What are you playing?


Staff member
For some reason, I never got the deep terror in me toward the chelicerates like I did the reaper leviathans of the first game. They just seemed less intimidating to me. I would routinely tangle with them, and at most they were an inconvenience.
Yeah, I definitely agree that chelicerates are less scary than reapers.

However, when there's a chelicerate trying to bite your face off from five feet away, that's still very very scary.


Staff member
Gas, hiding in a crevice: "Well, this is inconvenient."
Bhamv3, hiding in a crevice: "SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT"

That's the thing... I wish I had to hide in a crevice. Usually I would just get in my Seatruck and go about my business. And before I had that, I think I got the stasis rifle way earlier in Below Zero than I did in OG subnautica, so I basically had a get-out-of-jail-free card for all open water encounters.

Also, a lot of times, the chelicerate pathing and turn radius was such that I could just... kinda... sidestep it and keep going, even without a vehicle.


Staff member

This game is like someone set out to make Minecraft in 2D, and then ended up going in a different direction. There's very little exploration, no random generation, and this generally feels more like a treadmill than Minecraft does. Resources constantly respawn in the world, including ores and trees, so Forager sometimes feels like whack-a-mole, just smashing whatever pops up.

It's enjoyable, with a pleasant art style, but there's not much to it beyond grind to get the next thing so you have more things to grind for.
Been getting better and more into Civ 7 this weekend. Started to get that feel of just 1 more turn. But I just hit the giant dog turd in the room. If you don't switch capitals at the start of each age, you run out of space in your capital to build more modern things and get fucked. Currently staring at an Altar I desperately want gone, so I can build a Railway Station....

No railway station in capital, no railway network, no railway network, no factories...a giant part of the end game.
Monster Hunter Wilds:

The first real monster hunter game I've tried. I've tried a demo here and there in the past but could never get into it.

The control scheme of Monster Hunter is designed for fucking aliens. You need 13 fingers active at all times just to do anything.

Also there's too much talking and story. I don't care about the lore of the wild lands or the lost tribe or the keepers... shut up and let me fight the monster.
Monster Hunter Wilds:

The first real monster hunter game I've tried. I've tried a demo here and there in the past but could never get into it.

The control scheme of Monster Hunter is designed for fucking aliens. You need 13 fingers active at all times just to do anything.

Also there's too much talking and story. I don't care about the lore of the wild lands or the lost tribe or the keepers... shut up and let me fight the monster.
This MH game had a super long tutorial for sure. Once it’s done, the game is super fun.

I am super weirded out that my Palico (cat hunting partner) is voice acted now. For as long as I can remember, they would meow and we’d get a subtitle. Now, my buddy chats during our hunts. It’s not right lol.