EA Needs to F*** off and die

RTCW was a let-down for me. It was a good game in its own genre/circumstances - it achieved what it meant to do. But it wasn't a true successor to Wolfenstein 3D, to me. Single player game? guess again. Pfftt
RTCW was closer than Wolfenstien (2009) got to it. Neither are bad games though.
I literally said "it was a good game". I didn't say it was a bad game - neither of them. Just that I, for on,e didn't really care for it, because it was too mcuh multiplayer and, for me, not the same....feel...as Wolfenstein 3D had. I admit I was about 7 or 8 when I played W3D and I had big binders with all of the maps and level designs (some were awesome). Nostalgia is a nice female dog :p
I literally said "it was a good game". I didn't say it was a bad game - neither of them. Just that I, for on,e didn't really care for it, because it was too mcuh multiplayer and, for me, not the same....feel...as Wolfenstein 3D had. I admit I was about 7 or 8 when I played W3D and I had big binders with all of the maps and level designs (some were awesome). Nostalgia is a nice female dog :p
I was actually agreeing with you. I like all three games, but I'd admit that RTCW and Wolf (2009) aren't the same style of game.
I was actually agreeing with you. I like all three games, but I'd admit that RTCW and Wolf (2009) aren't the same style of game.
Ah, okido. You "neither are bad games" came off as disagreement with me, especially combined with Jay's disagree rating :p My bad!
RTCW's single player was good. The multiplayer was fantastic. Both versions were far superior than the original, ET was good and Wolfenstein in 2009 was a mediocre single player game with a horrible multiplayer part that was so bad, the entire dev team was canned the week it was released after some really bad reviews of the game.
Dragon Age: Origins was so good that I was willing to overlook every mediocre review and pre-order Dragon Age 2: Collector's Edition right away.

Dragon Age 2 was so bad that I'll never play Dragon Age 3
I'll be honest about how I feel. From what I heard DA: 3 will have NOTHING to do with DA : 2.. that is it's saving grace in my book.

I loved DA:O, so I'm willing to give it a chance. Will I pre-order? Absolutely not. Will I buy it the first day? Nope. Will I buy it once the reviews come in? Nope.

So when? When all reviews are said and done and I fully gauge my interest in the game.

Odd are though? Torrent. Then buy GOTY edition if it's as good as DA:O. Particularly on the DLC shenanigans Bioware has been doing.

Sorry Bioware Arts, I just don't trust you anymore.
I'm cautiously optimistic about DA3, but I definitely won't be pre-ordering it. I'll wait for reviews and some gameplay footage first, and hopefully it'll be alright. The guy running the production sounds like he has his head on straight, but we'll see.
I am going to wait till people get to the last 95% of the game before I consider purchase so I know what all the colours do.
It's going to take a lot of raving to get me to consider buying it. I don't mean professional reviews; I mean word of mouth. Even then, I'm not sure I can get past the disgust. I'm so tired of EA.