[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

Even though we supposedly get 100mbps down, every time I try to watch Critical Role I get shit for video quality and constant hiccups lately. Fuck you Comcast. It could also be Twitch I guess, but I prefer to blame Comcast.
Without using Twitch I'm gonna say it's Twitch. That or your local Comcast crew sucks. I rarely get video issues like that On YouTube or Netflix even at the 25Mbps Comcast I get at work. It took a couple months of constant calls for them to get my home internet to stop disconnecting every few hours when I first signed up. They finally found a bad node in the neighborhood that needed fixing.
My personal theory is that they are throttling Twitch, but I have no way to really know for sure.
Can you get to the BIOS, and/or force boot to safe mode?
Not quite sure how to get to BIOS in the thing. I guess I *could* look it up in the manual, but frustration level is way too damn high at the moment.

As for the keyboard - all I have right now is a bluetooth one.
Recently discovered "Autistic Meltdown" videos are a thing...they are aware that a vast majority of people with autism can mellow out over the years right? And would most likely, BE EMBARASSED when they become teenagers and see these vids? I know I would.
Recently discovered "Autistic Meltdown" videos are a thing...they are aware that a vast majority of people with autism can mellow out over the years right? And would most likely, BE EMBARASSED when they become teenagers and see these vids? I know I would.
It's not just Autistics. Remember O'Reilly's "We'll do it live!" breakdown? Or Winnebago Man? Internet folks just seem to have an appetite for watching people lose it.

Recently discovered "Autistic Meltdown" videos are a thing...they are aware that a vast majority of people with autism can mellow out over the years right? And would most likely, BE EMBARRASSED when they become teenagers and see these vids? I know I would.
That's just horrible. Especially when you have a condition that (more often than not) makes it hard, if not impossible, control your emotions. But I'm also not a fan of the whole, "ha ha embarrass your kid" videos, since a) almost all kids don't have control of their emotions yet so it's a shitty thing to do, and b) they don't get any say in it. I think too many people forget what it's like to be a kid, and now we're in an age where things live forever on the internet.
I've found that people whose kids are now around 5-8 years old tend to be the ones posting every little tidbit on line ("his first poopie in the potty!", "aww look her first bath!", "isn't it cute how he's trying to mimic daddy" etc etc), while those who're giving birth now seem to be the ones who are absolutely against any pictures of their children at all appearing on Facebook, either completely, or at least without their approval/consent.
This is obviously anecdotal, but the last 4 babies I've known to be born for each one the parents have been telling everyone we're not allowed to take pictures or not allowed to put them on line, and they're being pretty strict about it themselves, too.

I consider this a good thing - parents seem to be becoming aware of the fact that what's on Facebook is there forever.
My weasels stole the case with my prescription glasses in it, so I'm sitting here in the office with my prescription sunglasses and everyone asking if I have a migraine. <grumble, grumble, damn weasels, grumble>
My weasels stole the case with my prescription glasses in it, so I'm sitting here in the office with my prescription sunglasses and everyone asking if I have a migraine. <grumble, grumble, damn weasels, grumble>
The correct answer is "No, I'm just too fucking cool for this place."

Then you pop the collar on your leather jacket and leave, doing a peel out on your motorcycle in the parking lot.

You may need to acquire a leather jacket and a motor cycle.
The correct answer is "No, I'm just too fucking cool for this place."

Then you pop the collar on your leather jacket and leave, doing a peel out on your motorcycle in the parking lot.

You may need to acquire a leather jacket and a motor cycle.
I'm sure there's a student around here I can beat up.

What? He said "acquire", not "purchase".
ARGH the mobile game developer from last time, the ones who imposed crazy character limits in their strings, are back again with a new case. Looks like it's a sequel or an expansion to the last game.

What's more, this case:
1. Has to be done on a really counter-intuitive and fiddly computer-aided translation tool,
2. Is really rushed, I have 90 minutes to edit dozens of pages,
3. The dozens of pages consist of lots of phrases and concepts related to traditional Chinese culture and kung-fu, none of which have easy English equivalents, and
4. The word "Dynasty" is misspelled in the title of the game that they've given us. I'm not telling you guys how they've misspelled it, because then you'd probably be able to find the game on Google. THAT'S how bad they've misspelled it.
4. The word "Dynasty" is misspelled in the title of the game that they've given us. I'm not telling you guys how they've misspelled it, because then you'd probably be able to find the game on Google. THAT'S how bad they've misspelled it.
I'm voting for Dey Nasty.
So I have this friend I used to be quite close to back at university. After graduation though, we drifted apart because we lived far away and she was making some pretty bad life choices that I couldn't condone (as an example, she asked to sleep with me after I got married because she wanted to prove she's so good in bed, which is why she can only attract men interested in short term flings, I mean WTF). Eventually I decided it'd be better if we didn't have contact any more, so I stopped talking to her. This was facilitated by her deleting her Facebook around that time.

Recently, after a few years off Facebook, she reactivated her account. Oh interesting, I thought, I wonder how she's doing. I check her profile, maybe there's a recent photo or status update I could like. BUT NO... It's full of stuff from the MLM program she's apparently joined recently. All the empty promises of being your own boss and making tons of money and stuff. Nothing I could possibly like in good conscience.

Such a pity. She's a very pretty, intelligent, kind, and helpful person. I wish I could understand her life choices.
I really don't know why I get pulled into arguments with people who post only to antagonize. And yet I keep falling for it.

Like a commenter on Gamespot I just walked away from.
I really don't know why I get pulled into arguments with people who post only to antagonize. And yet I keep falling for it.

Like a commenter on Gamespot I just walked away from.
GameSpot still exists? Those comments have to be worse than YouTube by now, they've festered.


Staff member
The FNG on the sales team is pissing me off. She's not new (just the most recent hire) but she still can't figure out things like deadlines and turning in paperwork. Today she sent an MMS (group text) to both me AND the general manager asking for a client to be able to come in tomorrow at 10 am. What, like I'm going to tell you "no" unless you CC the GM? What a passive-aggressive bitch-move. Do I need to start CCing the GM every time I remind you to turn in your shit that's 8 hours late?
The FNG on the sales team is pissing me off. She's not new (just the most recent hire) but she still can't figure out things like deadlines and turning in paperwork. Today she sent an MMS (group text) to both me AND the general manager asking for a client to be able to come in tomorrow at 10 am. What, like I'm going to tell you "no" unless you CC the GM? What a passive-aggressive bitch-move. Do I need to start CCing the GM every time I remind you to turn in your shit that's 8 hours late?


Staff member
So it turns out (I found after some digging around) that the FNG was not CCing the GM to strongarm me, but rather, because he'd been on her case about taking care of this task and she'd not done so as quickly as he'd liked. So it was more of a "See! See! I'm doing what I'm supposed to!" CC rather than how I first interpreted it.

Which makes me chuckle a little bit.

I can hardly wait for her to get fired. She is just NOT a good fit around here.
This is going in minor, because hopefully it is minor... I appear to be having an ocular migraine. It started as a white spot in the center of my vision, and has now spread into a zig zag kaleidoscope pattern, like I'm seeing static and my brain is doing its best to fill in.

It's kind of fascinating. A little disturbing. Google tells me it will go away in twenty minutes, and I'll be going to see my eye doctor soon.

If I go blind, I will find someone to dictate my frustration in the major rant thread.
This is going in minor, because hopefully it is minor... I appear to be having an ocular migraine. It started as a white spot in the center of my vision, and has now spread into a zig zag kaleidoscope pattern, like I'm seeing static and my brain is doing its best to fill in.

It's kind of fascinating. A little disturbing. Google tells me it will go away in twenty minutes, and I'll be going to see my eye doctor soon.

If I go blind, I will find someone to dictate my frustration in the major rant thread.
There are some good voice to text applications these days, and text to voice. Of course, if we wanted to be mean, we could type in ways that frustrate computers trying to read it.

xI xonce xstymied xgoogle xtranslate xby xtyping xthis xway.
There are some good voice to text applications these days, and text to voice. Of course, if we wanted to be mean, we could type in ways that frustrate computers trying to read it.

xI xonce xstymied xgoogle xtranslate xby xtyping xthis xway.
I think that's tumblr-ese for gender neutral language.
This is going in minor, because hopefully it is minor... I appear to be having an ocular migraine. It started as a white spot in the center of my vision, and has now spread into a zig zag kaleidoscope pattern, like I'm seeing static and my brain is doing its best to fill in.

It's kind of fascinating. A little disturbing. Google tells me it will go away in twenty minutes, and I'll be going to see my eye doctor soon.

If I go blind, I will find someone to dictate my frustration in the major rant thread.
The second migraine I ever had was this type. Very trippy.

I've never had one since, two was enough for me, and I don't envy you, but go to the doctor and have them check things out. Hopefully you'll find it's not a symptom of some larger problem, and hopefully it won't cause you any long term problems.

Man, that was some 25 years ago...


Staff member
This is going in minor, because hopefully it is minor... I appear to be having an ocular migraine. It started as a white spot in the center of my vision, and has now spread into a zig zag kaleidoscope pattern, like I'm seeing static and my brain is doing its best to fill in.

It's kind of fascinating. A little disturbing. Google tells me it will go away in twenty minutes, and I'll be going to see my eye doctor soon.

If I go blind, I will find someone to dictate my frustration in the major rant thread.
I used to routinely get e-mails from a blind listener to my station.