Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

True, but I personally feel safer with Germany protecting European interests than I do with the USA.
Even ignoring Trump's pro-Russian agenda, and with my personal disagreements with German foreign policy (e.g. Nuclear power, freezing Russian assets, way of dealing with multinationals like Amazon), I still think I'd much prefer German over American rule, because our worlds are just that different.
For the most part, I'd be okay with it too... but a lot of EU member states already hate Germany for throwing it's weight around during things like migrant issues and dictating a lot of terms by virtue of contributions to the EU as a whole. More to the point, German banks are quite guilty of hiding money for Russian oligarchs (though not to the degree that say... Greece or Cyprus are). There's a very real conflict of interest with them having a lot of say in the EU's defense policy. I don't see some member states following through with their commitments if Germany gets to call the shots.
Russia still has money?

They really don't, not for this. They are already running low on rockets and fuel... if this goes on for another week, they'll basically have to negotiate and save face because they just don't have the stockpile to fight for long. Of course, knowing Putin, it's entirely likely he just drops a nuke before that and tries his luck as a rogue state for awhile.


Staff member
The Russian government may not have money but individual Russians want to pay money to Netflix, and if Netflix wants to take it from them, the Russian government has said it has to air Russian government propaganda.
I'm actually wondering how much longer Fox News is going to be a "thing" for cable packages. It used to be that cable carriers needed to have it because Fox wouldn't let them have Fox Sports or Fox local stations without also carrying Fox News... but now Disney owns the entire 20th Century Fox TV catalog AND what used to be Fox Sports. Outside of the Fox Sunday night line-up and it's WWE show, it doesn't have anything to force the issue anymore.
You say that like there aren’t a ton of people who choose to watch Fox News.
Sure. But it's also true that Fox News and Newsmax are part of more "basic" cable packages than say... CNN and that's one of the reasons a lot of people in fly-over country rely on it for national news.

Hell, that's kind of a problem in general: most trustworthy news sources are behind paywalls but Fox News, Newsmax, OANN, and all the real fucked up shit on the right is completely free and accessible to it's audience.
I don't like Romney, and I think some of his choices over the years have contributed to this mess, but every once in a while he gets fed up with his own party, and it amuses me so:

Sure. But it's also true that Fox News and Newsmax are part of more "basic" cable packages than say... CNN and that's one of the reasons a lot of people in fly-over country rely on it for national news.
This could be my experience but I’ve never seen a cable package with Fox News that didn’t have CNN and MSNBC as well.
The Russian government may not have money but individual Russians want to pay money to Netflix, and if Netflix wants to take it from them, the Russian government has said it has to air Russian government propaganda.
Well okay then.

I guess they decided the Russian business wasn't worth the reputation hit and subscriber losses elsewhere.

Russia is no China in that regard and even China isn't stupid enough to demand state channels be added to foreign services, they just influence the media itself.
I guess they decided the Russian business wasn't worth the reputation hit and subscriber losses elsewhere.

Russia is no China in that regard and even China isn't stupid enough to demand state channels be added to foreign services, they just influence the media itself.
Hell, China just produces it's own content and exports it. Some of it's even good; Wolf Warrior 1+2 are basically big budget Rambo style movies and The Bravest is unironically great despite it's propaganda because it's about firefighters and who fucking cares if China mythologizes firefighters?
Hell, China just produces it's own content and exports it. Some of it's even good; Wolf Warrior 1+2 are basically big budget Rambo style movies and The Bravest is unironically great despite it's propaganda because it's about firefighters and who fucking cares if China mythologizes firefighters?
The Great Wall wasn't bad, either. It wasn't great, but it was interesting
I know popular culture states that Texas is all Hillbillies but it's surprisingly one of the more progressive states.
...I think Texas is working really hard to make you eat those words, @Ravenpoe.

(EDIT: yes, yes, I know- "not all Texas".)
People " Covid restrictions are lifting! There's spring in the air!"

Covid19 " :( "

Mother Nature "ooookay...."

People "We're gonna travel and visit our firends, we're not going to stay at home anymore!"

Price of gas "HAHAHA! oh wait you were serious? Let me laugh even harder. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
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But yeah, as they feel their hold slip, the regressives are thrashing harder and harder in desperation.
Really, they are attempting to drive liberals out of the state by making things as unpalatable as possible, and are about to get surprise Pikachu when these people actually fight back.

Who knew Jon Stewart leaving the Daily Show would lead to quality like this? I knew the market was rigged, but man, it's so much worse that people know or would believe.
I knew the market was rigged, but man, it's so much worse that people know or would believe.
It’s about time. I’ve been waiting for a new episode since November.
And yeah of course it started being gamed the instant someone realized they could push it in a direction especially favorable to them rather than merely investing and having to wait for a return.

It’s about time. I’ve been waiting for a new episode since November.
And yeah of course it started being gamed the instant someone realized they could push it in a direction especially favorable to them rather than merely investing and having to wait for a return.

You should listen to the podcast. It continues where the episodes leave off.
You should listen to the podcast. It continues where the episodes leave off.
I started but was never able to get through even that first episode before being interrupted, and then it would be a while until I remembered I was listening to it again.

I started but was never able to get through even that first episode before being interrupted, and then it would be a while until I remembered I was listening to it again.

You can watch them on YouTube, and really it's the best way to take it in.