Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

I believe Candace Owens will say anything that she thinks will bring in the most suckers. Straight grifter through and through.
Considering she started as a liberal bashing the tea party and Trump, it's pretty obvious she just goes where the money is.

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Considering she started as a liberal bashing the tea party and Trump, it's pretty obvious she just goes where the money is.

Oh hey, internet archive has the article being quoted. After reading this, I don't think Candace Owens's first website died because of her political leanings (though she doesn't seem to have very strong convictions there) but because she was just shit at writing.

Kier Starmer is the new UK PM. With just 2 seats left to declare Labour are on 412, Tories on 121 (their worst ever result in a General Election), & Lib Dems on 71. SNP decimated in Scotland going from 48 seats won at the last election to 9 seats!
The results are mostly ok (fuck that transphobe Starmer though) but one alarming thing is how badly it reminds me of Alberta's election where the NDP crushed the Conservatives. Labour didn't magically get all of Britain to vote for them, Reform hammered the Conservatives numbers bad.
Yep. Labour numbers rose, but nothing like what the seat redistribution might imply.
If the UK didn't use a single-seat FPTP system, the parliament distribution would be VERY different
The results are mostly ok (fuck that transphobe Starmer though) but one alarming thing is how badly it reminds me of Alberta's election where the NDP crushed the Conservatives. Labour didn't magically get all of Britain to vote for them, Reform hammered the Conservatives numbers bad.
Yeah, the Labour share of the vote only increased by 1.6% compared to last time - & that's pretty much down to Scottish votes where the SNP troubles saw their support absolutely plummet off a cliff & Labour's vote share there increased by 17%.

As for Reform, yeah there were over 100 seats where the Tories lost (almost all of them to Labour) but the combined Tory/Reform vote would have been enough for a win & Reform were happily admitting before the election that they were specifically targeting Conservative voters. So Labour would probably still be the largest party without Reform in play but without an overall majority.
Project 2025 is full of some real dire shit eh? Nazi Germany wasn't as prohibitively oppressive.

Outlawing and imprisoning of all pornographers (which includes all transfolk because apparently their existence is pornographic and child exploitative).
The obliteration of worker's rights.
The obliteration of women's rights right down to the right to self-determination.
The obliteration of any regulation whatsoever and the wholesale vending of all public land to the private sector for exploitation.
Reclaiming what rightfully belongs to America (Native land)
Literal persecution of single mothers, excluding them from any kind of social programs (that remain since most of them are to be axed immediately)
Full scale deployment of the military for any kind of un-American activity.


It's 900 pages long and out in the open.
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Meanwhile in France, polls estimated the far right would sweep through voting and win the majority. Voters, on the other hand, disagreed:

The reason polls seem to always get it wrong these days is because they still do it through mostly cold calls. A Millennial or Gen Z isn't going to answer a strange number, but a lot of boomers will.

Almost every election often comes down to "Did the young people show up?" And you can't reliably poll that. France is just more proof of that.

Either way, ever since the Supreme Court President Immunity decision and Project 2025 finally getting brought into the spotlight more and more, Biden's polls have been improving. He is leading in many swing states and even the ones he is not in the lead are mostly tied.

This isn't to get complacent, and gods know the fact he is tied with a convicted felon is already a travesty, but this place gets so gloomy and defeatist and I wanted to bring some light that there is some good news.