborate build-up to a Rick Roll.
Dude ... the post immediately before yours :p.
I'm basically live-forum-posting the Spike VGXs.

Telltale's making a Borderlands episodic adventure game. WORLD EXCLUTHIVE from the Spike VGX's (What does the X stand for?). Randy Pitchford is still such a scumbag.

I feel terrible for Joel McHale. The writing is.....unbelievably terrible. You can see his soul hurt with every joke he tells.

Oh good, terribly unfunny youtube celebs. Off to a great start.

World premier trailer for....a game that's a year old. But now on next gen consoles! Tomb Raider!

Lara Croft's voice actress is very attractive.

Ohhhhh man...this is painful.

Now the award for best action/adventure game, here comes some real shocker nominations: GTA5, The Last of Us, Tomb Raider and AC4.

Assassin's Creed 4 wins. They're having the game character accept the awards, which is kind of cute.
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Oh shit, it's Reggie. Reggie is Andre the Giant's illegitimate child. He's a fucking monster. Jesus, Joel McHale is 6'4" and Reggie looks like he could bend over and swallow him whole.

Nintendo innovation! Cranky Kong controls like Uncle Scrooge from a 24 year old game.

Oh shit, Retro guy called it a wiimote. That's going to earn him a beating from Reggie's ham sized fists.

Joel "hardballs" Reggie by reading a question off the teleprompter about the PS4 and XB1. Reggie is still a human press release. What a gigantic pro.

Best Sports Game! This category is fucking riveting. Which barely improved iteration is the most barely improved?

NBA 2k14, Fifa 14, MLB14 the Show ooooor NHL 14.

NBA 2K14 wins and not a fuck was given.

Oh shit, Quantum Break premier gameplay. This is neato.
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if this is real time, I'll suck each and every person's asshole on this forum.

That was PS3 Killzone E3 bullshit levels of fakery.

Joel no longer cares about script and is now just riffing the most random shit. The show is a thousand times better for it.[DOUBLEPOST=1386460292,1386459799][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh God, these fuckin' interviews are torture.

Best tweet about this show:

Kyle Bosman @KyleBosman
Joel McHale is reading all these jokes like he hates them, and it's honestly perfect because we hate them too.
Some more Stick of Truth stuff. Here's the truth, it's NEVER coming out.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone giving out the game of the year award, I'll call it now, for GTA5. They're mocking how long the game is taking to come out. That's good stuff.

Tomb Raider (for some reason), Bioshock Infinite, Super Mario 3D World, The Last of Us and Grand Theft Auto 5.

And the winner is: GTA5. The shock in the air is palpable. Hey fat bearded hipster Rockstar employee, a wide necked t-shirt is not appropriate attire when wearing a blazer. You look like an asshole.

The Mega64 guys are being funny. And it's actually kind of funny.

I give up, it's only been an hour and it's like I've lost the will to live.
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The Double Fine Kickstarter game Broken Age looks like the fucking best God damn game ever made. No exaggeration.
Telltale Game of Thrones game "announced".

In 2014, Telltale will be making 90% of games

Sorry Tim Schaeffer, this No Man's Sky indie just shit on everything else. This is the game I now want more than anything else.
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Did you watch it? It was....awful.[DOUBLEPOST=1386466109,1386465895][/DOUBLEPOST]Naughty Dog owns it with the Joel Banderas moment.

My future "cousin-in-law" had the opportunity to inverview Reggie for this past week:

and had a decent souvenir from the experience: