Had to explain how, to the girlfriend, today after a work friend of hers posted a rather disgusting list he called "pretty funny" from a garbage MRA website (run by the same guy who runs a Gamergate video game news website) about how all women with tattoos are mentally ill sluts was written by a to the marrow mentally ill entitled manchild alpha misogynist. THEN, I got to explain Gamergate to her. Then she called me to nerdy to live for knowing all that. Then we had sex.

Thanks MRAs for getting a beta like me laid. Go fuck yourselves.
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So I apparently passed my crippling social anxiety on to my daughter, who bursts into tears at the very idea of having to ask her teacher for a new permission slip for her field trip in two days, because she's terrified she will get in trouble, even though there has never been any indication of her teacher so much as needing to discipline her for anything ever.

Also, I emailed her teacher and asked her to please put a form in her backpack, and now her teacher feels bad and thinks my daughter thinks she's mean. LoL. :/
Jeez, I know this. I so know this. The crippling social anxiety, not the kid thing; at least not yet. I so hope my kids take after my social butterfly wife, and not me. It was miserable growing up with that shit.

As an adult, I can fake it when I have to, but damn it's draining. My dad lecturing me about looking adults in the eye plays in my head. Sometimes I am so focused on remembering to be "social" that I am not present. I don't have any idea what folks are saying b/c I am telling myself, "Quit looking at the floor" "Smile and nod" "Look at them in the eye" "SAY SOMETHING!!"

I am totaling taking my kid for some sort of therapy (if there is such a thing) so she will have better tools to deal with it; if she has it. Hopefully not.

brofist @Dei


Staff member
I am kind of annoyed by the people spreading this photo around places like Imgur of some dude washing his car in the rain as if he's an idiot. Rain water car washes aren't all that uncommon. It's good for spotting and keeps the clear coat from spidering in the hot sun.
Attention my fellow old people who are no longer "with it."

The Epithet of the Moment has officially changed. I know, I know, we were all getting comfy and jolly with calling/being called "Shitlord." Well, now the grown ups know about it, so it's not cool any more. Those now spewing hilariously hypocritical invective at those they perceive as their mortal enemy now have moved on to the equally juvenile yet somehow even less impressive "Fuckboy."

So, watch for a whole lot of tumblr and twitter posts with people calling people "fuckboy."

It's never taken less brain cells to shout down and marginalize those who you claim shout down and marginalize you. Tune in next month for the next Epithet of the Moment!

My money's on "Assdick."
I'm still using shitcock: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/03/19/
For those of you few people younger than me reading this, Internet Explor was once a viable program for internet usage, rather than the pointless icon on your desktops that it is today!
Yes, but that ended with the introduction of IE6, the same way that Word was good until the advent of Word 6.



Staff member
May I have ten thousand marbles please?
Hah, EQ so scarred my psyche I heard this in the only wav in everquest that involved actual human speech.. the human beggar "might I have some copper please?"

The most hilarious thing about this sound file is it was attached to a certain idle animation for the human beggar model.. and they reused that model for the "Desert Madman" mob, who was usually the first real challenge players would encounter heading south out of freeport - a level 10 homicidal madman roaming the northern deserts of Ro. He could spawn anywhere from level 8 to 14, whereas almost everything up til that point had been level 6 or below. So you get to be level 8, the level 6 beetles aren't cutting it any more, so you push out further into the desert... and BAM LEVEL 14 BEGGAR comes charging over a dune, smacks the shit out of you, bashes your head, kicks you to the ground, pauses for a moment to say "Might I have some copper, please?" then another punch that kills you.

"GasBandit was slain by A Desert Madman" the whole zone is informed.[DOUBLEPOST=1431617579,1431617463][/DOUBLEPOST]

Note the obscured player's corpse behind him.


Staff member
Oh, also, note the red names. PLAYER KILLAZ.

(Actually we played on Rallos Zek, the FFA-PVP server, so the only people without red names were guides/GMs).

Lawmower man.

"Now with TWO polygons!"
This was some impressive shit back in 1998.