[Other] The not so funny pic thread (some NSFL or gore)

I need to show this to my wife whenever she gets a hankering for children. I'm staunchly childfree, she's on the fence.
And, just to dispel inevitable accusations of "sad virgin", there's a photo of (presumably) his wife and kids right in the middle of the picture.


Staff member
And, just to dispel inevitable accusations of "sad virgin", there's a photo of (presumably) his wife and kids right in the middle of the picture.
It being black and white might tempt some to say it was his mother and himself with a sibling, but if you look on the last photo of the album and zoom in on the picture on his desk, you can see him sitting on his motorcycle with (presumably the same) two kids.
Also, I'm having trouble identifying the middle sword on the wall. I can recognize Anduril, Glamdring, (blank), Orcrist, and Sting. But not the middle one.