Marinate My Meat

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NYC is only the epicenter of the U.S. Eastcoast. Flame Fail.
Being in the epicenter of the East Coast doesn't make you prom king. It just means you're the king of suck.[/quote]

Oh what do you know? Go eat some cheese and cheer on your stupid team that got pummeled by their ex-quarterback that's 100x better now that he has talent playing along side him and a fan base that doesn't have the IQ of placid Hindu cows.

Stick that in your corn bob and smoke it.

I imagine all that rage is due to not being able to buy your way out of always having a crappy team due to salary caps, unlike baseball.[/QUOTE]

I'm a Steelers fan. We won the superbowl. But fyi the Giants won the superbowl in 2008 for the 2007 season.
NYC is only the epicenter of the U.S. Eastcoast. Flame Fail.
Being in the epicenter of the East Coast doesn't make you prom king. It just means you're the king of suck.[/quote]

Oh what do you know? Go eat some cheese and cheer on your stupid team that got pummeled by their ex-quarterback that's 100x better now that he has talent playing along side him and a fan base that doesn't have the IQ of placid Hindu cows.

Stick that in your corn bob and smoke it.

I imagine all that rage is due to not being able to buy your way out of always having a crappy team due to salary caps, unlike baseball.[/quote]

I'm a Steelers fan. We won the superbowl. But fyi the Giants won the superbowl in 2008 for the 2007 season.[/quote]
I was thinking of the Jets. But ok.

(also wonders how a place with almost no fucking cows can have "The most awesomest steak evar!)


I haven't led anyone. Chili beans are awesome. Chaz has no taste for flavor or texture.

We should all cry for him.

South Dakota is the true land of steaks.
You gotta let me in on what kind of wonderful drugs you take.[/QUOTE]

I would rather have drugs and good food than no drugs and the pure shit you eat.


Now now, play nice. I know it's hard not to take things too personally considering the only thing your state has to offer is probably Mount Rushmore and steer, but just remember your opinion on food is null and void because you eat beans in your chili. I realize you have a tremendously skewed world view growing up around ill prepared meat and Indian casinos, but try to resist the urge to be a total thin-skinned bitch about it. I understand your food is important to you, much like one shouldn't pull a bone from a dog's mouth, but there's no reason to be snippy. I do forget how savages can behave from time to time though.

Just imagine this as your reawakening. Sort of like walking out of Plato's cave. There will be bouts of anger and frustration, I'm sure. But in the end you'll walk out of this a a better person, and realize that, "hey the great Chaz is right! Beans in chili are utterly disgusting and take away from the flavor of what is supposed to be primarily meat and hot sauce. And wow, steak that is prepared correctly is actually quite flavorful even when it's cooked throughout."

Stick that in your corn hole and smoke it!


I didn't get snippy. South Dakota may not have much but we do have steak and our steak is fucking awesome. You wouldn't know anything about that.

Now I am done with this thread and you because from the looks of your other posts tonight you are going on another attention-whore dickish fugue.

Have fun.[/QUOTE]

I think your problem is that you spend too much time eating steak and less time getting laid.
I haven't led anyone. Chili beans are awesome. Chaz has no taste for flavor or texture.

We should all cry for him.

South Dakota is the true land of steaks.
You gotta let me in on what kind of wonderful drugs you take.[/QUOTE]

I would rather have drugs and good food than no drugs and the pure shit you eat.


Now now, play nice. I know it's hard not to take things too personally considering the only thing your state has to offer is probably Mount Rushmore and steer, but just remember your opinion on food is null and void because you eat beans in your chili. I realize you have a tremendously skewed world view growing up around ill prepared meat and Indian casinos, but try to resist the urge to be a total thin-skinned bitch about it. I understand your food is important to you, much like one shouldn't pull a bone from a dog's mouth, but there's no reason to be snippy. I do forget how savages can behave from time to time though.

Just imagine this as your reawakening. Sort of like walking out of Plato's cave. There will be bouts of anger and frustration, I'm sure. But in the end you'll walk out of this a a better person, and realize that, "hey the great Chaz is right! Beans in chili are utterly disgusting and take away from the flavor of what is supposed to be primarily meat and hot sauce. And wow, steak that is prepared correctly is actually quite flavorful even when it's cooked throughout."

Stick that in your corn hole and smoke it!


I didn't get snippy. South Dakota may not have much but we do have steak and our steak is fucking awesome. You wouldn't know anything about that.

Now I am done with this thread and you because from the looks of your other posts tonight you are going on another attention-whore dickish fugue.

Have fun.[/QUOTE]

I think your problem is that you spend too much time eating steak and less time getting laid.[/QUOTE]

Let's chill a little here people. It's steak. No need to go down the nasty road.


Staff member
Only here could a thread about steak turn into a meatbaww thread complete with flames to cook it.


Oh what do you know? Go eat some cheese and cheer on your stupid team that got pummeled by their ex-quarterback that's 100x better now that he has talent playing along side him and a fan base that doesn't have the IQ of placid Hindu cows.

Stick that in your corn bob and smoke it.
*high five*




Staff member
This thread reminds me of that Seuss book where two sides went to war because one liked their butter on the bottom of the bread and the other liked their butter on top.


Staff member
Wow... Haven't seen this much battle and carnage over a piece of meat since thirty seconds after the Nymphomaniacs Anonymous retreat at the nearest truck stop.


Because he didn't take the most appealing picture he could find of a medium steak and the shittest of a well done steak... idiots.

unbiased picture. Mmm mmm looks like it's pissin blood. It's just as unappealing to look at as the well done picture.

This is generally what my steak will look like:

Fucking morons don't even know what's good.
I just took the first picture when I entered "medium rare" into google image search, and the first result for "well done steak" that showed the interior.


delicious. looks like brains mixed with vomit.

yummy. I always wondered what a dog's anus would look like inside out.

I think medium well is a safe choice when at a restaurant cause half the time they can't cook a well done steak to save themselves, but medium to rare...whatever floats your boat.
Chaz, those steaks look like they were cut by someone with a spork. There is no way that was cut with a knife.
There are 8,675,309 ways to cook a steak. All of them are good. Telling a Man how to cook a steak is like telling him how to make love to his wife. Among Real Men such things are just not done.

delicious. looks like brains mixed with vomit.

yummy. I always wondered what a dog's anus would look like inside out.

I think medium well is a safe choice when at a restaurant cause half the time they can't cook a well done steak to save themselves, but medium to rare...whatever floats your boat.
I would eat the fucking shit out of both of those.

Annnnnnnnnnnd, I think since I get my ovah-time cheque from October tomorrow, I'ma take the rookie with me to get some prime rib tonight, super rare.
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