*sighs, turns over "DAYS SINCE LAST MASS SHOOTING IN AMERICA" sign to 0*


Staff member
I wonder if they're going off Obama's definition of terrorism, which classified the Ft. Hood massacre as workplace violence instead of islamist terrorism.
I wonder if they're going off Obama's definition of terrorism, which classified the Ft. Hood massacre as workplace violence instead of islamist terrorism.
I'd also want to know if they are including gun related suicides and gun accidents in the deaths.
Castle doctrine, my ass. They're arguing in a vacant lot.
It looks like the front yard to me. I can tell, I have lots of family that look just like these people, so I've learned to tell desolate lot from home property. But both usually have a lot of tires laying around
It looks like the front yard to me. I can tell, I have lots of family that look just like these people, so I've learned to tell desolate lot from home property. But both usually have a lot of tires laying around
The way it was taped looked like they were across the street from the ex's house.

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The fact that the confrontation was being recorded at all, screams to me that they were trying to provoke this guy into something they could bring to a custody hearing though.
Castle doctrine, my ass. They're arguing in a vacant lot.
Castle Doctrine extends to your/an immediate family member's personal vehicle in some states (and in this case, Ohio IS one of those states). However, you need to be IN the car.

And yes, this was staged. They were trying to get video to use as evidence of something.


Staff member
I know people always like to throw out the whole "If they didn't have access to guns then they would do it with..." argument, so here's a new one from Sweden.


Dude enters a school with a sword. Kills a teacher. Hospitalizes 4 or so. On so many occasions I've heard people say that they would do so much more damage in a crowded area with a blade than with a gun, I think this is good evidence to the opposite, dude didn't do much with a blade, even though he was possibly a viking. Could have been way worse.
The real root of the issue that needs to be addressed is cultural, not gun ownership. After all there are countries like Switzerland with nearly 100% gun ownership. I think it's good to examine and try and understand what's different.
The real root of the issue that needs to be addressed is cultural, not gun ownership. After all there are countries like Switzerland with nearly 100% gun ownership. I think it's good to examine and try and understand what's different.
Just going to point this out: Switzerland has mandatory conscription, so the vast majority of the population has had some degree of military training. In order to get a firearms license in Switzerland, you have to pass mandatory background checks. Every firearm in the nation is registered, including inherited sporting weapons. You have to demonstrate need in order to get a carry permit. Ammunition sales not at a shooting range are also tracked and registered. Your license allows you to own 3 firearms; if you wish to acquire / own more, you have to demonstrate need and apply for an additional license. Your gun license must be renewed every three years. So, you know, little bit of a difference of "let's go to Walmart at 2 in the morning and get some beef jerky and shotguns because 'Murica."
Just going to point this out: Switzerland has mandatory conscription, so the vast majority of the population has had some degree of military training. In order to get a firearms license in Switzerland, you have to pass mandatory background checks. Every firearm in the nation is registered, including inherited sporting weapons. You have to demonstrate need in order to get a carry permit. Ammunition sales not at a shooting range are also tracked and registered. Your license allows you to own 3 firearms; if you wish to acquire / own more, you have to demonstrate need and apply for an additional license. Your gun license must be renewed every three years. So, you know, little bit of a difference of "let's go to Walmart at 2 in the morning and get some beef jerky and shotguns because 'Murica."
And NOTHING you mention would have stopped any mass shootings? I mean zero.

A better question: why has there been an increase in "mass shootings"? If you take only the ones we agree aren't gang related, and are actually "in public, people who have no knowledge/relation to the victim" are targeted (a place not individuals, like taking out a family or something), then why do those exist now, if they didn't exist 30-40 years ago? Gun ownership rates haven't changed significantly, so why have the crimes that result?

That's culture. And that doesn't have easy solutions.
And NOTHING you mention would have stopped any mass shootings? I mean zero.

A better question: why has there been an increase in "mass shootings"? If you take only the ones we agree aren't gang related, and are actually "in public, people who have no knowledge/relation to the victim" are targeted (a place not individuals, like taking out a family or something), then why do those exist now, if they didn't exist 30-40 years ago? Gun ownership rates haven't changed significantly, so why have the crimes that result?

That's culture. And that doesn't have easy solutions.
I'd like to point out that there really hasn't been an overall increase in mass shootings. We have more now than we have in 2011, so if you look at it from that very limited perspective, yes, things seem to be on an upward trend. But looking over a much larger timescale, things are pretty much where they've always been.

What we have seen, though, is an increase in nationwide reporting of them.
Doesn't salt-shot already exist?
This stuff isn't strictly salt, but yes... chemical rounds have been around for over a decade and haven't caught on with anyone yet because they don't have the same kind of stopping power that a bullet does. If theses work (IF) they do it after several seconds, by which point you've been disabled/killed by your attacker. Actual salt bullets (like rock salt from a shotgun) would be more effective than this.
that looks like an old-school paintgun pistol with a modified payload. The "powder round" even looks to be the right size.

Aaand, it looks like the indiegogo page is gone. Unless it's just me.

(edit: yup...news article calls the ball '.70 caliber' and original paintballs were .68)
I'm sure whoever they're shooting at will be blamed for it.

Holy shit, the fucking location.

Inland Regional Center, (IRC), is a community based, private, non-profit, agency which assists individuals with a developmental disability obtain services and supports that enhance quality of life and increases independence, inclusion, and normalization.
They're probably selling baby parts too.
Here we go again. San Bernadino. Still an active situation.

"Three white guys in military gear."
Or as Carly Fiorino calls them, "protestors".

It breaks my heart that this keeps happening, and knowing that nothing's going to change or be done about it.


Staff member
I know what broadcaster 2 is *trying* to say, but of any event where there is more than 2 or so occurrences of it in all history, there is a "typical." When broadcaster 1 said it wasn't a "typical shooting" he/she meant it was not consistent of what one would expect from a shooting. Broadcaster 2 is playing into the whole "omg there's so many shootings now and I don't like it" sophomorism du jour that ignores what has been shown over and over again - there are not any more than there has been previously, they just get SO much more coverage.