The Awesome Videos Thread (with Extra Sauce!)


Staff member
I do like the fact that they constantly break the fourth wall. That in itself means that it isn't taking itself seriously. Maybe it won't be as bad as we th....AHAHAHAHAHA!!! No, I can't finish that sentence.


Staff member
My first reaction to this was, "No, no it isn't..." then I replayed a few seconds with my eyes closed and HOLY SHIT IT TOTALLY IS
And if you listen really hard, you can even believe it's Dr. Katz's layabout son.

/Don't bring that Bob's Burgers nonsense in here
//That's easy mode, brah
///Get on mah level


Staff member
Why are these kids all so bad at games? Aren't kids supposed to be good at games?

I suspect it has to do with the specific roster. They grabbed their two hipsterest hipsters, a "lol video games wut" girl, a couple tiny sprouts, and the king of the brogamers. Ethan James had that locked up from the beginning, I could tell, though it might have been more interesting if Troy hadn't been paired with him in the first round... though I guess they wanted to make sure a girl was in the final by putting Rumor against Alix, and it's not like they could have put Mikaela up against Ethan James.

/omg misogyny "girls can't play gud"

Well, not these particular ones. It seems to me that the Fine Bros do their "react" casting with a prereq in mind that the person will have as little background as possible in whatever they're presented with. If they wanted a real knock-down drag-em-out they'd have included Adam, and maybe Kostas.
I take back everything I said about the react teens being bad at video games.

The game is meant to be unfair and kill you a lot, but honestly the same thing would happen if it was regular Super Mario Bros.
Lego Batman is jealous.

Warning: Lego Movie AND Guardians of the Galaxy spoilers.

[DOUBLEPOST=1415282085,1415281589][/DOUBLEPOST]New Simon's Cat! This one's aDOORable!



Staff member
What if buying a burrito was like buying a video game?
I can't figure out how to rate that post. It's so accurate, it's not funny anymore. It's just sad.[DOUBLEPOST=1415288591,1415288481][/DOUBLEPOST]This isn't a video, but I wasn't sure where else to put it:

The Alton Browncast 53: Tory Belleci

I don't always listen to the Alton Browncast, but I'm sure glad I did this time. It's like listening in to a conversation between old friends, who are talking about really awesome stuff.


Staff member
See, the thing that always leaves me baffled though is that this is nothing new. Cars, for example, have used this same business model for, well, since cars were invented. I'm not saying it's right, but why are people so much more bothered by it with games?


Staff member
See, the thing that always leaves me baffled though is that this is nothing new. Cars, for example, have used this same business model for, well, since cars were invented. I'm not saying it's right, but why are people so much more bothered by it with games?
Because game selling has been getting manifestly worse for the consumer over the course of the last 30 years.

Don't make me break out the doom-map-to-hallway-shooter comparison jpg and the "cut up mona lisa DLC" jpg again.


Staff member
One of the easiest-to-make (and crappiest-to-wear) and most iconic pieces of Skyrim armor is actually ridiculously complicated to build.



Staff member
No one wears that helmet for more than 20 minutes before they can make something better. Why is it so damn iconic?
Because it's in all the promotional materials.

And for what it's worth, just for that reason, I stuck with my shitty iron helmet until I was all the way into ebony. Because looks > AC.
See, the thing that always leaves me baffled though is that this is nothing new. Cars, for example, have used this same business model for, well, since cars were invented. I'm not saying it's right, but why are people so much more bothered by it with games?
You can drive your car anywhere without passengers. There are literally entire portions of games unavailable if you don't like being called various slurs online.