What are you playing?


Staff member
For some reason, I never got the deep terror in me toward the chelicerates like I did the reaper leviathans of the first game. They just seemed less intimidating to me. I would routinely tangle with them, and at most they were an inconvenience.
Yeah, I definitely agree that chelicerates are less scary than reapers.

However, when there's a chelicerate trying to bite your face off from five feet away, that's still very very scary.


Staff member
Gas, hiding in a crevice: "Well, this is inconvenient."
Bhamv3, hiding in a crevice: "SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT"

That's the thing... I wish I had to hide in a crevice. Usually I would just get in my Seatruck and go about my business. And before I had that, I think I got the stasis rifle way earlier in Below Zero than I did in OG subnautica, so I basically had a get-out-of-jail-free card for all open water encounters.

Also, a lot of times, the chelicerate pathing and turn radius was such that I could just... kinda... sidestep it and keep going, even without a vehicle.


Staff member

This game is like someone set out to make Minecraft in 2D, and then ended up going in a different direction. There's very little exploration, no random generation, and this generally feels more like a treadmill than Minecraft does. Resources constantly respawn in the world, including ores and trees, so Forager sometimes feels like whack-a-mole, just smashing whatever pops up.

It's enjoyable, with a pleasant art style, but there's not much to it beyond grind to get the next thing so you have more things to grind for.