[Gaming] Hey Halforums, what's the worst game you've purchased?

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I do agree there, the DC one was just great. I'm sure nothing would really be the same, but I'd still love to see someone try.
I also liked JGR's character design better than JSRF. It looked like they gave Gum a bad boob job between games, and did something wierd to her head.


Staff member
I was responding to GasBandit, when he said the Xbox sequel.
It gets confusing, because "Jet Set Radio" is not technically the sequel... it's what it was called in Japan, and later in North America after some trademark issues were resolved. The sequel was "JSR - future."

But the disk I have still says grind... and it was definitely worth buying.


And if I may rerail this for a bit, the worst game I ever bought was one that tried to have space combat, ground combat, trading, etc. long before Eve (like back in the 90's or very early 2000's). Planets were completely flat and empty, there were no enemies in space, and once I anded on a planet, I couldn't figure out how to get back up into space even with the manual. I don't remember the name of it either.
Battlecruiser 3000 AD, isn´t it ? Yeah, that was a disaster
Ahh... I remember that game. The website I did reviews for was almost sued over our review of that game, when Derek Smart went off the rails like he is known to do.
I played Battlecruiser 3000 AD once. Couldn't figure out how to do anything in it. It was one of those games that you could feel would've been awesome if completed, sort of like a beautiful building that's only a facade, without anything inside.
I didn't buy it, but I remember renting George Foreman's KO Boxing hoping it'd be as entertaining as Super Punch-Out! on the SNES (because it was nearly impossible to rent SPO, hardly ever got returned on time).

My God, how wrong I was. It's the only game I've returned the same day I rented it.
I didn't buy it, but I remember renting George Foreman's KO Boxing hoping it'd be as entertaining as Super Punch-Out! on the SNES (because it was nearly impossible to rent SPO, hardly ever got returned on time).

My God, how wrong I was. It's the only game I've returned the same day I rented it.
But were you able to knock out the fat?
Betrayal at Krondor was probably the only game I played for 10 minutes and gave up on. Dear christ this game was hard to the point of being brutal.

Edit: wouldn't you know it, the world fucking loves it. All I remember was dying because I couldn't get enough damn food.
At launch (and right at this instant) I'd agree with you. But for quite a few years there it was "the shit" IMO. It took until about the first expansion to get actually "good" and with people who cared about it, paid attention, etc. Then as time went on, Sony either fired them, or they left because of the things that Sony was making them do.

But for now, check out Rift. The "good guys" from EQ2 are running it. And they just announced their first expansion where they're tripling the landmass. Really. The upper two islands in this are the original launch ones. The lower are the expansion: http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/465889_426317340741471_215180643_o.jpg
Just don't touch anything from SOE. They're terrible. I learned my lesson after EQ1. Hell, EQ2 is hardly free, you only get like 4 races and maybe 1/2 the classes, not to mention things like a gold cap and limited space for other stuff.

Rift was a lot of fun when I played last year. The major hangup I had was the endgame wasn't interesting enough to me. I might give it another shot when the xpac hits, there's no company out there right now that works as hard as Trion does to make their game better.
Just don't touch anything from SOE. They're terrible. I learned my lesson after EQ1. Hell, EQ2 is hardly free, you only get like 4 races and maybe 1/2 the classes, not to mention things like a gold cap and limited space for other stuff.

Rift was a lot of fun when I played last year. The major hangup I had was the endgame wasn't interesting enough to me. I might give it another shot when the xpac hits, there's no company out there right now that works as hard as Trion does to make their game better.
I'm no Rift fanatic but my wife is, and I have to say that I agree hard with the bolded above. The amount of content they stuff into the game continually amazes me. While it kinda makes the game feel a little discombobulated at times, they have done some pretty amazing things to keep interest going - and to just try new things without being constrained by Metzen-writing.
It's been awhile since I played, I've heard the new additions are great, especially the one or two-man dungeons. I might re-sub when I've got a job again even.


Sean white's snowboarding on the 360.

One of the dullest games I ever had the misfortune of writing about.
Batman Vengeance (PS2)

I remember, at the time, I was super hyped for this game. This was when superhero games were starting to actually show their potential, after some very good successes with recent Spider-Man games (the PS1 Spidey basically proved that superhero video games didn't have to suck). Plus, this was set and based in the Batman Animated universe. So I pre-ordered the hell out of Batman: Vengeance.

Aaaaaand...well, it was good. I mean, there wasn't anything really wrong with the game. It was a solid action game. But it definitely wasn't worth the $60 or $70 I paid for it.

Between that and L.A. Noire (which I bought, but never bothered to finish before selling it), I've been hesitant to pre-order games.

...though I did recently pre-order The Amazing Spider-Man. Hoping I don't get burned there, too.
Dawn of War 2: The Endless Disappointment
I knew how the game played when I bought it on a Steam sale, but I figured it'd still be kinda fun to play a Space Marine regiment. It was alright, but I've yet to finish the game. I want to one of these days if only because the expansion lets you fall to Chaos, which sounds fun.
Dawn of War 2: The Endless Disappointment
This times 1000.

I was expecting a traditional RTS and ended up with the "new" style of RTS with minimal units.

I do agree, though that Last Stand was it's only redeeming quality.

I actually bought the expansions just for that...
This times 1000.

I was expecting a traditional RTS ..

I mean the 1st one wasn't a traditional RTS either...

What really disappointed me was that in many ways it was a step back from CoH while i was hoping for a step forward (like being able to fortify terrain gains etc.)

That and unlike the 1st one the story was too driven by the map mechanics they wanted to use (also see SC2)...
That's definitely true. I think they were going for a broader appeal with Dawn of War and Dawn of War 2. Company of Heroes (while being easily the best RTS ever made) definitely has a much more difficult learning curve.
Well CoH shooting/vehicle mechanics wouldn't really fit in a 40k game, but i was hoping the core concepts of battlefield control and somewhat decentralized base building would make it in without being watered down into irrelevancy...

I was hoping we'd get something like the British from CoH where you would be building stuff on the battlefield more often then at base...
It was far more a traditional RTS than DoW 2. I've been through this before. My preference is for the more traditional large army RTSs. I hate the newer ADD style of RTS.
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