[Gaming] Tragic the Garnering

Excellent. I already own all those cards.

Child of Alara Baby Gates deck is still the best.
I'm in the process of building a child of alara deck after this change. I purchased one for $3 right after the stream reveal on the rule change, so before it shot up to $20.

It's gonna be the most miserable deck ever. It's gonna be a war crime. I'm going to be banned from some LGSes. It's gonna be great.


Staff member
It’s in reaction to this Reddit thread that gained a ton of attention.

Hopefully, they’ll actually address the concerns about racism in the workplace rather than just ban cards. Seriously, read the initial post because - uh, WOW.

The Invoke Prejuduce bam is one people have requested for years. The artist is an actual fucking Neo-Nazi, and the Gatherer ID number is, I shit you not, 1488.

The other bans were unexpected, though. Someone else did a very nice write up on why they were banned.
So now we're even retiring MTG cards for being too racist?

Invoke Prejudice
Pradesh Gypsies
Stone-Throwing Devils

While some of these seem a bit questionable, if they make the game more welcoming then it's a good decision. Also, all these cards are bad, with the exception of invoke prejudice which was already soft banned because fucking look at it.
Cool, that's 2/8 of my favourite Magic artists now gone down in flames as scumbag TERFs or in Noah Bradley's case, a sociopathic sexual predator who literally follows a sociopathic sexual predator's guide to being a sociopathic sexual predator.

If I find out anything bad about Wayne Reynolds. Rebecca Guay (who doesn't do Magic anymore because apparently her style doesn't fit Magic.....HER ART IS WONDERFUL YOU FUCKS) or Seb Mckinnon I'm just gonna burn my collection.


Staff member
Yeah, and the Bradley stuff is really fucked up, especially when you see the 48 Rules of Power screen background he used. It’s like a friggin’ guide to sociopathy, and he’s following it to the letter for this “apology.”

Frank's hot take, I wish WotC had never printed ANY cards that have the words Command Zone on them.

Honestly, Commander too.
Fucking lol at Double Masters. You too can spend more money on a box of Magic than you would buying a new video game console and get the chance at a fucking common from the set as your box topper.


Staff member
Yeah, I think I’ll be canceling my Double Masters box. I was willing to take a (big) chance, but they’re making it an easy decision with these spoilers. $300 for bulk rates? Screw that!


Staff member
Oh, Expedition Map and the Urza lands have been upshifted to rare, which means they can be your box toppers! Isn’t THAT just delightful?


Staff member
ONE of the Urza lands as a box topper is literally the dumbest shit.
Holy shit, this just keeps getting better. Expedition Map and the Urza lands are also part of the cardpool for those $100 VIP packs! Imagine spending that much and pulling those.
It has become extremely apparent that Double Masters is just a hasty repackaging of the Artifact Masters set that was scrapped a while ago.


Staff member
Spoilers are still underwhelming, but the prices on the sealed product seem to be dipping. The VIP packs are dropping now, and my Amazon preorder price has come down twenty bucks. I wonder if the preorder prices will crash enough to make a box worth it. Right now, I’m leaning towards cancelling.
Breya's a mythic in the set. Heeelarious. She's less to buy than a pack is worth.

I love Breya a lot, but fuck off.


Staff member
Aaaand with commons and uncommon among the potential boxtoppers, I’m out. I’ll save my money for Commander Masters.
Some nice Orientalism Fu-man-chu art for Dark Confidant to piss off Asian players.

It does bug me that I will never own the Wayne Reynolds Blightsteel Colossus because I won't have the 46 million dollars it's going to go for for one.

At least the new Karn art is actually bad.

Unrelated, holy shit Gilded Drakes have spiked to 200 fucking dollars? I have two of those I literally haven't used in years. It really is time to sell a bunch of my collection.


Staff member
Huh - remember how I mentioned the Double Masters preorder I cancelled at Amazon had dropped by $20? Looks like Amazon put $20 into my gift card balance.
I kind of hate that Double Masters is full of new art by classic Magic artists because I will never own a single one of those cards. Even the iffy ones like Karn.

This new Force of Will art fucking rules.

Can you imagine paying like 15 (more than 10 US depending on your store) bucks Canadian for a pack of Double Masters and getting this:


I would sell my Magic collection immediately.
It's a reprint from a recent set worth about a quarter. It's in a set that's booster packs cost over 10 bucks a pack.
It's a fantastic limited card and is fine in a set where the packs cost normal prices. It's entirely bullshit in an insanely overinflated priced masters set.